[外電] 勇士的先發陣容出了什麼問題?

看板G-S-WARRIORS標題[外電] 勇士的先發陣容出了什麼問題?作者
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這是一篇 ESPN Kevin Pelton (就是季初出把勇士排在西區14的那位仁兄)

回應網友提問的文章 因為他的分析比較算是看數據說話 我覺得可以參考一下


"What's wrong with the Golden State Warriors' starting lineup?"

- Kevin, Los Angeles

Although the Warriors are currently 8-7, it's despite and not because
of their starting five. Among the league's 16 lineups that have played
at least 100 minutes together this season, Golden State's minus-14.6
net rating is far and away the worst, according to NBA Advanced Stats.
(Naturally, teams' most-used lineups tend to be pretty good, so 11 of
the 16 lineups have outscored their opponents while on the court.)

儘管勇士的戰績是不差的8-7(現在是8-8) 那並不是因為先發五人的貢獻

在聯盟16組打超過100分鐘的lineup中 勇士先發的-14.6 net ratings是

最差而且遙遙落後 (通常一個球隊最常使用的lineup應該蠻好 因此16組當中


Our first inclination with any outlier stat should be to look at
how it might be fluky. In this case, the Warriors' starters have
shot atypically poorly when on the court together. That lineup is
shooting 27% on 3s (25-of-93) even though the players in it are
shooting a collective 35.5% (97-of-273) in all other combinations.
Given we're talking about a sample of fewer than 100 3-point
attempts,that will surely even out to some extent.

我們要看看有沒有什麼離群值讓這個數據只是運氣成分造成的 勇士的先發五人

同時在場上的三分命中率只有27% (25/93) 而這五人在其他組合的三分命中率

卻是35.5% (97/273) 因為93次出手算是小樣本 之後或許某種程度會回歸平均

Still, randomness alone probably can't explain how Golden State's
success this season has been almost entirely the inverse of what
I expected. I figured the Warriors would build leads with
Stephen Curry on the court and give them back when he hit the bench.
Instead, they've been better so far with Curry on the bench and
have seen only a slight offensive drop-off without the two-time
MVP despite his offensive heroics.


相反的 他們目前在curry坐板凳時表現較好 而且在進攻方面下降不多

It does seem like opponents' ability to sell out defensively
against Curry is an issue. We've seen repeated use of box-and-one
defenses against him, starting with the Toronto Raptors replicating
their strategy from the 2019 NBA Finals and including former
Raptors assistant coach Nate Bjorkgren importing it to the
Indiana Pacers.

似乎對手針對curry的防守是個問題 自從暴龍2019冠軍戰開始

我們已經反覆看到box-1 前暴龍助教Bjorkgren現在也把它引進溜馬

One shocking stat about Golden State's starting five stands out
to me: Curry's usage rate with the starters is just 22%
of the team's plays, barely better than an average player.

一個讓我震驚的數據是curry在先發五人中的使用率只有22% 只稍稍比


In part, Curry's immense gravity is creating opportunities
for teammates to convert at high efficiency. Wiggins is
posting a .579 true shooting percentage with the starters and
James Wiseman is at .568, both far better than their overall
marks -- and, for that matter, better than Curry with the
starters (.558). Nonetheless, I think Steve Kerr has to find
more ways to keep defenses from taking Curry out of the game
with the starters given his usage rate balloons to north
of 35% as part of any other lineup.

curry強大的吸怪能力還是讓隊友提高了效率 Wiggings和先發同場時

真實命中率是.579 Wiseman是.568 遠比他們的平均水準好 也比

curry和他們在一起時好(.558)XD 儘管如此 我想Kerr應該要想辦法

避免防守方讓curry先發時碰不到球 curry在其他lineup使用率都可以



回想之前暴龍拿出box-1時大家有多驚訝 現在都變成常規操作了


大家一直覺得curry狀態不佳 事實上是他承受的防守壓力逐年增加

現在先發的offensive rating 是93 比the process時期的76人還差



我想之後應該會有一些lineup或打法上的調整 不然有可能會沒有



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stocktonty01/25 22:58有個疑問 三分線外三夾也算是BOX-ONE?

taiwanrules01/25 23:06我覺得不算吧 box1應該是一盯人四區域

smik01/25 23:18解決辦法只有 智將 green oubre 3人其中之一成為另一個箭

smik01/25 23:18頭而已。

taiwanrules01/25 23:23目前最強lineup是curry DG AW Oubre Looney但時間

taiwanrules01/25 23:2426分鐘 樣本數太少 但比現在的先發強應該沒問題

Plato1201/25 23:24或者調整烏布雷先發時間吧 我不覺得他是這樣差的球員

taiwanrules01/25 23:25所以最簡單暴力解法就是魯尼智將對調

Plato1201/25 23:25戰術更改的問題比較大 嘴綠也說現在進攻戰術跑的很不穩定

smik01/25 23:28問題是 魯尼過往傷勢問題 你能讓他先發,但萬一他炸了就真

smik01/25 23:28的只剩智將扛C

taiwanrules01/25 23:28因為智將oubre視野太差 AW做決定太慢 強調read and

taiwanrules01/25 23:29react的motion offense很難跑得動

smik01/25 23:29而且智將那種認真的個性,又年輕,把他換下先發可能會對他

smik01/25 23:29有所打擊

taiwanrules01/25 23:31我是覺得魯尼時間也不用多 一開始不要挖坑後面心理

taiwanrules01/25 23:31壓力會小很多

elone01/25 23:36Kerr學家實驗時間應該也快結束了 ~

smik01/25 23:38換上魯尼打先發 進攻還是給oubre 不會改善的

awheaton31101/25 23:40感覺也可以弄戰術給圍巾 常看到他摸不到球

awheaton31101/25 23:40不知道是戰術設定不給他還是他本身也不想要

awheaton31101/25 23:42常常看圍巾打很好 結果BOX打開還是只得20分左右

awheaton31101/25 23:42奇怪 我看curry打得很爛 結果還是有快30分左右

taiwanrules01/26 00:02有魯尼green在 curry不至於開賽五分鐘還出不了手

taiwanrules01/26 00:04圍巾在先發時TS%不錯 真的可以多設計給他一些

CW401/26 00:28這個組合還是讓Curry有比較高的eFG% 只是我認為出手選擇、

CW401/26 00:28創造機會的效率跟反過來利用Curry的吸引力都做得不夠好 然

CW401/26 00:28後最近對手把我們當比較不能鬆懈的球隊 變得比較會挑Wisem

CW401/26 00:28an打PNR 而他經驗真的還不夠

※ 編輯: taiwanrules ( 臺灣), 01/26/2021 00:32:45

CW401/26 00:32另外雖然我之前就說智將應該會這樣 可是我比較想練下去 本

CW401/26 00:32來二順位要自用 練到下季派得上用場就是最低要求 不然真的

CW401/26 00:32是一個季後賽不能用的球員卡住補強

Broyz01/26 00:40我等著看Kerr 20場後要變啥把戲,我心裡是覺得嘴砲居多

hiro122101/26 01:58其實就是先發陣容外線能力除了Wiggins另外三個太弱

hiro122101/26 01:59嘴綠要防守跟組織不能換,唯一解決辦法就是換掉Oubre

hiro122101/26 02:00才能解放Curry,但要補上誰好像也沒特別好的選擇

hank721801/26 07:40或許是Lee

ihx0001/26 09:46今天阿魯先發,先換Wiseman看看吧

hank721801/26 09:46

hank721801/26 09:46今天可能魯尼先發

hank721801/26 09:46XD

hank721801/26 09:47

KThompson01/26 09:58終於受不了了嗎XD

smik01/26 09:58要改測智將帶二陣吧

hank721801/26 10:00智將預計在第一節中上場,EP一樣第二節開局

hank721801/26 10:01比較像把智將跟Oubre錯開

taiwanrules01/26 10:07看來這場有想贏

taiwanrules01/26 10:12DLO這場不上 看來灰狼也想贏XD

EQUP01/26 10:21終於調整先發了...

kaede071101/26 11:37看起來完全就是用Curry當誘餌在練其他人 只是效果不

kaede071101/26 11:37好而已