[情報] 2023/03/20~2023/03/26 Weekly Horoscope

看板Cancer標題[情報] 2023/03/20~2023/03/26 Weekly Horoscope作者
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:0







What can you expect in the week ahead, dear Moonchild? That is the question that has brought you here, right? Yes, of course you want to know how certain things are going to work out. And while you don't have complete control over where your path will lead you in the week ahead, you do have considerable control over most of the factors that can affect the direction you take. Therefore, you are encouraged not to take a passive role. Take the steering wheel and drive. You can forge the way forward with your thoughts to a large degree, and soyou need to continue to think positively and maintain an upbeat outlook on what is to come. Things are looking bright, so keep looking for that light in your life; it is all around you. You may be seeking out a new job or perhaps a second job to be able to save more money. The prospects for that this week are good, so get those resumes out there and be assertive in seeking feedback. If you are seeking romance now, this is a great week for a rendezvous with the one you care about, and you may find a romantic surprise is being planned for you this week. If you are single, you could cross paths with someone special during your ordinary routine this week.


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LittleBetty03/20 08:23真的正在找心中的好工作,加油!

diashly03/20 20:32最近都在找都一直沒回音(T ^ T)