[情報] 2021年 Yearly Horoscope - 整體運勢
The phrase “home is where the heart is” could just as easily say “home
is where the Moonchild is.” Yes, you are the heart of every home you
nhabit, and what’s more, you are the feeling of home to everyone who
knows you. You radiate warmth, safety, comfort, and reliability. But while
many see you as a quiet and sensitive soul who prefers to fly under the
radar and who offers a cozy welcome to those who are lucky enough to be in
your inner circle, there is so much more to you than just that. You are
highly intuitive – some would even go as far as calling you psychic. You
can also be very dreamy and imaginative. You are generous and empathic.
You are also extremely deep, which makes it hard to know you. Although you
come on soft rather than coming on strong, you are quite ambitious. This
year, you might be especially ambitious because opportunities that are
hovering around you are there for the grabbing, and this will bring out
your dynamic, go-getter spirit. Remember that the Crab is the symbol of
your sign, and once you get your pincers into something, you are not one
to let go. Therefore, due to the way the stars align during 2021 – this
could be a very successful year for you. In fact, good fortune will be
with you in all areas of your life in 2021, and it’s been a long time
coming. For that reason, you will find yourself feeling very grateful and
謝謝翻譯 感恩
[情報] 1/1 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 31 2021 今年的開始對你而言可能不會那麼保守,魔魔, 比如你慶祝的方式, 你感受的方式, 或僅僅只是事情逐步開展的方式。4
[閒聊] 01/03 Daily Horoscope親愛的獅子們,新年快樂! 感謝C大翻譯2021最後幾天;剛好看到今日運勢,加入了一些自己的解讀,若有誤還請大 家不吝指正。 今年的我們,都會更好的。去吧! ———4
[情報] 27/07/2022 Daily Horoscope你現在的好心情是真的嗎? 你是否即將開始一項成功的事業,充滿了令人心動的崇拜和好運氣? 你是一個有直覺的人,你也是一個努力相信最好的人。 但你有時很難知道這是『真正的直覺感受, 』還是『一廂情願的想法』。3
[情報] 04/01/2022 Daily Horoscope有些話必須要說,但因為你是如此敏感的靈魂,你不是很想說出來。 事實上,即使想一想也會給你帶來極大的不適,月之子,因為這可能涉及到傷害某人的感 情。 但是你的感覺呢? 你的感覺就是你的感覺,這就是它的方式。3
[情報] 15/03/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,如果要比喻,你可能是一塊可以吸收情感的海綿。 因為你與生俱來的同理心,你會吸收和消化周圍的情緒。 當你被那些悲傷、孤獨、憤怒或無望的人包圍時,你自己也會開始有這種感覺。 也因為你的同理心,你會吸引那些需要你關注的人。 在任何時候都有可能會發生。2
[情報] 01/05 the daily horoscopeMany people are feeling less hopeful than usual at the start of this year. You may be one of them, Gemini. Ordinarily, you might have a list of goals to sta rt thinking about and planning for, but there may be a sense of hopelessness n ow that is weighing you down. Don't let that happen. You may find that if you come up with a list of things you would like to see manifest in 2022, it will2
[情報] 01/18 the daily horoscopeSome people believe that being grateful - that incorporating gratitude into th eir daily thoughts and thankfulness for what they have - can make them even mo re successful. They believe that recognizing how lucky they are will make them even luckier, opening the floodgates to greater good and fortune. You may fee l cynical about this, Gemini. If you do, think about the bad energy being cyni2
[情報] 21/02/2022~27/02/2022 Weekly Horoscope本週你可能覺得脫韁的野馬都無法把你從家裡拖走,因為你只想安頓下來,把世界關在外 面。 你本來就是一個以家為重心的人,但現在你覺得特別需要所有舒適和熟悉的東西。 然而你可能無法把自己關在外面,但有很多好的理由可以說服自己! 命運在召喚,機會在眼前。命運在召喚,你的愛情生活、金錢以及與一個舊想法有關的個1
[情報] 01/03/2022 Daily Horoscope你渴望做的事情 - 你感到非常熱衷的事情 - 可以給你帶來巨大的成功。 你可能已經推遲了很長時間,因為最初的幾次努力都沒有獲得成功。 但月之子,你不是一個放棄者。事實上,你的堅韌是傳奇性的。 你並沒有完全放手,你只是讓它在你的腦海中徘徊了一段時間。 但現在好運的浪潮正向你湧來,你需要充分利用即將到來的一切。