[法國] 雷諾F1引擎工廠醞釀罷工影響賽季

看板FORMULA1標題[法國] 雷諾F1引擎工廠醞釀罷工影響賽季作者
時間推噓19 推:20 噓:1 →:7

F1. Alpine has ended its collaboration with Renault for the production of
Formula 1 engines, closing the Viry-Châtillon site and leaving 350 employees
out of work. The employees, surprised and disgruntled, are threatening to
disrupt the end of the season by refusing to start the cars.

Alpine F1車隊終止與雷諾F1引擎工廠的合作

關閉位在Viry-Châtillon 的工廠並遣散350名員工


Bruno Famin, who has left his position as team director, will apparently now
oversee the motorsports activities in Viry-Châtillon, which could be an
indication of the company's future, but there is not yet enough information
to guarantee employees long-term employment. For now, the site continues to
produce engines for Alpine until the end of the season, before Mercedes takesover.

Bruno Famin 將接管Viry工廠,但沒有更多資訊顯示員工的長期就業受到保障


Alpine, who owns several sites, will relocate all their activities to the
Enstone site in the United Kingdom, thus concentrating its operations and
departments in the UK. A reunification project that had already been
announced several times.

擁有多個工廠的Alpine決定將業務與部門遷往英國 Enstone

At the same time, several employees have already taken sick leave, according
to Karine Dubreucq. If nobody works on the development of the car before the
restart, Alpine's chances of climbing up the driver standings could be



This week, the announcement about the future of the Viry-Châtillon site
should be officially made. This decision will have implications not only for
the team, but also for all employees involved in Formula 1.


這項決定將不只關係到Alpine F1車隊,更影響所有參與F1員工的未來


相當法國 :o



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mclarenjpn07/30 23:19都用賓士引擎沒差

Vincent802607/30 23:20

Superleggera07/30 23:21都預期會沒工作了,不如多放假個半年

MattiaPasini07/30 23:34音響不大

chuegou07/30 23:50今年一開始那台拖拉機 現在居然感受到積分危機

alex423670107/31 00:10可憐雷諾 以後只剩殼了 還不趕快賣一賣

ChangWufei07/31 00:59這幾乎快崩潰了吧 雷諾乾脆賣掉車隊算了

justpopcorn07/31 01:14法國真浪漫

AressGreen07/31 01:29OCO:「幸好老闆趕我走」

Tenyer031707/31 01:36狂讚士還續約..

unrealstars07/31 02:07這什麼破隊

ShaNe199307/31 07:10反正工廠開不開工本來就都不影響他們墊底

spursrd502107/31 07:15法國人正常發揮

f1rc07/31 07:33真的是法國日常..

tacoclement07/31 08:27這讓我想起TGT辱法特輯中間有橋段是三賤客去法國時,

tacoclement07/31 08:27找了個賽道跑比賽,跑到一半發生罷工,連賽道工作人

tacoclement07/31 08:27員也跟著罷工了,比賽也不用跑了。法國日常(O

numbtch23607/31 08:49這很法國

phoebe14707/31 09:02‘Alpine的積分將有危機’ 等等,不管有沒有罷工,都

phoebe14707/31 09:02一直有危機吧XD 蒸的藥丸

poz9307/31 09:27下半季沒引擎可用 大不了找Fia要F2引擎

alex058907/31 09:48勞工大國—法蘭斯

zoidsx07/31 10:29趕緊把fantasy F1的AP出清w

ken72033107/31 10:50法國人就是不一樣

VF8407/31 11:29反正橫豎都是死,那幹嘛賣命到死

cwjchris07/31 12:01奧運也罷工如何wwww

brianandy07/31 13:19難怪會被換掉,而不是把quality 先做好

dracomalfoy07/31 18:46所以說擾亂比賽影響積分會對這隊有多大影響?(笑爛