[情報] 16/06/2021Daily Horoscope
If you happen to come into a project a bit after it began. You may not understand the "lingo" because you are dealing with people who already know each other, have established working relationships, and they have naturally developed nicknames or certain terms for some of the things they encounter often in the project. This may cause you to feel like a fish out of water, Moonchild, but Cancerians are a very creative bunch! If you don't allow the differences and the unknown to intimidate you, and you dig into your big bag of imaginative ideas, you can be incredibly valuable to this process. Just be confident and allowyour creativity to shine.
[情報] 10/30 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 30 2021 你最近遇到有一段時間沒見的人或許會突然向你表達他們有多欣賞你, 這可能會讓你驚喜,魔魔, 因為你永遠不會猜到他們認為你令人印象深刻。 這偶爾會發生在你身上,9
[情報] 29/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou are often misunderstood, Moonchild. And you are someone who absolutely abhors being misunderstood! That may be because most people don't have the capacity to fully understand someone so deeply intuitive, emotionally rich, sweetly sensitive, and oh so creative. You are a complex creature, and it takes time to know you well. But there is someone in your life, perhaps someone new5
[情報] 07/26 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 26 2022 在你生命中的某個人非常努力想要跟你相處, 他們可能做了感覺上所有對的事, 但你們兩個還是與彼此非常不同, 所以你們感受和做事情的方法自然會有一些差異。3
[情報] 25/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeA conflict could spur a creative moment for you today, Moonchild. Even if you don't agree on an important point with someone, the thoughts and images that are conjured up through this communication could bring out an imaginative and brilliant idea. Don't be stubborn about it, though, as you are inclined to be. The wisest people take the good from every situation3
[情報] 04/07 the daily horoscopeTo someone who is observing your thought process - someone who doesn't underst and you all that well - it might look like you are scattered in your thinking. But you happen to be capable of operating on many wavelengths and on many ide as all at once, Gemini. To others, that's a dizzying way to go. But to you, it seems natural. So, if someone expresses a lack of faith in your process, just3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/17跟你一起工作或以某種方式打交道的某人似乎擁有所有的答案。他們的虛張聲勢令人印象 深刻,這可能會讓你認為他們真的知道自己在做什麼。自信能夠做到這點。但只因他們表 現出知識淵博或精通事物的那一面,並不意味他們就真的是這樣。事實上,阿牛,你可能 比他們懂得更多。要對自己有信心,相信自己心裡所知道的,不要讓別人的假想權威嚇倒 或威脅到你。你認為正確的事情或許就是對的。2
[情報] 14/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeAn endeavor you have taken on happily and willingly is becoming a bit more complicated than you bargained for, Moonchild. You can feel that something is changing, and that may leave you feeling a bit uncomfortable and insecure. You don't like deviating from a plan that makes sense. But what if there is a better way to go? Should you just stick with the way things1
[情報] 17/11/2020 Daily HoroscopeThe small details of a big project could become a point of contention today, Moonchild. You have a brilliant idea for the big picture, but for you, all those little things matter just as much. But not everyone understands why you would be so caught up in small stuff when there are bigger things to deal with. Try to explain that in the ideal expression of- You are known for your vivid imagination, Moonchild. Your creativity often works in your favor because you can come up with ideas that would not even occur to other people. But that same gift can also become a hurdle if you let it control your thoughts, rather than your thoughts controlling your rather wild imagination. Don't let your imagination run away with you when