[情報] 2023/08/28 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期一 8月 28
After many years of harboring thoughts of a big dream, dear Moonchild, you are starting to wonder if it is realistic or not. But what does realistic mean? Many crazy dreams have come true, and that's what has made them a reality. Youare a dreamer - there is no doubt about it. But you are, by nature, also a realist. Sometimes your dreams may be way out there, but you are a unique individual with the ability to make even some of the most fantastic dreams come true. You have what it takes. It may just be a matter of continuing to believe andkeep trying.
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[吃草] Daily Horsecope 2022/06/06我們很容易去假設一個在外觀上擁有財富和成功的人已經實現他們的夢想。但並不是每個 人的夢想都與金錢和其他相關的成就有關。他們可能缺乏諸如友情、家庭、愛情等等…, 甚至可能想用他們的財富與成功來換取這些東西。 親愛的牛牛,今天要小心自己只透過外表、外在,就斷定自己了解了這個人,進而將它們 放入了既定的刻板印象中,只看到他人的外在就將其定型雖然是件輕鬆簡單的事,但現實5
[情報] 08/04/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may be putting a lot of pressure on yourself now (as you usually do) to finally complete a major mission. You might think that you have dawdled for too long, dear Cancer. Perhaps you think that you have allowed this to be cast into the realm of dreams because you haven't taken steps to make this a reality. Actually, that isn't true. You are just being hard on4
[情報] 09/09 DailyHoroscopeWe are able to do all kinds of magical, fascinating things in our dreams if ou r mind chooses to take us there. We can fly, dive off a cliff, or travel to sp ace in a rocket. Although none of these things may be possible during waking h ours, and the reality is that they probably never will, while we are in a deep sleep, these impossible things seem very real to us. In your waking life now,3
[情報] 02/28 the daily horoscopeDo miracles really happen, Gemini? Can impossible dreams really come true? Yes - miracles occur and dreams come true every day. You may be wondering why som ething you want or need very badly may not be manifesting in your life. There could be a few reasons. You may not see yourself as worthy, and that change ne eds to come from within. You may be surrounding yourself with fear energy and3
[情報] 16/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeIf there is some whimsical, fantastical dream you think about from time to time, Moonchild, this is a perfect time to make a wish for it. Although your realistic thoughts might steer you away from considering this in a serious way, and you may only see it as fodder for your dreams, you are now entering a realm where very unusual things are possible and where2
[情報] 10/16 the daily horoscopeToday is a day to push yourself to do something you have not felt confident en ough to do. It doesn't matter which of your goals you reach for, Gemini, just choose one that you have put off because you did not see yourself as capable o r talented enough. You often underestimate yourself, which causes you to set a side dreams that you could achieve if you were brave enough to try. But the un1
[情報] 07/02/2020 Daily HoroscopeNot all of your drams will come true, Moonchild. That may seem like an odd and uninspiring way to begin this message. But you can probably think of dreams of yours that did not come true long ago that you now know were wrong for you in hindsight. If something is not working our for you now, and you are trying your very best, consider letting it go and just observe1
[情報] 04/26 the daily horoscopeThe people who eventually find big success in life know exactly where they are going. From the outside looking in, they seem confident and sure of what they have to do to achieve their dreams. But that is not always the reality, Gemin i. You have a plan or a dream for yourself, but you may not have the certainty about it that you think you should have. That does not mean you won't find su- If we had a way to know ahead of time which of our ideas and dreams would fail and which would succeed, we could certainly make the most of our time and our resources. In some ways, though, we do have a way of knowing ahead of time. You are a dreamer, Moonchild, but you also think realistically. However, at times you are more inclined to side with your dreamy nature