[閒聊] 收到FTX mail說可以withdraw?

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時間推噓26 推:30 噓:4 →:24


剛剛收到FTX mail 說可以領出資產,這是不是詐騙啊?


寄件者: FTX Noticing <[email protected]>

Assets eligible for withdraw
Dear FTX Users,

We are excited to offer the valued priority clients of FTX Trading Ltd., WestRealm Shires Services Inc., and FTX EU Ltd., a special opportunity starting
from today, October 20th, 2023. As a priority client, you can now undergo thewithdrawal process for your assets on the FTX platform and deposit them
directly into your wallet, eliminating any waiting period and court outcomes.

To get started, simply click the button below to visit the withdrawal page and

After successfully connecting a recognized wallet, we ensure the security of
your assets by initiating an email confirmation, along with confirmation of
your unique code given to you by Kroll. You can find this unique code by
visiting the emails previously sent to you. Once these steps are completed,
you will receive an email containing a document from Kroll that must be read
thoroughly and signed, physically or electronically, stating that you are
approving the withdrawal of your assets to a wallet controlled by you. Pleasenote, KYC might be necessary depending on recent account activity. Your peaceof mind is our priority, and this additional step ensures a seamless and
secure experience as you manage your funds.

Please note that Kroll is not responsible or liable for any claims, costs,
losses, harms, or damages, including the permanent loss of cryptocurrency
resulting from any user error, third-party error, or other unforeseeable
operational or technical difficulties that may arise in the withdrawal process.
If you have any questions, please contact Kroll through the following channels:
Email [email protected]
Website at begin the withdrawal process:

我還沒click那個連結 怕是詐騙


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

dio79910/21 00:01典型的詐騙吧,FTX都已經進入司法程序了,最好能跳過。

我剛剛也想到這個,而且還說我是valued priority clients??我又沒放多少,連TOYOTA都買不起的數字

※ 編輯: garufu ( 臺灣), 10/21/2023 00:08:13

C1020210/21 00:09收到+1 感覺像詐騙 @@

onlyeric2310/21 00:10有收到+1 寄件者email太奇怪

simpson08310/21 00:16已有收到+1 覺得是釣魚信

ayai55510/21 00:21收到+1 不敢點連結

tomsawyer10/21 00:21來騙錢包的 點進去第一步連接錢包 笑死

jacky001ya10/21 01:31點進去看到標題又是blockfi又是ftx的就覺得奇怪了,只

jacky001ya10/21 01:31是我眼殘被它用回覆[email protected]騙到,才會點

jacky001ya10/21 01:31開連結

ninegba10/21 02:18點進去網址也怪怪的

ripple012910/21 02:19點進去通常不會怎樣,不要連結錢包又授權基本上不會

ripple012910/21 02:19有事

cp29663310/21 godaddy免洗域名 明年7月到期

deangood0110/21 04:31收到+1

pokeseason10/21 08:42好險先上來看狀況,就記得還沒開始賠,感謝大家

OLDBOY10/21 08:53收到+1,還不止收到一封

sazabijiang10/21 09:13來路不明網址就少點,如果剛好你的作業系統或者

sazabijiang10/21 09:13瀏覽器有零日漏洞沒有補,一點就中獎。

peterlai10/21 09:18釣魚吧

a8520120710/21 09:41看到跳過法院就覺得在豪洨

king2910/21 10:17收到+1也覺得網址怪怪

kevinmeng210/21 11:24紅明顯被騙一次算你雖,還信第二次?你別碰這些好嗎

eipduolc10/21 12:00他們用很多種網域寄出

kevinmeng210/21 12:15沒噓到,補噓,另外建議你不要做任何投資,包括股票

tornado162110/21 13:13我已經出金了 你還沒?

garufu10/21 13:14我又收到啦~還不一樣寄件者,看來是詐騙。樓上k大是不是

garufu10/21 13:14人生不如意?

s161231610/21 13:32好慘 幣圈吞人還要吃骨

wpd10/21 14:14資料隨隨便便外洩 您已成為正版索賠的受害者

simpson08310/21 14:19似乎是kroll那邊的問題

sazabijiang10/21 15:15什麼樣的人最好騙?就是被騙過一次的人。

j4922210610/21 17:03我收到3封mail

Jimmynick10/21 17:153封+1

doom310/21 17:18EMAIL到底怎麼洩漏的

javanaruto10/21 17:22幣圈就是各種詐騙橫行啊!

mithuang10/21 18:00kroll的個資外洩不是早就知道的事情了

ofy10/21 18:02索賠網站的資料曾經外洩過,所有自稱FTX的信都要多確認一下

hzaxcp38610/21 18:26收到+1,一連到網站就要你連結錢包要授權

eipduolc10/21 18:36今天收到非常多

lemilktea10/21 18:395封

ljf003010/21 19:17沒收到的是不是邊緣人啊,連被詐騙當肥羊的資格都沒有

j4922210610/21 19:28L大可能是大戶喔,收到5封

m18010/21 20:52幹 我又收到。第一句寫啥 excited 就很假

henryhuang1710/22 12:57幹狂發ㄟ這到底殺小

skyviviema10/22 13:04今天收到第7封XD

C1020210/22 13:24收到超多封

yahooyamgoog10/22 15:08信箱地址真偽識別是幣圈基本技能

a8520120710/22 18:14正版索賠的受害者

sdtty10/22 19:14可憐的ftx 連用戶email又外洩了

tadashi102410/22 19:32

tadashi102410/22 19:34我收到七封,都是一樣的內容跟email,就只有換個寄

tadashi102410/22 19:34件人名稱就重複寄送,到底是有多蠢才會信這是真的X

tadashi102410/22 19:34D

tomsawyer10/22 19:35怎麼會是‘又’ 就只是把之前外洩名單拿出來再用一次

tomsawyer10/22 19:35而已 跟你各位的戶政資料一樣啊 出生跟身分證字號正常

tomsawyer10/22 19:35不能動的東西

GemmaLee10/23 09:32收到十封以上