[情報] 25/08/2020 Daily Horoscope
A conflict could spur a creative moment for you today, Moonchild. Even if
you don't agree on an important point with someone, the thoughts and
images that are conjured up through this communication could bring out an
imaginative and brilliant idea. Don't be stubborn about it, though, as you
are inclined to be. The wisest people take the good from every situation
and they use it to their advantage. With your creativity, you can come up
with a plan that's a real winner. Transform a challenge into an
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 12/18 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 18 2021 現在正面臨的挑戰會讓你感到生氣、挫折、無助和焦慮, 你會知道這裡指的是哪個挑戰, 但它也可以讓你感到創意、有啟發、幸運和聰明。 如果你以後者這種觀點面對這個挑戰,3
[情報] 16/06/2021Daily HoroscopeIf you happen to come into a project a bit after it began. You may not underst and the "lingo" because you are dealing with people who already know each othe r, have established working relationships, and they have naturally developed n icknames or certain terms for some of the things they encounter often in the p roject. This may cause you to feel like a fish out of water, Moonchild, but Ca3
[情報] 07/05 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 05 2022 出於實際的目的, 你非常想要證明自己是對的, 以至於忽略了對方提出的主要觀點。 你可能有部分是對的,魔魔,2
[情報] 13/12/2021 Daily Horoscope當生活中充滿了挑戰,或者當你所看到的地方似乎只有負面的消息時,保持希望可能是一 種挑戰。 但是月之子,樂觀是你必須做出的選擇,即使你不覺得自己天生樂觀。 如果你發現自己今天有點情緒化,那就把自己從困境中解救出來。 無論你面臨什麼樣的挑戰,都會有一個人在類似的事情上站起來。1
[情報] 12/07 the daily horoscopeYou may be nurturing a wildly creative idea right now, Gemini, and your though ts may be all over the place, which is typical of your frenetic nature. But yo u may think that this idea is far too big to take on right now because you hav e several other things in the works at the same time. But if you don't start n ow, when will you begin? You are, after all, always busy doing something. Try1
[情報] 03/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou could open up a dialogue with someone whose opinion on a controversial subject is very different from yours. You can probably bring up a wide array of points that you see as quite convincing. You may have done this before, Moonchild, without success - but you aren't one to quit. Don't be so stubborn that you keep trying to prove your point after you've already made it. You can1
[情報] 20/11/2021 Daily Horoscope月之子,不要那麼的謙虛。 這個建議可能不適用於現在的你,但如果不適用,那麼很快就會適用。 你可以很謙虛,因為你是一個認為自誇就是自戀的表現。 你甚至可能覺得你的成就應該靠自己的優點。 但有些時候,你確實需要指出它們。1
[情報] 07/07/2022 Daily Horoscope如果你想的話,今天你可以在一個你希望豐富自己生活的領域裡談成一筆真正的大生意。 問題可能是你有時太謙虛和低調了,以至於你沒有很認真地對待這樣的機會。 你並不總是喜歡站到聚光燈下,或要求任何東西-更不用說提出要求了。 但你現在可以,而且你應該,如果你仍然懷有促使所有這些雄心勃勃的想法。 月之子,你有什麼好失去的?1
[情報] 2023/05/10 Daily Horoscope你能夠做到別人做不到的事情。 你的想象力比大多數人更加狂野和有創意。 這就是為什麼有些人只是無法理解你,月之子。 你可能會分享一個被其他人視為古怪的想法,而他們卻無法理解它。 但這並不減損它的價值!- If you can sit still long enough to concentrate on what others might see as a crazy idea, Gemini, you may come up with something quite special. Whether this is a business idea, an invention, or some creative endeavor you are consideri ng, it could be extraordinary if you don't let yourself wander away from it, a s you sometimes do. Lock yourself in a room with the blinds drawn and the phon