[情報] 05/02/2020 Daily Horoscope
You are reasonable to recognize that you can't be in two places at the
same time, despite the fact that you have a few priorities to deal with
now. Even so, you may be running back and forth in an attempt to manage
multiple situations at the same time. That kind of approach can drive you
crazy, and it can also minimize the power you have to handle things
properly. Concentrate on one thing at a time today, Moonchild, and you can
get it all done.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 10/29 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 29 2021 今天會發生一個非常熟悉的問題, 事實上,魔魔, 你可能很快就辨認出它跟之前你發生過的事情一樣, 但如果你以同樣的解法去處理這個問題,6
[情報] 20/07/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能沒有心情去處理那些充滿挑剔的、戲劇性的、憤怒的、被激怒的或令人討厭的人。 事實上,你可能根本就沒有心情和任何人打交道。 你確實時不時地進入那種情緒,親愛的月之子,在那裡你沒有耐心容忍惱怒和愚蠢的行為 。 只要你能認識到這是你現在的狀態,你就能通過獨自尋求慰藉來處理它,或潛心於一個創5
[情報] 19/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期三 5月 19 Cancer horoscope for 星期三 5月 19 You have the power and charm to light a fire under a decision-maker today, Moo nchild. Someone in authority has been putting you off or deferring to other ma tters each time you ask for their permission to move forward. Or maybe there w3
[情報] 08/29 the daily horoscopeDo you remember the time in your life when you were at your happiest? It may b e hard to recall. In fact, Gemini, it may feel like another lifetime ago. Ther e have been challenges recently, and you have been focused on them, possibly w ith intensity. We all yearn in certain moments to go back in time to places, a nd situations that we recall as having been trouble-free. But memory can be ve3
[情報] 2023/06/01 Daily Horoscope儘管你不遺餘力、有著令人欽佩的頑強毅力,以及對自己能力的堅定信仰,你仍然沒有實 現自己長時間以來渴望得到的某些東西。 今天,月之子,你可能感覺自己的夢想被宇宙忽略了,讓您感覺甚至不必再去努力了。 這是一種放棄夢想的方式,但為什麼要放棄呢? 今天,如果你嘗試重新燃起希望,你可能會看到一個小小的跡象表明事情開始對你起作用1
[情報] 03/31 the daily horoscopeYou have the innate ability to be incredibly productive, Gemini. Your extraord inary energy level is envied by many, and your uncanny ability to shift gears from one thing to something completely different is unparalleled. But these gi fts are only useful if you use them in the best way possible. Today, or very s oon, you may find yourself juggling a few equally excellent projects, both wit1
[情報] 27/06/2021Daily HoroscopeAproblem that you are trying to handle doesn't seem all that complicated or di fficult to you, and yet, you have not been able to resolve it. That's because it isn't the problem itself that is causing you the trouble. Your mind may be foggy because you are trying to deal with too many things at the same time. Yo u may be overwhelmed with thoughts, ideas, and information, and it's hard to s1
[情報] 04/12/2021 Daily Horoscope月之子,你一直都有能力去做你一直渴望做的事情。 你一直擁有天賦、動力和勇氣。 你可能現在才意識到,你從不知道自己擁有這一切,而這是一件好事。 不要回頭看你可能已經錯過的東西。 只要向前看,願意利用你所擁有的那些資源,並津津樂道於你現在明白的事實。1
[情報] 05/19 the daily horoscopeDon't die on a small hill. Take that advice seriously today, Gemini. You may b e irritated, aggravated, and generally getting madder by the minute about some thing that a person close to you said or did. You may be ready to blow up and react to it because you have had enough. But in time, you will see that it's r eally pretty trivial in the big scheme of things, and making a big deal about1
[情報] 2023/04/05 Daily Horoscope巨蟹座4月5日星期三的運勢 月之子,你是一個非常值得尊敬的人。 你嘗試遵守你的承諾,做正確和公平的事情,並且通常是一個好人。 但當你犯錯或做錯事的時候 - 就像我們所有人一樣 - 你會因為內疚和後悔而嚴厲懲罰自 己,並試圖盡一切可能彌補錯誤。