[情報] 英文非選-新聞英文 (108年度)

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108年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題《FB粉絲頁 Random English Everyday 編寫參考用答案》
等 別:三等考試
類 科:新聞(選試英文)
科 目:新聞英文
考試時間:2 小時
一、For each of the following names, briefly describe in English what you
know about the person, organization, or place.(每小題 8 分,共 40 分)
●Volodymyr Zelensky
●International Monetary Fund
●First island chain
●Andrea Boucheli
1.He's the current president of Ukraine. Before entering politics, he had
been a comedian.
2.It's an international organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. Its
function is to facilitate international trade and secure financial stability. 
3.It refers to major islands on the Pacific Ocean, first mentioned because ofAmerican foreign strategy. It consists of islands of Japan, Taiwan and other
4.He's an Italian singer. He's also a songwriter and producer. He's blind.
He's very famous and known internationally.
5.It's an international organization. It fosters the planning and developmentof international transport. The headquarter is in Canada.

二、Translate the following English passages into Chinese.
(每小題 30 分,共 60 分)
(一)North Korea on Thursday said the United States has proposed a resumptionof stalled nuclear negotiations in December as they approach an end-of-year
deadline set by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un for the Trump administrationto offer an acceptable deal to salvage the talks.
In a statement released by state media, North Korean negotiator Kim Myong
Gil didn’t clearly say whether the North would accept the supposed U.S.
He said North Korea has no interest in talks if they are aimed at buying 
time without discussing solutions. He said the North isn’t willing to make a
deal over “matters of secondary importance,” such as possible U.S. offers
to formally declare an end to the 1950-53 Korean War, which was halted by a
cease-fire, not a peace treaty, or establish a liaison office between the
“If the negotiated solution of issues is possible, we are ready to meet with
the U.S. at any place and any time,” said Kim Myong Gil, who called for
Washington to present a fundamental solution for discarding its “hostile
policy” toward North Korea.

(二) For months, Prime Minister Boris Johnson planned on calling a general
election in Britain, figuring he could break the logjam in Parliament by
taking his case for Brexit directly to the people.
Instead, as he has foundered in the early stages of the campaign, Johnson hasdiscovered that the people are taking their case to him.
In the voting this summer for Conservative Party leader – and, hence, prime
minister – Johnson’s prime selling points were his personal popularity and
skills as a campaigner.

But in the early stages of the general election, exposed to hostile voices,
he has seemed at times unsure, tone deaf and gaffe prone.
The charged atmosphere on the campaign trail is a reminder that Brexit has
left this country bitter, divided and deeply suspicious of the political
Johnson and his populist aides set out to exploit those
sentiments, framing this election as one of the “people vs. the Parliament.”
Now he is finding that some of that anger is being directed at him.




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※ 編輯: foffy ( 臺灣), 05/07/2020 16:02:07