[情報] 2023/04/18 Daily Horoscope
請試著想想現在對你非常特別的事物,意識到這些事物 - 包括某些人 - 也帶給你同樣的喜悅。
Cancer horoscope for 星期二 4月 18
Cancer horoscope for 星期二 4月 18
You may be feeling especially sentimental right now, dear Moonchild, and there may be a lot of poignant old memories parading through your mind. You may belonging for a better time in your life because so much of your life at this moment is not warm or comforting. You may be missing people or experiences fromyour past, and it is coloring everything else. But try to think about those things that are very special to you in the here and now, and recognize that those things - including certain people - also bring you that same joy. Appreciate it now.
[情報] 2021/05 Monthly HoroscopeYou may hear a lot this month about what other people think is wonderful and impressive about you. This may be exactly what you need to hear right now, Moonchild, especially if you have been feeling isolated or lonely. You are so inside yourself sometimes that you forget how much you have to offer, and an occasional reminder can help you recognize all that is so special about you.7
[情報] 7/22 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 22 2021 Some of your memories are like dear old friends that you invite into your mind from time to time, and they bring you comfort, warmth, and pleasure. But certain of your memories are like old enemies, Capricorn - or perhaps even nemeses, that make you feel sad, regretful, or hopeless each time they enter5
[情報] 08/06 the daily horoscopeWhen the people around you or the situations you witness are fraught with trou bles and insecurities, you may start to pick up those vibrations yourself. And if you are in that kind of environment for an extended period of time, you ma y begin to start feeling a sense of foreboding because you are picking up on t hat energy. But don't be fooled by what surrounds you, dear Gemini. You should3
[情報] 22/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeThe people around you might seem grumpy and disagreeable right now. In fact, everywhere you look, life may seem unpleasant. But are you sure that's what you are really seeing, Moonchild - or could it be that you are seeing things through a filter that is making life seem a bit darker and drearier at the moment? If you can find your way beyond a bad mood, you3
[情報] Daily Horoscope 巨蟹座7月運勢看起來,在這個月初,你的周遭充滿了巨大的壓力。事情的走向一直讓你覺得沒有什麼事情是走在正軌的。家庭之間不和睦,太多的責任,還有一直以來害怕著你的安全感就要崩解的恐懼。然而,記住,親愛的月之子,這種感覺只是暫時的,它並不主宰著你。你必須用力尋找在恐懼和憂慮中喘息的機會,因為你有好多值得期待的事情,而且如果你不把籠罩在心頭上的想法撥開,怎麼看得到好事正在回流到你的生命裡呢?事情會演變成這種地步是因為輪到你的生日月了,混沌狀態正是因為你在重生。這代表新的開始,你完全想不到它會發生。事情塵埃落定前先在小確幸上找到 一點救贖,很快就結束了。七月的第二週,你甚至不會記得月初感覺是多糟糕。當好事明顯地開始在你身上發生時。過往的事蹟終於要開始得到回饋。如果情愛盤旋在你的心頭上,也會開始開花結果。任何曾生嫌隙又讓你受傷的關係會開始癒合。你終於感覺越來越像自己因為好久沒有這樣子了。這就是結蛹蛻變的過程,可以很痛苦,也可以去修復又使你大大地重生。 Cancer horoscope for July It may seem as though your entire orbit is filled with a tremendous amount of tension at the start of this month. Things have been getting to you to the point where it may feel that nothing is going right. There may be conflicts with family, responsibilities that are overwhelming, and the ever-present fear that your security is crumbling. But please remember, dear Moonchild, that this is only a temporary feeling, and it does not own you. You need to intentionally seek respite from any fears or worries, because you have so much to be hopeful about - and if you don't clear your mind of tumultuous thoughts, you won't even recognize all the good that is starting to flow into your life. Things are happening this way because this is the time of year of your birth, and there may be disarray in your life because another kind of birth is taking place for you now. This represents a new beginning - one that you may have come to think would never happen. Relax. Find comfort in the small things until this sense of2
[情報] 11/06/2020 Daily HoroscopeThe world is always changing, and it has been changing since the beginning of time. That's why we cling so tightly to old friendships, family, traditions, and familiar things that bring us comfort. You are especially nostalgic in this way, dear Moonchild. Right now, you may find yourself in the midst of a change in your life, and you may be fighting against it or1
[情報] 04/03/2020 Daily HoroscopeSomeone in your life may have made a lot of promises that they have not fulfilled. Maybe there are other people besides you relying on getting certain things done that have not been done. Have you taken on an obligation or two that aren't really your responsibility, dear Cancer? Your maternal or paternal instinct often compels you to take on a parental1
[情報] 04/11/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou usually have a pretty hard time letting things go. That may include everything from romantic relationships that just aren't working to trinkets you find when you're trying to clean out your garage. You are, in a sense, an emotional hoarder, Moonchild. You are so sentimental and sensitive that every single thing that holds a happy or otherwise valuable1
[情報] 11/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeCertain childhood memories evoke very powerful emotions for you, Moonchild. You are very drawn to the past, and the nostalgia that comes with those experiences has a profound impact on your moods. You may be drawn now to some particular memory that is sweet and very poignant but also a bit sad because it is something that no longer exists in your life. However, there1
[情報] 09/18 the daily horoscopeSpending time in a room that is painted a certain color or decorated in a cert ain way can have an influence on one's mood. We have all had experiences of th is kind, Gemini. Yet we sometimes fail to recognize that the things we surroun d ourselves with can powerfully impact how we see the world. This can include not just colors and environments, but also people we interact with, the things