[情報] 2023/08/23 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期三 8月 23
You have been known to take the blame for things you have not done or have taken on things that are not your responsibility. That's because you carry such a heavy burden of obligation with you all of the time. You tend to think you need to do more than you do, even when you do so much. You may be doing that now because you have the misguided idea that someone else's problem is yours to resolve, but it isn't. Once you see that, you can help in a good way without also feeling the guilt or stress of being the one to blame.
[情報] 01/27 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 27 2022 你最近可能花了很多時間和精力在糾正別人的錯誤, 這可能來自於你錯誤的信念, 即別人的錯誤或過錯要由你負責, 但其實不是。7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/09隨著時間的流逝,你應該已經習慣了你原本不習慣的事,阿牛。你現在似乎已經司空見慣 了,你可能甚至不記得最一開始是什麼樣子的。但無論如何,試著回顧一下。在你需要承 擔這麼大的責任之前,你的生活更加容易且單純,也許那是別人的要求,但這不代表你需 要永遠帶著這個負擔。今天開始邁出第一步,嘗試把自己從這麼大的責任裡解放。想像一 下這將是多麼美好的一件事,5
[情報] 11/18 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 18 2021 某人對事實的認知與真正的事實是兩件完全不同的事, 當你試著航行在這兩者之間時, 你需要將這件事謹記在心中,魔魔。 你可能要負責將某個改變轉為行動,5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/06今天剖析一場爭吵來找出誰對誰錯對你並沒有任何好處,阿牛。事實上這可能會讓整件事 變得更糟。如果你在尋找責任歸屬,你可能會發現大家都需要承擔一點責任。但其實這並 不重要,現在最重要的是找到一個讓事情好轉的方法,而把矛頭指向某人-即使是你自己 ,也無濟於事。要有建設性與創造力,這樣一來你就能很快的將這問題拋在腦後。 新年快樂!4
[情報] 12/26 Daily HoroscopeYou may have taken on a responsibility, probably of your own free will, that h as come to feel more like a burden. That may be because you currently have so many other obligations and so many things that are weighing on your mind. But you did this in good faith and with good intentions, Leo, and that's a good th ing. By trying to recognize this as you follow through and by having the inten2
[情報] 3/4 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 4 2021 There may be some confusion over a responsibility today, Capricorn - and not just whose responsibility it is, but also how it should be handled. Since this obligation probably belongs to only one individual, it should be that person who decides how it is handled. It may be that someone who is not1
[情報] 18/02/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may be placing a lot of focus on an error that occurred recently or trying to figure out who is to blame. You may even be considering if you are at fault in some way because you are someone who takes responsibility when things go wrong. But you could certainly use your time and energy in a much better way, Moonchild. Instead of focusing on who's to blame, focus1
[情報] 04/03/2020 Daily HoroscopeSomeone in your life may have made a lot of promises that they have not fulfilled. Maybe there are other people besides you relying on getting certain things done that have not been done. Have you taken on an obligation or two that aren't really your responsibility, dear Cancer? Your maternal or paternal instinct often compels you to take on a parental1
[情報] 11/01 the daily horoscopeYou don't mind a good challenge, Gemini. In fact, it gets your adrenaline pump ing and your blood racing. But when you take on too many challenges, it isn't good for you physically or emotionally. If you find that you are feeling overw helmed by something you've taken on - or if you have had to deal with an unwan ted obligation that is pushing you over the edge toward unhappiness - it is ti1
[情報] 3/9 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 9 2021 Someone may be fawning over your ability to solve problems as they ask you for help with one of their own. Since you may find this flattering, Capricorn, it might be extra difficult to say no to someone who needs your assistance and someone who looks up to you. Before you commit to taking on