[情報] 16/09/2020 Daily Horoscope
A while back, Moonchild, you may have helped someone out with either a
situation that was volatile or where someone needed guidance. In the heat
of the moment, though, there may have been no obvious recognition of your
assistance. You may have attributed this to the circumstances, or you may
have come to feel that you just were not appreciated. But your effort was
noticed - probably by the one you helped, and certainly by the universe. A
reward for a good deed shall soon be yours.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 22/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期六 5月 22 Cancer horoscope for 星期六 5月 22 You may not recognize that you deserve something that the universe has, or wil l soon, gift to you, Moonchild. And because you may feel unworthy, you won't f ully appreciate and enjoy your blessings. And if you don't get out of it what3
[情報] 28/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may feel stuck in a pattern. It may feel like you can't crawl out of that groove no matter what you do. You are constantly trying to change something in your life, Moonchild, and you may feel that you have tried everything, yet nothing seems to change dramatically. But you will soon find guidance about moving forward from an unlikely place. You may have to try something different2
[情報] 01/06/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期二 6月 1 Cancer horoscope for 星期二 6月 1 No one would blame you if you were moody and dreary while thinking about a ser ious effort that never got anywhere. It would certainly be understandable if y ou had resentment in your heart and felt your talents had been overlooked by t2
[情報] 15/11/2021 Daily Horoscope你一直在努力工作、制定戰略、集思廣益並創造出色的作品,希望能被注意到。 然而,即使這可能已經持續了很長時間,月之子你還沒有得到你認為應得的關注或者利潤 、獎勵。 從今天開始,應該開始看到人們注意到你,包括擁有你需要的那種影響力的人。 振作起來,知道你終於走上了正確的道路。2
[情報] 2023/04/06 Daily Horoscope你對某個計畫的期望非常高,但事情可能並沒有按照你所希望的方式發展。 你是一位理想主義者,月之子,當事情不如你所預期時,你會感到宇宙與你作對,特別是 因為你非常努力地追求自己想要的事情。 但如果你給這個改變一個機會,你可能會發現它其實非常美好。 而且更重要的是,你不需要因為喜歡現在的情況就放棄其他夢想,那些可以在未來實現。1
[情報] 10/02/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,要記住你有多少東西可以提供。 你可能會因為你正在做的一些努力使你的生活變得更好而感到一些壓力或緊張,也許你覺 得自己沒有能力,也許你覺得被掩蓋了,你可能擔心你無法完成對你的期望。 如果你願意去嘗試,這就是世界所能要求的。 而當你在這樣的時候繼續相信自己,你最終會被吸引到你的召喚,在那裡你可以而且會成1
[情報] 13/04/2022 Daily Horoscope今天,宇宙鼓勵你努力的工作,去容忍一個你覺得無法忍受的人。 月之子,這個人的方式可能會讓你發瘋,他們現在的滑稽行為可能特別難以忽視。 無論如何你都要去嘗試。 這對自己來說是一個良好的耐心練習,也是對方可以學習的仁慈和寬容的好例子。 你可能會發現,如果你每次和這個人出現類似的狀況時都這樣做,那麼這種情況會少得多1
[情報] 05/26 the daily horoscopeYou may be on the verge of doing something for someone, perhaps out of a sense of obligation. Although you are usually very realistic about such things, Gem ini, and you may feel that there is no harm in bowing to pressure to do someth ing that is ultimately a good thing, if you don't truly feel it, then it might be noticed. And, if it is noticed, it might be resented if your heart isn't i- 月之子,你現在與一個難相處的人打交道的最佳選擇不是一個理想的選擇。 但它就是這樣,你必須堅持一個有問題的情況,即使你不喜歡你看到它的方式。 然而,你可能會對所發生的事情感到驚訝、高興。 儘管這一類的選擇可能感覺並不理想,但有一些你沒有考慮過的層面會來拯救你。 盡你所能地堅持下去,一個快樂的結局將是可能的。