[情報] 5/10 Daily Horoscope
Capricorn horoscope for May 10 2021
Although you are a fast learner, there is one lesson that keeps recurring.
And even though it represents an irritation in your life, you have not been
able to stop a certain pattern. But that may be because you don't see this
recurring theme as a lesson, Capricorn. You may think it's just an unlucky
coincidence. But if you choose to see this as a pattern and study it a bit,
that fast learner within you will be able to figure it out. This may have to
do with your romantic life, but it certainly has an emotional component.
Study it.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic
[情報] 19/06/2020 Daily HoroscopeA dream, a thought, an idea, or even something as seemingly innocuous as a fragrance that keeps following you indicates there is something you must deal with. If there has been some recurring theme in your life recently, Moonchild, it is cause for investigation. Take more notice of it. Write it down. Analyze it. What does it remind you of? What could it mean? Your7
[情報] 09/04 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 4 2021 魔魔,你最近是否有點像個隱士? 你有沒有拒絕了一些有趣的邀請, 或避免撞見一些你知道會與你交談的人? 你絕對不是個邊緣人,6
[情報] 10/07 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 07 2021 你是務實的, 你只相信看得見的東西。 魔魔,但你得承認一些無法用邏輯和常識解釋的奇怪魔幻之事時不時會發生在你的生命中。 如果你對某項擔心的事向宇宙送出協助的懇求,6
[情報] 11/23 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 23 2021 生命不是一種懲罰, 這無關乎向任何人證明什麼, 除了在某些情況下的你自己。 但如果你現在視生命為一個懲罰,5
[情報] 12/19 The Daily HoroscopeYou're a quick learner, Gemini. Your experiences in life have taught you a lot. But there is one problem that seems to keep recurring, including recently. You may wonder why this is happening and see it as bad luck, but it could be b ecause you haven't come to see a lesson that's there and learn from it.5
[情報] 06/12 Daily Horoscope你覺得某個令你生畏或使你敬重的人對你有很多的認同,這件事或許會令你感到出乎意料 。儘管你覺得這些來自於個人的看法令你有一些不安,但這樣的欣賞或許會很快變得明朗 。 魔魔,讓這件事成為可以使你邁步向前的人生課程。不要去先入為主的想像和低估了自己 。去期望自己總是會被認可和欣賞。縱然結果不總會是這樣,那也沒關係,你就是那個你3
[情報] 09/02 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 2 2021 你今天需要做的事情看似和生活中的某個人需要做的截然不同, 如果你們各自依照原先的計劃進行, 可能彼此都會徒勞無功。 魔魔,對於這個兩難有任何解法嗎?2
[情報] 26/01/2021 Daily HoroscopeIf you cross paths today with someone you did not expect to see, and the odds were stacked against running into this individual, you may feel a strange vibration or sense of fate about your meeting. Perhaps this person has an important message to share with you or a significant lesson to impart. Enjoy the interaction, but remain observant of what you see and1
[情報] 0625 DailyHoroscopeEngaging in a conversation with a certain person in your life always leaves yo u wondering what rabbit hole you had fallen into! This person may be entertain ing to a point, but then they become exasperating. After all, Capricorn, you a re not given to flights of fancy. However, if you were to study this person a bit more and try to enjoy the magical rides they take you on, metaphorically s1
[情報] 09/01 the daily horoscopeIf you find something that you could laugh about today, then laugh. Don't hold it in. Don't pretend to be too appropriate to let out a big belly laugh, Gemi ni. There hasn't been enough humor in your life recently - and yet chances to laugh are all around you. And if you can't laugh, then at least smile. When yo u get into a pattern where nothing seems funny, you start to lose hope. Make i