[情報] 01/09 the daily horoscope
Did you make any New Year's resolutions for this year, Gemini? Hopefully you did, and hopefully these are things that will improve your life and make you happier. And if that's the case, then get started on manifesting what you have promised yourself. It is easy to let these little vows slip away as the days and then the weeks go on. But you have the potential for great change this year, and those resolutions are a really good place to start. So, start today!
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT 留言評論
首PoIt is just the ninth day of January in a brand-new year. Do you know what that means, Gemini? That means you still have 357 days left to make 2024 a fabulou s year - 357 new beginnings to do everything you want to do. If you start now, just think of all that you can accomplish! Will you? Will you actually get ou t there and pursue your goals and make your dreams come true? If you have any
[情報] 02/01 the daily horoscopeThis is a great day to feed your enthusiasm for a new idea. You have lots of p ositive energy, and your creativity is sizzling, Gemini. If you get started no w, you will be more likely to follow through on some idea you have toyed with for a long time. The moment is right for a new beginning, and the energy surro unding you now is positive and affluent. Whatever you start is likely to succe5
[情報] 05/05 the daily horoscopeConcentrating on an important priority today will be essential to getting it d one. You know how easily distracted you are, Gemini, but that won't serve as a n excuse. You need to accomplish your obligation so that you can then focus on other things that are important to you, but until then - difficult as it may be for you - you must keep your eye on the prize. If you take small breaks - g2
[情報] 12/25 the daily horoscopeYou would love to just relax and be able to enjoy yourself today, Gemini, and you can. The way to do that is to concentrate on the good things in your life and the promise of what is to come in a hopeful way. Do not fixate on problems , worries, conflicts, and so on. There is no obligation to do that. You owe yo urself a day of joy and peace with thoughts of fresh new beginnings. The more1
[情報] 05/29 the daily horoscopeIf you were to build a house for yourself, it would take a lot of time, money, and hard work. But once that house was built, you would have a comfortable ha ven where you could relax and enjoy your life. Something you are working on no w may not be as defined as a house. You are working to improve your life in so me way, Gemini, and there is no specific end date of when this will be complet1
[情報] 12/28 the daily horoscopeYou are on the precipice of a new year and therefore a fresh start. In these l ast couple of days of 2022, it would be nice if you could clear up any old bus iness and take care of any undone chores. Not only will this leave you with a fresh slate for your new beginning, but it will also lift away the burdens tha t are now weighing you down. If you have any time in your schedule, dear Gemin