[情報] 2023/11/28ꀠDaily Horoscope
親愛的月之子,今天你可能至少需要說一次 『不』,而且可能不只一次。
今天,開始在你應該拒絕的時候說 『不 』吧!
Cancer horoscope for 星期二 11月 28
You may need to say "no" at least once today, dear Moonchild, and probably more than that. You may find that friends or family members are coming to you for favors, information, or help that will require a lot of your time and attention. You may have priorities of your own, but you find it hard to resist requests that come from people you care about. However, this may be an ongoing problem for you, and it has left you with less time for yourself, which winds up causing you to get behind. Today, start saying no when you should. Let that be your new pattern.ꀊ
[情報] 1/15 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 15 2021 You may be feeling intense and ambitious today, Capricorn. Your charm is aglow and your charisma is sizzling. This is a perfect day to ask for favors that relate to your important goals or to engage with people you want as allies for a special plan. Although you are always likable and come across as5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/15親愛的牛牛,近期可能會有人有一些小問題來向你尋求協助。根據他的描述,這似乎只是 一個小問題,只需要少許的時間或是精力。一旦你同意了,你會發現這件事遠比你當初意 識到更複雜和嚴重許多。 這並不是說你沒有辦法處理或你不應該處理(如果你有辦法)它,但你至少應該去了解你現 在面對的事。在你同意去協助這件事之前,你應該去先去問幾個問題,確保你知道你應怎4
[情報] 08/03/2021 Daily HoroscopeIf you give your energy to worrisome thoughts and dire ideas of what negative things could befall you, you will have that much less energy to devote to something you want. When put that way, Moonchild, you can hopefully see the pointlessness of spending time on worry and unlikely scenarios that could occur. Today make a promise to yourself to direct4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/07/13親愛的金牛座,經過過去幾天的動盪,你的生活可能正在逐漸恢復正常。這要歸功於月亮 在金牛座的位置。你今天會保持高昂的精神。親密的朋友將願意幫助你。利用這段時間, 努力經營你的關係,引導它們走向正確的方向。透過與最好的朋友共度時光,讓你的心靈 、身體和靈魂得到充電、喜悅和恢復,這是Astroyogi的占星師建議。藍綠色對你今天來 說是幸運色。下午4點到5點之間的時間可以用來進行重要的業務。2
[情報] 5/28 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for May 28 2021 If you were to put all of your friends into one room, would it be crowded? Many people think that the answer to that would be yes, but that's not necessarily so. If you have even one good, true friend, you are a lucky soul. Remember that today if you are inclined to turn down an invitation from1
[情報] 07/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeTry to be as sweet as possible today to someone you don't particularly care for. You are someone who tends to wear your heart on your sleeve and your emotions on your face, dear Moonchild, so that may be a hard thing for you to master. However, being able to do that will not only benefit you today, but every day in the future. So, suck it up, and try to think1
[情報] 13/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeSeeing all sides of an argument between people you love - whether they are friends or family members - can be difficult for you, Moonchild. That's because you are a staunchly loyal person, and you tend to believe in whomever you have allegiance to. You don't like to find fault with the people you care about, so you may avoid a current situation in your circle1
[情報] 08/10 the daily horoscopeYou know what they say about "idle hands." They get you into trouble. And this is especially true for someone like you, dear Gemini - someone with a deep we llspring of energy and a somewhat restless nature. If you can't get started ye t on something you want to do, don't just sit around waiting. Find something e lse that is worthy of your time and energy. You can accomplish a lot today if1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/05/30親愛的金牛座,月亮位於處女座,今天你展現出理性和思維清晰的一面。擁有平衡是享受 和平的一個關鍵。如果你一直專注於工作,那麼現在是時候關注你忽略的其他方面了。As troyogi的占星術師建議你花時間和家人以及親近的朋友在一起,讓他們知道你有多在乎 他們。在今天的幸運時間(下午5點到6點30分)進行重要的工作和簽署交易。穿著藍色會 給你帶來幸運。1
[情報] 11/03 the daily horoscopeToo many choices could bog you down today, dear Gemini. Some of those choices could be more glamorous or exciting than others, which could lead to confusion and ultimately to the wrong choice. You have to think deeply now about what i s best for you - not just now, but in the future too. If you think ahead and i magine what you want your life to look like in the near future, some of those