[情報] 28/08/2020 Daily Horoscope
If you were to build a bridge that stops in the middle of a creek, it will
only take you to the middle of the creek, and from there you will have to
wade or swim as the case may be. That seems like an obvious observation,
Moonchild - right? Yet with some goal in your life, you have only set the
groundwork for part of your mission. You have not gone all the way. If you
are still dreaming about a coveted achievement, then keep laying the
groundwork. You will get there if you persist.
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- 親愛的月之子,你在生命中對夢想的追求中已經被打倒了好幾次。 你被比喻性地拖上了泥濘,被踐踏。 這個經驗對你來說可能是多麼糟糕。 然而,你的夢想仍然存在。可能現在它正在睡夢中,深藏在你的靈魂深處。 它即將被重新喚醒。