[情報] 29/10/2020 Daily Horoscope
If you were to drop a spoon into a pot of boiling water, you would not
reach in with your hand to retrieve it. That's just common sense, dear
Cancer - right? Of course you know that you would be burned if you reached
in and grabbed that spoon, so you would probably either dump out the pot
or reach in with a pair of tongs or something similar and pull it out. The
same applies when you are helping someone out who is in trouble. If you
are inclined to do so, be sure you do it in a way that is safe for you. As
long as you take precautions to make sure you will not get hurt, help out
all you want.
[花邊] 天空貝:我是個湯匙,湖人卻把我當叉子在用Patrick Beverley, asked if Chicago is the perfect fit for him: "Yeah. If I'm a spoon, Billy (Donovan) is using me as a spoon. The Lakers, you know, I was a spoon and they used me as a fork." Beverley:如果我是一隻湯匙,Donovan教練正在把我用作湯匙。 至於湖人,你們知道的,我原本是湯匙,他們卻把我當作叉子。爆
[寶寶] 泡奶起爭執寶寶現在是母奶跟配方奶搭配著喝 但最近因為我看到一段某月子中心泡奶粉教學影片才發現我們可能都泡錯方法 然後跟老公起爭執~ 影片是寫如果泡90cc的奶粉 先裝熱水60cc再加入冷水30cc再放入奶粉2
[問卦] 笑死人 會一點英文很厲害??跟人分享這冰品 說不用跟店員拿湯匙 結果有人說 上面有大大的提醒8
[情報] 04/22 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 22 2022 你現在可能不斷確認你沒有錯失任何機會, 你絕對是相信要把握時機的人,親愛的魔魔。 現在面對你周遭的幾個機會, 你擔心如果沒辦法迅速採取行動,4
[情報] 09/09 the daily horoscopeToday, Gemini, you need to think of life as a buffet. There are many things on the table, and you can have anything you want, and pretty much as much as you want. If that were literally true, you would not pile your plate up with sadn ess, anger, or loss. You would take the biggest spoon you could find and you w ould scoop up big helpings of happiness, positivity, and hope. Right? Life tru3
[情報] 24/10/2021 Daily Horoscope如果你想要更好地管理你的金錢,請試著列出你真正需要的東西,然後從那裡著手。 這聽起來可能很簡單,但如果你將清單縮小到只有必備品,你就會更清楚地了解你的資金 應該先用在哪些地方,之後的任何東西都是無關緊要的,可以留下來或用於退休或儲蓄。 親愛的月之子,創造一種儲蓄和支出模式將幫助你更輕鬆 地實現財務目標,並讓你更有把握自己未來的感覺。2
[情報] 22/06/2021Daily Horoscopeyou are as tenacious as the crab for which your sign is named, dear Cancer. Ye t there is something you have long believed in that you were recently starting to think would never happen. You may have even resigned yourself to deciding to be happy, nonetheless. But now there seems to be some hope on the horizon. Something has happened or will happen very soon to renew your faith and your i2
[情報] 12/07 Daily HoroscopeYou may have a deeply emotional urge to reach out to someone now, Leo. Maybe t his is coming from the idea of reconciling with someone from whom you have bee n estranged. Maybe this is to plead with someone to change their mind about so mething. Or perhaps there is some other important reason why you feel the need to reach out. But before you do, you need to recognize that your emotions are1
[情報] 1/9 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 9 2021 If you were to meet someone new who strongly reminded you of someone from your long-ago past who you thoroughly enjoyed and admired, you might be more inclined to like the new person right away. You would immediately have that same sense of admiration and also a feeling of familiarity that would give- 親愛的月之子,你在生命中對夢想的追求中已經被打倒了好幾次。 你被比喻性地拖上了泥濘,被踐踏。 這個經驗對你來說可能是多麼糟糕。 然而,你的夢想仍然存在。可能現在它正在睡夢中,深藏在你的靈魂深處。 它即將被重新喚醒。