[情報] 12/29 the daily horoscope
If only... you could finish that sentence in any way you like, dear Gemini. You may be playing that game in your mind now. You would be happy, successful, cheerful, or whatever - if only something very specific had happened or were to happen. You are basing your happiness on one thing rather than recognizing that happiness can be yours at any moment if you choose it. Don't rely on a specific magical thing unfolding for you to be happy. You don't have to give up on what you want, but you can't make your happiness contingent on it.
你會快樂、成功、歡樂的、或是其他什麼的 —
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT 留言評論
首PoYou may hear two very different versions of the same event or experience from two very different people. As a Gemini, you can probably understand this diver sity of opinion, but it may still be difficult to ascertain the pure truth fro m what you learn. Gather the information that you can, for it will be importan t to understand all sides of it, but form your own opinion from your own exper1
首PoWhen someone encourages you to be a "child at heart," that does not mean you s hould be immature or irresponsible. It means that you should open up your hear t and your mind to a childlike sense of wonder so that you can use your creati vity without limitations. You are in a situation now, Gemini, where a childlik e approach will be very fitting, if not ideal. Don't let preconceived fears or
[情報] 08/12 the daily horoscopeSome people struggle to figure out why they are not happy. Maybe there is some element of their life that is dragging them down, such as a relationship or a job that does not fulfill them. For others, they might be sabotaging their ow n efforts to be happy. And sometimes, it's really simple - they don't feel the y deserve to be happy, but they don't realize happiness comesfrom within. And2
[情報] 10/24 the daily horoscopeHappy thoughts not only make you feel happier in the moment, but they also ush er happiness into your life. Anger chases away good things, good people, good possibilities, and most of all, good feelings within you. Today, Gemini, if yo u are inclined to think negative thoughts or to worry about something not work ing out, try to force yourself to think positive, hopeful thoughts instead. It2
[情報] 01/11 the daily horoscopeUnexpected obstacles may have suddenly popped up in a venture you have already begun. This is not what you expected, dear Gemini, and now you may be having second thoughts about it. You may also be blaming yourself for not foreseeing certain things. But if you still want what you wanted when you started, then y ou can keep going. You can rely on your inner strength, your charm, your intel2
[情報] 03/20 the daily horoscopeIf you want something you don't have, and that unattainable "something" is the only thing you think can make you happy - then you will remain unhappy unless you get it. But if you are happy with what you have at the moment, Gemini, yo u will be constantly happy. This may ring true for you right now. You need to take stock of all of the blessings in your life, celebrate them, and choose to2
[情報] 05/10 the daily horoscopeHave you been putting off your own happiness? You need to consider that you ma y be doing this, Gemini, although not intentionally. If you have been waiting for something to fall into place, something to go right, or some magical thing to happen before you can feel as joyful as you want to be, you need to be rem inded that you can be happy now, no matter what problems or aggravations you m1
[情報] 11/10/2020 Daily HoroscopeAs you enter into a new chapter of your life, you may be contemplating whether your luck will improve once you do. You may feel like a dark cloud has been hovering over you recently and following you around as you tried one thing after another to make your life better. But luck is not some random thing, in this case, dear Moonchild. If you want this next chapter1
[情報] 06/21 the daily horoscopeIf you were to look down at the sidewalk while taking a walk outside, you migh t notice any cracks or holes to avoid tripping. But at the same time, if there were something to the side or in the distance that you should be aware of, yo u might miss it for looking down. Sometimes, Gemini, when we think we are prot ecting ourselves by looking out for one specific thing we fear might happen, w1
[情報] 01/14 the daily horoscopeHappiness is a powerful energy. It can make you see the world in a whole new, brighter light. It can even make you shine, giving you a happy glow that shows in your face and body. It is important today to make choices that point you t oward happiness and to surround yourself with people and environments that bri ng you comfort and contentment. You do have the power to do this in your hands1
[情報] 08/21 the daily horoscopeYour concerns about a financial situation may be valid, dear Gemini, but it is not the end of the world. Whether you have made a financial mistake, or you a re in need of money you don't have, or you have spent too much on something, o r any other financial predicament is dragging you down, you need to recognize that money is not something you should be ruled by, nor should it be a source- If you are basing your happiness on acquiring something, then your happiness i s dependent on getting whatever it is that you want. This is true whether it's something tangible, like a certain home, or something intangible, like a spec ific relationship. If you do that, then you are dependent on it to bring you j oy. But if you are happy with what you already have, then you will always be h