[情報] 08/02~14/02/2021 Weekly Horoscope
If you were given a wish by the universe, Moonchild, what would it be?
There are probably so many to choose from - some of them perhaps selfless,
and some a bit selfish - that you might be overwhelmed by the need of
choosing just one. Luckily, though, you may have more than one wish
available this week. Try to channel your energy into a direction where you
feel worthy of good fortune, and you may find that several hopes and
wishes will become possible for you this week. Someone you care for and
admire may come to you for advice this week. This may be intimidating,
since this could be someone you see as wiser or more experienced than you
are. But that does not mean that you don't have something special to share.
Don't be intimidated. Not only will you be able to help someone in a
personal quest, but what you get out of it will build your own confidence
and insight. When someone comes to you with what they see as a good offer
later in the week, don't feel obligated to accept it. While it may be
generous, it may not be right for you. Just be diplomatic if you choose to
[情報] 26/04/~ 02/05/2021 Weekly HoroscopeThe focus is on you this week, Moonchild - yes, you. Even though you don't always admit to liking the attention because you don't like being conspicuous, you will have to admit that all that attention and admiration can make you feel pretty darn good. Well, enjoy it. Lap it up. Not only will this be good for your ego and your confidence, but it will validate that some talent or4
[情報] 27/09~03/10/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 9月 27 - 10月 3 你是如此的給予和培養,如此專注於生命中你所愛和珍惜的人,以至於你經常認認為自己 做任何事情都是自私的。 不過本週,你需要像對待他人一樣對待自己和善待自己。 你可能會感到有點急躁、害怕,甚至有點走投無路,因為你承受著很大的壓力。3
[情報] 13/09~19/09/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 9月 13 - 9月 19 Someone may have turned you down for some request you made recently, and it ma y have struck you as surprising but certainly as a disappointment. You may be wondering what caused them to let you down in this way, dear Moonchild, but it probably had nothing at all to do with you. This may have had everything to d3
[情報] 18/07/2022~24/07/2022 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 7月 18 - 7月 24 月之子,你的事情是否一個接一個地出錯了? 你有沒有因為一系列不幸的事情而開始失去希望,這些事情佔用了你的時間,耗盡了你的 精力,總體上讓你感到沮喪? 如果是這樣,對你在未來一周應該收到的東西心存感激。3
[情報] 17/10/2022~23/10/2022 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,這週是設定界線的好時機。或者說,你可能想重新建立已經失去力量或可 能被完全忽視的界線。 這一次,無論你決定什麼,你都需要完全清楚和堅定地去做。 有人已經越過了某條線,使你離寧靜有些距離。 他們以一種不可接受的方式對待你。2
[情報] 23/08~29/08/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 8月 23 - 8月 29 You are hoping for a big move in your life, Moonchild, and it can't happen fas t enough for you. But first, slow down! This week, it is important that you ma ke a point to "stop and smell the roses." Even if you have not been overly bus y, you have not cherished the beautiful things that are all around you, and so2
[情報] 28/02/2022~06/03/2022 Weekly Horoscope當你是你最好的,最高的自我時,你會吸引你想要的東西進入你的生活,以及適合你和屬 於你生活的人。 月之子,本週你要努力做到這一點。 有巨大的能量圍繞著你,如果你是最快樂、最真實的自己,好運就會跟隨著你。 保持希望和熱情的光環,你應該開始看到好事情發生。2
[情報] 2023/04/02~2023/04/09 Weekly Horoscope4月3日到4月9日的巨蟹座星座運勢 本週在你的生活中可能會有很多動盪,這種情況可能已經持續了一到兩週。 有決定要做的事情和計劃要安排,月之子,很多事情是相當混亂的。 但是要相信你內在的引導,相信你已經擁有了答案,因為你真的有。 如果你不被擔心干擾,你會找到自己的路。1
[情報] 08/11~14/11/2021 Weekly Horoscope月之子,你想要什麼樣的一週呢? 如果你可以選擇任何事情,你可能會要求一個平靜、無憂無慮、給你安全感的一周。 你可以擁有這些,或者你也可以給自己一個充滿壓力、焦慮和擔憂的一週。 選擇權其實就在你手裡,所以如果你能選擇,那就選擇前者。 這一切都來自你自己的期望以及你決定的心態和前景。- 你現在可能在懷疑你不久前做出的一個重大決定。 也許在那一刻,你認為你看到的跡象告訴你要推進一個計劃,而現在它已經成為了一筆交 易。 然而現在,你可能會質疑這些究竟是不是真正的跡象。 月之子,不要去想那些負面的東西。你因為你的感覺而行動,你沒有錯。你將看到這是一