[情報] 08/02/2021 Daily Horoscope
Do you believe in reincarnation? How about the idea that life is on one
continuing cycle, and we all have the chance to repeat the same life for
time unending? There are many theories and many possibilities, Moonchild,
and this kind of deep concept may be something that came up recently or
might come up. But there is so much of this world that we do not know, and
that is certainly part of our experience. If you are in the mode, though,
of feeling fear at what those mysteries might be, try to see life as an
adventure of positive discovery. A change in your attitude can bring you
much greater joy in how you live and experience your life.
[情報] 27/09~03/10/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 9月 27 - 10月 3 你是如此的給予和培養,如此專注於生命中你所愛和珍惜的人,以至於你經常認認為自己 做任何事情都是自私的。 不過本週,你需要像對待他人一樣對待自己和善待自己。 你可能會感到有點急躁、害怕,甚至有點走投無路,因為你承受著很大的壓力。4
[情報] 05/01 the daily horoscopeYour path through life has been a bit twisting and turning in recent weeks, Ge mini. You may have experienced actual setbacks, or you may simply have been co ntemplating where you want to take your life next. It may feel like a shaky ti me to you, but it's really a time of opportunity. You have a chance now to dec ide which way to go at that fork in the road that lies ahead. Things are chang3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/10我們都經歷著許多的起起伏伏。事實上,你大概能夠對於人生就像雲霄飛車的比喻感同身受。但是,人生本來就不是一趟舒適的旅程。若是的話,我們又如何能從生命裡的考驗及磨難中學習或得到無數經驗呢?你目前可能正在穿越艱難的境地,阿牛,這卻是個可以帶給你智識和閱歷的寶貴經驗,只要你有心從中學習的話。這個體驗很快地將會使你生命的其他面向變得閃耀又精彩。 Taurus horoscope for Saturday Jul 10 We all experience ups and downs. In fact, you probably can identify with the metaphor of life being like a roller coaster. But life is not meant to be a comfortable ride. If it were, how would we ever learn or have the vast experiences that are available to us all through life's trials and tribulations? You may be going through a rough stretch at the moment, Taurus, but this is a rich experience that is giving you knowledge and insight, as long as you look for it. This experience will brighten and enrich another area of your life in the very near future. --2
[情報] 16/08/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期一 8月 16 You may have felt a heaviness all around you recently, Moonchild. This may be emanating from a deep sadness of something that occurred, or a general sense o f not being where you are meant to be. You may not expect it to get better bec ause you can't imagine anything changing in your life that would usher in the2
[情報] 03/01/2022 Daily Horoscope如果你感到無聊或陷於一成不變的生活,這可能是一個偉大的日子,開始計劃一些新的和 特別的事情。 也許有一個你以前不敢探索的想法,也許是因為生活環境,甚至是由於對變化的恐懼。 但你現在應該感到更勇敢、更大膽,月之子,你可以利用這種能量來探索可能的事情。 你現在開始的任何事情都應該順利進行。你最想做的是什麼?無論它是什麼,好運都與你2
[情報] 08/20 the daily horoscopeIf you are open to receiving feedback or even criticism from someone today who may have a harsh manner, you can learn quite a lot. The lessons we receive th roughout life are gifts that allow us to experience our life to the fullest. S ometimes, though, those lessons arrive in a less-than-desirable way. Just be g rateful that you have the chance to become better at something you love to eng1
[情報] 07/09 the daily horoscopeEvery person experiences sadness, trouble, and disappointment in their life. S ome seem to experience more than others, but it isn't something that can be co mpared. If you are adding up your experiences against someone else's, Gemini, you're in the wrong frame of mind. Although we all have moments when we feel s orry for ourselves, this is never positive or productive. If you are tempted t1
[情報] 22/10/2021 Daily Horoscope你生活中的某個人經常讓你失望。 那麼月之子,為什麼他們還在你的生活中? 考慮到反復出現的失望,把它們放開不是明智的做法嗎? 也許你留那個人是因為你希望下次他們不會讓你失望。 儘管這種態度有時可能會反過來咬你,但有時最好的情況確實會出現。- A change you have made, or are making, in your life may have left you feeling out of sorts. Things just don't feel the same, dear Gemini, and you may be thi nking that it's because of this change, and wondering if it was a bad idea. Bu t whenever you alter something in your life that has been with you for a long time, it can leave you feeling a bit lost because part of your routine is not
- 巨蟹座4月18日星期二的星座運勢 親愛的月之子,你現在可能會感到感傷,腦海中浮現出許多令人難以忘懷的回憶。 你可能渴望過往更美好的時光,因為此時此刻的生活中並沒有令人溫馨舒適的部分。 你可能會懷念過去的人或經歷,但這會影響你現在的一切。 請試著想想現在對你非常特別的事物,意識到這些事物 - 包括某些人 - 也帶給你同樣的