[情報] 16/11/2020 Daily Horoscope
You can be a bit superstitious, Cancer. Sensitive people like most
Cancerians are often somewhat superstitious. That's because you are more
finely tuned to the vibrations around you, and when you sense that
something good is coming toward you, you then start to worry about where
the bad vibrations are hiding. And so, sometimes you are afraid to
acknowledge your good fortune because you fear it could turn on a dime.
But right now, if you are sensing that something really good is coming
your way, you need to embrace it and revel in it. Don't worry about what
might go wrong, concentrate on the good and the positive instead.
[情報] 7/9 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 9 2021 If you have concerns about someone in your life now, Capricorn, the best thing you can do for them is to project positive, encouraging thoughts. Send out good, loving vibrations that are filled with certainty that good things will happen for them. And while you're at it, do the exact same thing for10
[情報] 11/25 Daily HoroscopeWhen you look for the good in all areas of your life, that's when the good com es to you. It may be much easier to do the opposite - to worry and fret over t hings that are not going your way. But there really is a kind of magic involve d in seeking out and believing that the best can be, and that there is always something happy beckoning you. Today, Leo, if you seek out the good, and you l8
[情報] 12/31 the daily horoscopeAt this time of year, some people find themselves mired in feelings of restles sness. You may be one of those people, Gemini, since you have a rather restles s spirit to begin with. Not only are you in the midst of a hectic season, but this is a time when it becomes more obvious that the future is at hand. And wi th that thought, you may start to think about how making the right moves will5
[情報] 04/06 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 06 2022 當你安逸於某件好事一定會發生的信念, 你可能會感到害怕, 因為通常這樣它就不會成真, 這是常見的迷信,魔魔,3
[情報] 15/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期三 9月 15 News that comes to you soon may be even better and more interesting than it se ems at first. You may be at a point where you are afraid to get your hopes up too high, Moonchild. You may have had a number of disappointments recently. Bu t hope is free, and in fact, it fuels good energy, causing it to surround you3
[情報] 10/19 the daily horoscopeThere is good energy surrounding you now, Gemini, and if you can't feel it, yo u aren't paying enough attention. If you are focused on something that's wrong , on a fear or a worry, or on some boring and dreary task you have to complete , then pull yourself up and out of the doldrums and tap into the positive - it is there for the taking. Once you do, you will begin to notice opportunities3
[情報] 22/11/2021 Daily Horoscope你現在可能處於這樣的狀態,「你想知道當有好事發生時,會有什麼壞事降臨在你身上。 」 如果你現在是這樣想的,月之子,那可能是因為你覺得自己被壞運氣所困擾,讓你覺得自 己不值得擁有好運氣。 不過,你不能僅僅通過承認這一點來改變你的運氣。2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/02你不太是一個悲觀主義者,阿牛,但是你對即將發生的某件事情卻感到擔憂。這不是因為真的有什麼好擔心的,阿牛,而你通常真的沒有這麼悲觀。你的憂慮可能來自於槓桿不知道是要開多大。讓今天的每日運勢幫你把心放鬆一下吧。讓自己放鬆和享受當下的同時,從美好的氛圍裡得到希望。莫讓思緒飄至那不屬於富足與好運的地方。朝著你的心中所向勇往直前吧,不要瞻前顧後的。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Jun 2 You are not usually a pessimist, Taurus, but you may have worrisome thoughts about an event that is about to occur. This is not because there is anything real to fear, Taurus - and you are not usually a pessimist. Your worries may be coming from the idea that there is so much to gain, and therefore, so much to lose. Allow this message to ease your mind. Draw hope from the good vibrations you will feel if you let yourself relax and enjoy the moment. Don't let your thoughts stray toward anything that does not include abundance and good fortune. Head toward and welcome what you want, not what you fear. --2
[情報] 10/24 the daily horoscopeHappy thoughts not only make you feel happier in the moment, but they also ush er happiness into your life. Anger chases away good things, good people, good possibilities, and most of all, good feelings within you. Today, Gemini, if yo u are inclined to think negative thoughts or to worry about something not work ing out, try to force yourself to think positive, hopeful thoughts instead. It- 因為你是如此敏感的生物,你比其他人更容易吸收世界和周圍人的情緒或振動。 這使你非常容易受到黑暗情緒的影響,甚至不時出現恐慌或厄運和憂鬱的感覺。 但你需要學會認識到這只是一種你可以控制和趕走的感覺,月之子。 這只是壓力和擔憂的結果,沒有理由感到害怕。 如果你選擇充滿希望和樂觀地思考,你將開始傾向於可能的偉大事物。