[情報] Max排位賽後獨白 (以及其他金句)

看板FORMULA1標題[情報] Max排位賽後獨白 (以及其他金句)作者
時間推噓44 推:45 噓:1 →:15


"I can go on for a long time, but I feel like of course a kind of show
element is important, but I like emotion,” Verstappen said after qualifying
when asked for his overall assessment of the Las Vegas weekend so far.


“For me, when I was a little kid it was about the emotion of the sport, what
I fell in love with and not the show of the sport around it because I think
as a real racer, that shouldn’t really matter.


“First of all a racing car, a Formula 1 car anyway on a street circuit, I
think doesn’t really come alive. It’s not that exciting.


“I think it’s more about just proper racetracks. You know, when you go to
Spa, Monza, these kind of places, they have a lot of emotion and passion.


“And for me, seeing the fans there is incredible and for us as well, when I
jump in the car there, I’m fired up and I love driving around these kinds of


“Of course, I understand that fans need maybe something to do as well around
the track, but I think it’s more important that you actually make them
understand what we do a sport because most of them just come to have a party,drink, see a DJ play or a performance act.


“I can do that all over the world. I can go to Ibiza and get completely
sh*tfaced and have a good time.


“But that’s what happens and actually people, they come, and they become a
fan of what? They want to see maybe their favourite artist and have a few
drinks with their mates and then go out and have a crazy night out.


“But they don’t actually understand what we are doing and what we are
putting on the line to perform.


“And I think if you would actually invest more time into the actual sport,
what we’re actually trying to achieve here, too, as a little kid, we grew up
wanting to be a World Champion.


“If I think the sport would put more focus on to these kinds of things and
also explain more what the team is doing throughout the season, what they areachieving, what they’re working for, these kinds of things I find way more
important to look at than just having all these random shows all over the


“For me, it’s not what I’m very passionate about, and I like passion and
emotion with these kinds of places.


“I love Vegas, but not to drive an F1 car. I love to go out, have a few
drinks, throw everything on red or whatever, to be a bit crazy and have nice


“But like I said, emotion, passion, it’s not there compared to some old
school tracks.”




1. 關於LVGP賽事指揮:「這些傢伙活在自己的世界裡面。(關於人孔蓋事件)你不需要多高

2. 關於FP2的代金券補償:「我是車迷的話會把這個地方給掀了。」



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MilkTeaMan11/19 10:09如果我跟著雄獅花了一百萬飛過去然後...

ken72033111/19 10:19越來越誠實

dannylan0711/19 10:20雄獅最後沒出團

teddy120911/19 10:21Max很兇喔

penny3102911/19 10:21如果F1只有本質迷也不會有今天的熱度

cloud65411/19 10:22確實 這比賽辦成這樣 誰會因為看了LVGP而喜歡上賽車

Proteiner11/19 10:23樂樂 : 正賽請繼續沒激情 XDD

taxlaw199111/19 10:24看到前面一台紅車 激情就來了

cth556611/19 10:41有夠直接被max圈粉惹

kobe76090311/19 11:00變成只是場show而已

notgoodcow11/19 11:05美國人的熱情就是花錢看一場好看的show 背後什麼科技

notgoodcow11/19 11:05、空力 所有研發怎麼在未來10年影響市售車 他們毫不

notgoodcow11/19 11:05在意 但也沒有要貶低你的意思 單純沒對上他們的樂趣

booyah021211/19 11:05好讚 直接圈粉

JKjohnwick11/19 11:13MAX有夠兇欸

EulerFormula11/19 11:17讚 夠派

dctmax11/19 11:18場上場下都能火力全開的 大概也只有Max了

kakashi7111/19 11:21這場Max真的是火力全開,大噴特噴的

kakashi7111/19 11:22不過就真的他有立場可以這樣不顧一切的有話直說

yulbin9811/19 11:34說得真好,拜託下次再多說一點!

cumore11/19 11:35max感覺得出來很真實

karkkunt11/19 11:44OK Max是本質迷

crustancean11/19 11:55不愧是用本質的馬力

b25896314711/19 11:58三屆WDC 講話就是有底氣

w10711/19 12:01不是因為說太多了,看消息說要取消podcast room跟訪談,直

w10711/19 12:01接護送到頒獎台嗎 哈哈哈

w10711/19 12:02但關於Sainz的部分真的是沒有說錯,場地問題導致車受損甚至

w10711/19 12:02還可能讓車手受傷,還要罰車手根本87

whrth200211/19 12:16賽事得先把競賽的所有部分完善,再來處理商業部分,兩

whrth200211/19 12:16者缺一不可。

whrth200211/19 12:20有規則走就照規則走,發現規則缺漏就要賽後補強。

faache1711/19 12:26說得很好耶

piggybean11/19 12:30雖然前面就有在噴了,但這麼長一篇,我覺得Sainz事件可

piggybean11/19 12:30能是最後一根稻草XDD

Vincent802611/19 12:31說的很好,但我去桃園球場都沒在看球了

piggybean11/19 12:31正常車手都會覺得心寒吧 完完全全是主辦的包卻要車手

piggybean11/19 12:31受罰

theRice11/19 12:34嘴巴上這樣正賽還是會出全力的Max

grayair11/19 12:37花了一大筆錢結果是一大堆的公關災難

ff76072511/19 12:41去桃園球場確實是在看"球"啊

pilis11/19 12:44超派~

Qiaodi11/19 12:54就是要靠Max說出來才有威力!讚!

laygoyolo11/19 12:56會說就多說點

anfeng11/19 13:07笑死 去年幫洽哥爭第二有這種氣魄就好了。講幾句話大家都

anfeng11/19 13:07忘了ㄎㄎ

jingel11/19 13:10說得好,現在看那些人還在又唱又跳氣都上來了

ronnie82120211/19 13:11金句連發讚讚讚

evo200111/19 13:12Max實話講太多了

abc6091311/19 13:12不懂不讓Checo跟這件事情有啥關係?硬要臭是嗎?

ronnie82120211/19 13:13checo去年pace明顯就跟不上到底是要怎麼讓

taxlaw199111/19 13:17賓粉不甘寂寞

s568911/19 13:23誠實豆沙包?

shou081011/19 13:24

sss88899911/19 13:30敢講就給推

LADKUO5611/19 13:37卡肉那個事情實在是很誇張 賽道沒搞好有什麼好談商業的

gh31611/19 13:41有一說一,這次我支持Max

※ 編輯: georgewu ( 臺灣), 11/19/2023 13:42:47

ten022711/19 13:48給推

ralfeistein11/19 13:52Max超派 車手這禮拜莫名的外務太多了

frank86032811/19 13:52有冠講話就有底氣 這次說得很棒

afrazhao11/19 14:01fia真的是把車迷當羊宰..... 補償爛死了

StevenAn11/19 15:12所以NBA才會搞到『球星』花拳繡腿,而非肌肉對決。