[請益] 美國股票贈與不用贈與稅?

看板Foreign_Inv標題[請益] 美國股票贈與不用贈與稅?作者
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請問一下 我發現美股贈與沒有贈與稅


目前想到的方法是 TD開兩個帳號

用td內部轉帳 把股票轉給另外一個人 另外一個人賣掉 變現 在慢慢匯回台灣




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tr00006404/20 00:27五樓,請問我該告訴他嗎?

cityport04/20 00:37結婚就沒有贈與稅..男女男男女女都可以

partsex04/20 00:41剛剛直接用ib內部轉帳 試轉了100股的cspx從 我媽跟我的

partsex04/20 00:41聯名戶 轉到了 我跟我老婆的聯名戶

cityport04/20 00:42 但配偶必須是美國公民

partsex04/20 00:43股票直接轉移應該沒有美國的贈與稅問題

partsex04/20 00:43之後要再轉1900股

cityport04/20 00:43你老婆看來不是美國公民,你媽跟你老婆也不是配偶,要繳稅

partsex04/20 00:43現金轉移才有贈與稅問題

partsex04/20 00:44股票沒有

cityport04/20 00:44Any transfer..(measured in money or money's worth)

cityport04/20 00:45在你亂搞前..最好先問過會計師

partsex04/20 00:45無形資產沒有贈與稅問題

cityport04/20 00:46IRS網站FAQ寫得清清楚楚..明年準備報稅吧

partsex04/20 01:13What assets are subject to US gift taxes?

partsex04/20 01:13A non-citizen or non-resident is subject to US gift

partsex04/20 01:13tax on the transfer of US real property or US tangib

partsex04/20 01:13le personal property. However, gifts of intangible a

partsex04/20 01:13ssets are not subject to US gift tax because intangi

partsex04/20 01:13ble assets are considered to be located in the home

partsex04/20 01:13country of the donor.

partsex04/20 01:13Gifts of US corporation shares are also not subject

partsex04/20 01:13to US gift tax since shares are intangible property.

partsex04/20 01:13

partsex04/20 01:13Note, however, that these very same shares would be

partsex04/20 01:13taxable if they came out of the estate of the non-US

partsex04/20 01:13 domiciliary decedent since they are considered US s

partsex04/20 01:13itus assets. So, it’s tricky; non-taxable if it’s

partsex04/20 01:13a living gift, taxable if it is a gift after death.

partsex04/20 01:13Stated differently; if I were a non-citizen or non-r

partsex04/20 01:13esident and make a gift of US tangible property, I’

partsex04/20 01:13m going to have a taxable gift. If I make a gift of

partsex04/20 01:13an intangible, that’s not a taxable gift. If I make

partsex04/20 01:13 a gift of an intangible that owns US property, ex.,

partsex04/20 01:13 US corporation stock, where the underlying corporat

partsex04/20 01:13e asset is US property, that would be also not subje

partsex04/20 01:13ct to gift tax, since the stock is intangible and in

partsex04/20 01:13tangibles are not subject to the gift tax. However,

partsex04/20 01:13if those US corporation shares pass not as a gift wh

partsex04/20 01:13en I am living, but as an inheritance after my death

partsex04/20 01:13, those shares would be US situs assets, subject to

partsex04/20 01:13estate tax.

partsex04/20 03:08對非美國公民和非美國居民來說,股票轉移不會涉及贈與稅

partsex04/20 03:08對美國公民或是稅務居民來說,一切資產轉移都可能會涉及

partsex04/20 03:08贈與稅

partsex04/20 03:10

partsex04/20 03:13這樣方便多了 不用在賣股把錢先匯到新加坡贈與 直接在美

partsex04/20 03:13國用證券贈與就好了

Takadanobaba04/20 03:30但你怎麼跟台灣國稅局解釋這筆錢哪來的?

abasqoo04/20 03:32看你錢有沒有要回台灣

reasonably04/20 04:23從你媽跟你的聯名戶,轉到你跟老婆的聯名戶,兩個戶頭

reasonably04/20 04:23都有你,那這樣轉移就不算贈與啦

cityport04/20 07:31IRS會認定算一半..定義那段有寫

cityport04/20 07:31我的膽子沒那麼大敢玩IRS啦..可能他不打算移民

agario04/20 07:32這樣的話美股贈與是不是要繳中華民國贈與稅?

partsex04/20 10:25要啊 但中華民國不知道 把他當海外所得去報就好了

Takadanobaba04/20 10:31國稅局知道就會管,想要錢合法匯回來就是要申報。

Takadanobaba04/20 10:31你申報贈與就照台灣贈與稅法處理,申報所得就照所

Takadanobaba04/20 10:31得稅法處理,當然你也可以不申報,只要你沒被檢舉

Takadanobaba04/20 10:31他也不會管你。

Tradesque04/20 11:23NRA的股票轉移不算贈與稅,這是我CPA跟我說的

fatfree04/20 12:09

partsex04/20 12:11報海外所得 免稅額比贈與稅還高

partsex04/20 12:12感覺高資產家庭 不要拿美國身分比較好

partsex04/20 12:12美國的稅法很多都偏海外外國人

ken81202504/20 12:48本來就是啊 美國是全球追稅 高資產跑去美國拿稅籍是一

ken81202504/20 12:48件蠻奇怪的事

partsex04/20 13:26其實我的etf也不是美國etf 是愛爾蘭

partsex04/20 13:26這樣應該完全和美國政府無關吧?

partsex04/20 13:27愛爾蘭不對非居民課徵遺產稅和贈與稅

Takadanobaba04/20 15:00你沒事的關鍵是政府不查你,而不是你用什麼方式報

Takadanobaba04/20 15:00。小額=低調=沒事

SweetLee04/20 19:30那你標題應該改成不會被台灣國稅局抓到 而不是不用贈與

SweetLee04/20 19:30

partsex04/20 19:34台灣我沒在管的啦 台灣又沒比美國政府可怕

seanidiot04/22 12:42國稅局不是吃素的,確定他不會追查資金來源嗎