[閒聊] 汪達幻視導演談刪減片段

看板EAseries標題[閒聊] 汪達幻視導演談刪減片段作者
時間推噓14 推:14 噓:0 →:11


今天看到幾篇新聞是導演接受訪問,說了兩個點(以下是幾篇新聞重點摘錄,有興趣可以自己谷歌):一個是 Monica 提到的航太工程師從頭到尾都與 Reed Richards 無關,就是個普通的工程師,不是彩蛋或線索。

另一個點是本來拍了一段 Darcy, Monica, Ralph 和雙胞要一起去地下室拿 Darkhold,遇到兔子,結果兔子變成魔鬼阻擋他們(demon,只是惡靈,不是反派大魔王)的片段,但因為疫情關係後製來不及,加上最後一集已經有太多東西,所以就剪掉了。

"We did have something more planned for Senor Scratchy which we ultimately couldn't do just because the finale we had so many different chess pieces on the... we did have a whole sequence where Darcy (Kat Dennings), Monica (Teyonah Parris), and Ralph (Evan Peters) meet up with the kids and they're in Agatha's house and they think that maybe the should steal the Darkhold from the basement because the kids had seen it when they were down there being held hostage byAgatha," Shackman admitted. "They go down there to get the book, you're reaching for the book, and the rabbit hops up in front of the book and then we go 'Senor Scratchy, he's the best!' and they like reach over to pet him and hie hisses and then this whole American Werewolf in London transformation happens and the rabbit turns into this big demon right, into her like familiar. And then, Goonies set-piece ensues with all sorts of fun as they try to escape from the rabbit."




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sueway03/09 12:00連兔子是阿嘉莎的貓猜測都被推翻了QQ

gio661903/09 12:59難怪Darcy最後一集戲份超少 只有一句話 原來被剪掉了

hellodio03/09 13:11疫情應該影響蠻多的

hellodio03/09 13:21不過至少兔子不是單純的兔子,Ralph是路人後原本也還有

hellodio03/09 13:21些戲份。

a215670003/09 15:45疫情QQ

EOOC03/09 17:51兔子變惡靈XDD

sunrisewing03/09 17:59可能有部分預算是因為疫情噴掉的

CYKONGG03/09 18:32惡兔

BearJW03/09 19:03還看過有個推測 兔子是阿嘉莎的兒子 因為名字接近

BearJW03/09 19:05難怪Darcy最後戲份這麼少 只有開車露幾秒 原來被剪掉了

Yunk03/09 21:03所以Boner還有戲份?是清醒過來之後?坦白說蠻想看的

Yunk03/09 21:04另外雖然應該已經不重要 外網還是有不少人在猜JimmyWoo在E05

Yunk03/09 21:05初登場的時候說的 藏在西景鎮的保護計畫線人 到底是誰

Yunk03/09 21:06想當然爾一定會有人覺得就是Ralph 不過即便是如此應該也沒啥

hellodio03/09 21:14我也是覺得Ralph是那個保護的證人耶,因為那名字太假了

hellodio03/09 21:14,那張照片也太剛好在那裡了,如果是保護證人的假名就合

hellodio03/09 21:14理了,因為被安排在西景鎮可能沒多久,那張為了假身分而

hellodio03/09 21:14拍的照片在那也合理,我覺得可能疫情影響,刪除了Ralph

hellodio03/09 21:14是保護證人的安排。

macrose03/09 22:39的確有人在盤說他是秘密保證人,名字是假的,所以他能把

macrose03/09 22:39自己的姓當笑話看,但是這些都無法證實。可能因為疫情影

macrose03/09 22:39響,他和達西的收尾都有點隨

hellodio03/09 22:51看看以後的訪談會不會有人問吧

sun018303/11 13:22又是疫情害的==