[情報] 2023/06 Monthly Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 6月
There is an emphasis on your dream life throughout the entire month of June, dear Moonchild, pushing some of your most important dreams front and center. This means that opportunities to get started with manifesting a dream you have so far only fantasized about or to move forward with a dream that is already in progress will abound this month. You are a big dreamer, and this prospect should fill your heart with wonder and enchantment. Just make sure that you makethe most of this incredible energy, for this is a rare and auspicious time for you. You may have an unusual level of involvement in your community this month, with a chance to do something very special for your friends and neighbors.This may mean using one of your many talents to help out with a fundraiser orto create something in your neighborhood that everyone will benefit from. A problem that comes up in an ongoing endeavor could make it seem like it just isn't meant to be, but you need to look beyond that feeling. While there may be more challenges with this than you expected, this is by no means the end of the road, as long as you keep trying. Don't give up. Try to use this experience to sharpen your skills and learn more about what you are doing. With each problem comes the opportunity to get even better at what you want to do.
[情報] 2020年7月 Monthly HoroscopeYou are the star of the show this month, Moonchild - wherever you go, you should find mostly pleasing situations where you are admired and taken care of. There may be a lot of people competing for your attention because you are shining your brightest throughout the month of July. There is always something quite mystical about you, and now it is heightened10
[情報] DH 二月運Capricorn horoscope for February 2021 There is an idea you have been extremely excited about, Capricorn. This may be something you have thought a lot about since childhood. This may even be a certain dream that has captured your attention for a long time. But even though this has captivated you for so long, you may not have had the nerve to9
[吃草] Monthly Horoscope 2022/01這可能會是個有著大量社交活動的月份,阿牛。或許你讓自己的情感冬眠了,又或者你把 自己藏起來,只關心自己不得不做的事,也許你會開始感到有些沉悶,所以準備好出門走 走放鬆一下了。當你出現在某個場合,其他人就會被你身上的光芒吸引,你的社交生活可 能會迅速回升,又或許會遇見一個與你有著深層關係的新朋友。你可能也會發現自己的生 活習慣產生些許改變,因為你會更傾向於探索新的興趣,並放下不再對自己有利的舊模式8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/09不要放棄夢想。這可能是你今天需要聽到的最重要的訊息,阿牛。你可能在幾次嘗試過某 項目標後感到有些洩氣。但當生活將你擊敗時,你必須重新站起來。你沒有被打敗,你沒 有被打倒。這些事情發生的唯一途徑是你放棄了自己。把這句話記在心裡,即使你今天不 再嘗試,也要開始制定一個計畫並很快再次摸索。你能做到這一點。 ——6
[情報] 2020年2月 Monthly HoroscopeYou are a naturally kind individual, Moonchild. And that is because empathy is a big part of your nature, embedded in your soul. You can literally feel what other people are feeling, both good and bad, and you have seemingly endless compassion. This month, you may find that someone who has been observing the depth of your kindness and empathy has been6
[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/02-01/08你也許有機會和你崇拜的人一起工作或向他學習,或許他已經實現了你眼中的一個夢想。 一定要寫下筆記、提出問題,並且仔細用心觀察。你不會想在未來因為錯過這樣的時刻而 感到後悔。這也是個問問自己是否獲得足夠樂趣的好時機。雖然聽起來可能有點蠢,但實 際上這是非常嚴肅的。樂趣和笑聲確實是你生活中的重要部分,這都是為了平衡。所以如 果你認為自己沒有得到足夠樂趣的話,阿牛,開始做些能讓你微笑的事吧。3
[情報] 16/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeIf there is some whimsical, fantastical dream you think about from time to time, Moonchild, this is a perfect time to make a wish for it. Although your realistic thoughts might steer you away from considering this in a serious way, and you may only see it as fodder for your dreams, you are now entering a realm where very unusual things are possible and where3
[情報] 04/01/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may have had great faith in a dream that others see as unlikely. To you, it seems like the manifestation of that dream would be like fulfilling fate. Don't let anyone who is skeptical come between you and believing that this is possible, dear Moonchild. Stranger things have happened, and if you do feel a sense of destiny about this, then you are2
[情報] 14/03/2020 Daily HoroscopeAt times, Moonchild, you have a great feeling of confidence that a dream of yours will come true. You have, after all, worked hard for and believed in it. And there is just a feeling that it's something you were meant to do, and perhaps it's even part of your greater purpose. But then at other times, when there have been no signs of success or when you can't devote