[情報] 17/08~23/08/2020 Weekly Horoscope
Sometimes it may appear that things come easier to you than they do to
other people. This can cause jealousy from others. They may attribute this
to your attractiveness, your special talents, or even your connections to
people in high places. But what they don't see is that you are quite
industrious and hard-working - and you don't give up. If someone seems to
belittle an achievement of yours this week because they think it fell into
your lap, don't be shy about showing the steps it took and the great
effort you put into your achievement, dear Moonchild. There will be great
satisfaction in that. Someone's friendly exterior may seem like a front to
you this week. Even if you have just accepted it at face value in the past,
you may suddenly have an inkling that something isn't quite right. Follow
your hunch, and it could lead to some interesting information. We have all
heard the adage that fortune favors the bold, and much of the time, this
is true. You may now be seeking the assistance of someone in a position of
power or authority, but if you are too bold about it, your request might
be written off. Be subtle, authentic, and honest, and you may attract
precisely the help you need.
[情報] 30/08~05/09/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 8月 30 - 9月 5 Do you enjoy your work, Moonchild? Many people born under your sign work very hard to achieve their dreams. But even when your efforts do not lead to that d ream come true, you are dedicated and hard-working, nonetheless. But this week , you may be more focused on manifesting something very big that you want very4
[情報] 1/4-1/10 Daily Horoscope 週運Capricorn horoscope for Jan 4 - Jan 10 2021 You can be quiet and reserved at times, Capricorn, but this week, you may find yourself feeling more sociable and talkative than usual. This could lead to a very interesting conversation with someone you know only slightly, but someone who could wind up playing a bigger role in your life. Communication4
[情報] 27/09~03/10/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 9月 27 - 10月 3 你是如此的給予和培養,如此專注於生命中你所愛和珍惜的人,以至於你經常認認為自己 做任何事情都是自私的。 不過本週,你需要像對待他人一樣對待自己和善待自己。 你可能會感到有點急躁、害怕,甚至有點走投無路,因為你承受著很大的壓力。3
[情報] 02/08~08/08/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 8月 2 - 8月 8 Cancer horoscope for 8月 2 - 8月 8 You are always tuned in to the world around you, Moonchild. You notice the sub tle things that most people never see. But most of all, you can tune in to wha t other people are feeling. Although you are always this way, this week you ma3
[情報] 04/04/2022~10/04/2022 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,你在本週的一個做法,有可能會影響到許多人的決定。 這可能會引起其他人的不滿、憤怒和嫉妒。 不要讓別人對此事的反應影響到你。 這是一個責任重大的職位,但肯定是你可以處理的。 請擋掉收到的任何負面情緒,知道你所做的事最終會被普遍接受和欽佩。3
[情報] 2023/04/17~2023/04/23 Weekly Horoscope巨蟹座4月17日至4月23日星座運勢 親愛的月之子,本周你可能會發現你必須處理一些業務,而唯一能幫助你的資源來自一個 你不是很喜歡的人。 這可能會讓你感覺無助,需要依賴這個人。 不過,也許這其實並不壞。2
[情報] 28/02/2022~06/03/2022 Weekly Horoscope當你是你最好的,最高的自我時,你會吸引你想要的東西進入你的生活,以及適合你和屬 於你生活的人。 月之子,本週你要努力做到這一點。 有巨大的能量圍繞著你,如果你是最快樂、最真實的自己,好運就會跟隨著你。 保持希望和熱情的光環,你應該開始看到好事情發生。2
[情報] 07/03/2022~13/03/2022 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,本週你可能發現自己比平時更善於交際。 利用這種心態,尋找認識新朋友的方法。 你是一個會培養親密友誼的人,而不是僅僅與偶然的熟人打交道,所以與你交談的大多數 人可能是你已經認識了很長時間的人。 你有時會抗拒結識新朋友。但是,如果你現在感覺自己很活潑、熱情,這是一個適合同行1
[情報] 2023/05/01~2023/05/07 Weekly Horoscope這段時間非常適合尋找志同道合的人,與他們建立新的友誼,享受這種友誼帶來的快樂。 如果你覺得自己缺少你渴望的那種聯繫──與那些能夠深入了解你並愛你的人──那麼在 接下來的一周中,帶著具有目的性的意圖出門,吸引新的人進入你的生活。 親愛的月之子,你現在很有可能做得很成功。 請確保你能好好管理你的行程,因為你可能會很忙碌,而且你自己還有一兩件不想錯過的