[情報] 28/07/2020 Daily Horoscope
If you were to obserbve and study another person from a distance, there wouldbe certain traits that you would notice - ones that stand out right away. Butif you did not spend enough time around this person, you may come to think
that the traits you observed were the most prevalent. That would not
necessarilly be true.
You may have come to a concludsion about someone, Moonchild, but you really
can't be sure if you are correct without getting to know them on a deeper
level. Don't jump to conclusions today no matter how obvious they may seem.
[情報] 11/24 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 24 2021 某人正在利用你嗎,魔魔? 它可能非常難說, 但或許你開始懷疑。 某個人精心地建置一個請求,2
[情報] 05/10/2020 Daily HoroscopeEvery person on the opposite sides of an argument believes that they are standing up for what is right. Their convictions are based in the way they grew up, the lessons they have learned, and the people they spend time around. But we can have very different opinions from other people and still recognize them as being good and having integrity. You may clash2
[情報] 1/16 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 16 2021 You may be focusing on something someone said to you to figure out where you stand or where they stand on a certain matter. You may study their words and their body language and come up with a rational explanation for all of that. But you would be wise to also think about what was not said, Capricorn. If2
[情報] 07/03/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,你真的知道如何讓人微笑。 你是如此了解一個人,你知道他們需要什麼。 這種敏感性也可以反過來發揮作用。 當你不喜歡一個人時-對你來說,這通常是合理的-你能夠磨練出傷害或刺激他們的東西, 並利用這些來保護自己。2
[情報] 2023/03/24 Daily Horoscope巨蟹座3月24日星期五的運勢 你不是一個容易放棄的人,月之子。 你固執且致力於你所設定的目標。 這種韌性是你的星座中最為人所認識的特點之一。 但當你思考著一個你長期以來所培育的夢想時,你可能感到困惑、失落或絕望。1
[情報] 10/03/2022 Daily Horoscope一個認為自己在掌控局面的人可能會愚弄很多人。如果他們大搖大擺地擺出一副權威的樣 子,並大聲發號施令,可能會有人聽從。 但是月之子,你是一個會相信自己直覺的人,也是很難被欺騙的人。 即便如此,與一個咄咄逼人的人打交道也會讓人感到害怕。 今天只要提醒自己,你不必被推來推去-尤其是被一個虛有其表的人(冒牌貨)。1
[情報] 2023/05/09 Daily Horoscope你可能會覺得必須向某個人證明自己。 你或許覺得特定的人對你的品格或思維狀態有了某種假設,而這些假設對你並不利。 你不喜歡被誤解,因此你可能會試圖向某人展現自己的能力來印證自己。 但若你只是展現出真實的自己,那麼你的良善和尊嚴就會自然流露出來,親愛的月之子。 Cancer horoscope for 星期二 5月 9- 月之子,你對自己有信心嗎? 你相信自己的能力,無論你承擔什麼工作都能做得很好嗎? 你相信自己有能力做出好的決定嗎? 如果你不相信,這可能就是為什麼最近的一個選擇不是最棒的。 然而,你確實有一個良好的頭腦和邏輯思維方式-儘管你也有直覺和深刻的情感。
- 有人可能期待你喜歡上一個自己不太喜歡的人。 你通常是個善良的、有同情心的人,但那個不喜歡的人身上可能有一些東西讓你覺得難以 熱絡。 月之子,換句話說他們只是讓你感到不舒服。 你不能強迫自己對你不欽佩或不喜歡的人產生好感,但你可以去嘗試友好和寬容。