PTT評價 aa85720tw 過去發表過的文章
[好雷] Taylor Swift - The Eras Tour 時代巡迴雖然板上已經開始有心得文,但還是想來抒發一下個人意見(手比愛心) 就不多贅述演唱會內容,但基本上就像板上的大大說的,聲光效果、舞台魅力極佳,更多 的毋寧說是影院觀察。想稍微記錄一下這次很美好的觀影體驗。 雖然是上映第三天才硬拉一個朋友陪我看,但可以看出整場平均的熱度仍然不低,最讓人 驚喜的是全場觀眾在讓人舒適的自我表達和作為觀影者的興奮程度之間的分寸感覺都掌握- 【一般問題】 機型名稱: Apple Watch Series 7 (建議但不強制使用正確名稱) 系統版本: WatchOS 10.1 (設定→一般→關於本機→版本)
[好雷] 一切始於一見鍾情 Love at First Sight這種 Netflix 片大家會期待什麼嚴肅的討論嗎? 應該不會有太多雷,但總之還是標個好雷以防萬一。 這種青春浪漫愛情喜(?)劇的公式應該還滿一致的,有個可愛的 meet-cute,開始加溫的 戀情,可能再來點轉折,最後再來個你好我好大家好的美好結局。 這部片也是遵照這樣的邏輯,所以大概本來就也不抱什麼特別的期待,只是想在週末好好13
[心得] Never Have I ever 好想做一次 S4 (雷)不管在哪個時區,追劇都是在深夜才開始,然後才會在很奇怪的時間寫心得文(悲) 其實跟上一季心得相去不遠,我覺得是近期內看過完成度最高的校園 YA 劇了:Devi 的反應沒有再像前兩季一樣惹人厭,角色的成長與塑形明顯可見;Paxton 在最後一季 正式讓人覺得應該皈依P派,不知為何更喜歡 P 的描寫(認同危機、幫助他者、尋找 自我);Ben...就...那樣...;Fab和Ele好像被降智化但無所謂了,反正女孩跟女孩19
[問題] 在台灣不易入手的歐陸香水推薦跟台灣的大家道聲早安。 其實就如標題所示,想問問板眾有沒有心目中難以在台灣買到的夢幻逸品?因為剛好人在 德國交換,想著未來大概也很難再有這個餘裕回到歐洲,希望能趁這個機會去試試在台灣 並不那麼容易試到的味道。因為也有一些品牌迷思,所以想趁機詢問有沒有什麼選項是兼 具品牌名氣及其獨特性的?(膚淺如我,難免還是想穿一些大家有聽過的香水)1
Re: [問卦] 爸媽是台大畢業是什麼感覺?沒有耶,主要還是要看父母的個性吧。 窩的求學人生也是自己跌跌撞撞走過來的QQ 雖然不能否認原生家庭給的資源的確有差,但跟大多數人說的一樣,我覺得差在眼界。 考上台大後也不算什麼特別的成就,跟大部分人一樣現在還是只能在系館因為雷聲發抖>< 壓力或多或少有吧,不過比較像是知道聰明或努力的樣子會是什麼。27
[心得] Never Have I ever 好想做一次 S3 (雷)剛剛看完的一些迅速小感想: 看完後覺得收在這裡也不錯,繼續下去還要演什麼?和 Ben 的第一次不順利嗎? 但是來板上才看到已經續約第四季了,就拭目以待吧。 我喜歡 S3>S1>S2,Devi 慢慢成長了,雖然還是會失控暴走,但不太像第一季時讓人有點 不耐;Fab 和 Eleanor 也有了屬於各自的幸福;Kamala 和 Aneesa 後來就沒有太多著爆
[閒聊] 自我價值感低落的時候可以聽的歌/了一下,我應該不是在發月經文XD 知道自己一直以來都是自我價值感低落的人——對自己沒什麼自信、渴求外來的認同,要 透過他人的鼓勵和肯定找到自己的定位。 所以在完成一些專案或以前當課程助教的時候,都會雞婆的多做一個匿名回饋表單,想看 看自己的付出在別人的世界裡是怎麼樣的。幸運的是自己總是可以收到很多很好的回潰。- MacOS: Big Sur 11.0.1 Macbook Air 2018 大家好,其實這應該是個小問題。 不知道有沒有用goodnotes 5 的人,在更新Big Sur之後,如果只是按x讓它保持在待機(? 狀態,過幾分鐘它就會自動跳出主頁的狀況?
[失物] 國青宿網建議標題打[遺失] / [拾獲] 以方便閱讀 物品名稱:國青宿網 遺失/拾獲地點:國青 遺失/拾獲時間:今天早上應該就不行了,只是一開始沒想這麼多。剛剛從 研究室回來才發現怎麼救都救不回來...13
[情報] 31/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may want to desperately to convey something important to someone you are close to. But that feeling of desperation could make it harder to break through the confusion. Try to meditate or do something else that can calm you before you approach this conversation because clarity will be easier if you yourself are feeling more focused.9
[情報] 30/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeMost people love a good mystery - that is, unless it is wreaking havoc and causing confusion in their own life. You may be dealing with a mystery of some kind now, Moonchild. Something is not clear, and you are someone who thrives on understanding others and being understood. It makes you feel more secure in the world around you.4
[情報] 29/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeNew information about an old investment or involvement could come to you as a positive suprise. While it may seem too good to be true, dear Moonchild, in this case it could actually be the real thing. You may have to pinch yourself, but rest assured you are reading this correctly. Now, what will you do to secure this happening? Take some time to make sure4
[情報] 28/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeIf you were to obserbve and study another person from a distance, there would be certain traits that you would notice - ones that stand out right away. But if you did not spend enough time around this person, you may come to think that the traits you observed were the most prevalent. That would not necessarilly be true.7
[情報] 27/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeIf you make a foolish mistake with money, you can work hard to earn more. If you run out of sugar while baking, the grocery store will surely have more of it. But there is one very important resource that you can't get more of, and that is your time. If you are putting off something that you have always envisioned2
[情報] 26/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeIt is easy to have patience and to dig in when learning somthing new when it involves a topic that is of great interest to you. Studying something you find boring can be terribly monotonous. You may soon have to learn something new that may not seem all that exciting, dear Cancer, and you may be dreading it. But since this course of study can4
[情報] 25/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeWhen someone gets a small scrape or cut, they will probably wash it and cover it with a bandage. Once it begins to heal, though, the bandage will be removed. You may have put a metaphorical band aid on some hurt you felt connected to a relationship, Cancer. You may have pacified yourself by trying to believe that things were not as4
[情報] 24/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeAbouquet of flowers on your birthday or a card that comes in the mail when you are celebrating a special occasion or achievement can go a long way toward feeling recongnized and appreciated. Those little things make the difference between feeling alone and feeling like you mean something to someone. Many people born under the sign of Cancer can go through periods feeling4
[情報] 23/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeIt is said that the eyes are the window to the soul. No one knows that better than a perceptive Cancer. But what happens when someone is wearing sunglassesed and you can't really look into their eyes? Someone may be trying to avoid showing some aspect of themselves or letting you know who they truly are.7
[情報] 22/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeA person with a charming demeanor and an optimistic, upbeat attitude could win you over today. When things are looking down, as you may feel they are right as this moment, being presented with a stellar example of hopefulness can make a huge difference. It is not so much what a buoyant person has to offer you, Moonchild, as it is the example itself.8
[情報] 21/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may be feeling deeply emotional now, Cancer, and for you, that can be as deep as the ocean. Cancer people tend to be very emotional, and your emotions ebb and flow all the time, but now it may seem that every little thing draws greater waves of emotion. You are on the precipice of an extremely creative period. Allow yourself to4
[情報] 20/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may have closed a door recently after a long period of waiting, dear Moonchild. While there may be a huge amount of relief in this happening, you may feel that the timing of it is incredibly wrong. If only it could have happened some time ago, or at some point in the future, when it might have benefited you more. Now you may be wondering where you3
[情報] 07/20~07/26 Weekly HoroscopeWhen someone initiated a heavy conversation with you not long ago, Moonchild, you may not have been ready to deal with the emotional weight of it. Since then, you have been able to process it more thoroughly and also more peacefully. And even though you may be quite capable of discussing this at length now, you9
[情報] 19/07/2020 Daily Horoscope注意到k大一陣子沒有發Daily Horoscope了,於是代為翻譯,希望k大不會覺得被冒犯>< 我是用平板發的,所以如果格式跑掉或亂碼,容我稍晚回家再用電腦修正! --- There are times when you work very well under pressure. Your intuition kicks in, and you tap into the vibrations that tell you what to do.9
Re: [心情] 選委會再次出包原文部份恕刪,不好意思我外校考進來的混血雜種,有件事想問問大家: 請問投票點在社科院的研究生,有多少人只拿到了研協會長(黃色)的選票? 我大概是早上9:45分左右領票的。(剛剛看了一下,我9:24在國青萊爾富消費完走去社科 院,所以實際投票時間可能是9:45之前,雖然下大雨從國青走到社科院也不用20分鐘吧) 在選務從漫長的選舉名冊中找到我的名字後,我簽完名但發現只有一張研協會長的票。5
[軟體] safari不能輸入中文MacOS: 10.15.4 (latest) macbook air 2018. 昨天開始我的safari不能輸入中文,弔詭的是其他任何地方(像是這篇是用Chorme打、 office for mac, 備忘錄)都可輸入。 我重開機了兩遍,這問題也都沒有改善。1
[麥書] macbook air 2018 音訊中斷問題大家好,想請問一下大家的麥書(我的是macbook air 2018)在catalina以來有沒有發生 過音訊(不論歌曲或影片)播久了,聲音會突然消失、通知列的喇叭圖示會反灰,要過幾 秒鐘才會突然出現,但消失的這幾秒音檔仍然持續在跑。 總是會因為這樣覺得自己被打斷,想請問有沒有什麼人遇到跟我一樣的事情,不太確定是 硬體還是軟體問題,還是因為使用太久都會出現這個問題?