[情報] 10/14 the daily horoscope
The "fight or flight" response is a reaction to a situation that's perceived as dangerous; it leads a person to either stay and fight or to flee. It's an emotional, non-logical reaction that's meant to keep you safe from harm - to beprepared to deal with it, even if it means running away. But sometimes it is based on the wrong perception. You may be experiencing a fear response to something you find emotionally challenging, such as the deepening of a relationship. You may want to get away from it, but it might actually be something that could be good for you. Before you run, or before you "fight," Gemini, figure out why you feel that way.
它是情緒的、非邏輯的反應,那意味著保持你安全遠離傷害 —
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
首PoNo matter how old you are, Gemini, you may be grasping the idea that it is too late for something you hoped for. It may seem that you have gone past the poi nt of ever having the life you idealized and envisioned. But no matter what yo u have done or been through, it is not too late. If you are feeling as though you screwed something up, then learn the lesson and move past it. That's a mai3
首PoThere can be a wide span between deprivation and self-indulgence. You may be v acillating between the two extremes now in some area of your life, Gemini. You are trying to get something right, and it may seem like an impossible balance . But that may simply be because you are trying too hard. You are probably see king perfection when all that you really have to do is your best. Be less hard1
首PoIf the elaborate wrapping on a gift is far more beautiful or desirable than th e gift itself, the one opening the gift recipient might end up disappointed. T he way too elaborate wrapping may build wrong expectations! And a wonderful gi ft can easily be wrapped in simple newspaper, which may not look like much but would certainly thrill the gift recipient once unwrapped. You may be looking
[情報] 10/19 the daily horoscopeThere is good energy surrounding you now, Gemini, and if you can't feel it, yo u aren't paying enough attention. If you are focused on something that's wrong , on a fear or a worry, or on some boring and dreary task you have to complete , then pull yourself up and out of the doldrums and tap into the positive - it is there for the taking. Once you do, you will begin to notice opportunities2
[情報] 05/10 the daily horoscopeYour opinion of a person or a situation may be skewed, Gemini. Even though you are smart, rational, and shrewd too, you may have a completely wrong impressi on of someone or something that is newer in your life. But your perception may be off-kilter a bit because you are reminded of some other negative person or situation from your past. You may not even realize it, and therefore you may1
[情報] 06/26 the daily horoscopeYou may be keeping a fear of yours a secret, and it is holding you back. You m ay think that if you reveal what you fear, others would see you as silly or we ak, so you just turn down great chances that come to you claiming a lack of ti me or interest. You are missing out though, Gemini, and you have two options f or changing this. You can either admit what you fear and find encouragement fr1
[情報] 12/13 the daily horoscopeToday, Gemini, you may have to adapt to someone else's way of doing something in an important project or endeavor. You probably know a much better way, and you may feel inclined to say so. But you could find yourself dealing with some one who is intimidated by change or left shaky by unfamiliarity. If that's the case, you may be better off adapting to their way of doing things. You should1
[情報] 02/23 the daily horoscopeLately, Gemini, you may be questioning and second-guessing everything you do. It's as if you don't trust yourself to do things right. But you are an intelli gent and insightful individual, and there is no reason to be so hard on yourse lf. We all make mistakes, but that should not be the first thing that occurs t o you. Start trusting yourself to do what you are so capable of. If something1
[情報] 04/03 the daily horoscopeDoubt can be a good thing or a bad thing. It's good when it stirs up concerns that something is wrong and can be made better. But it can be a very damaging thing when it's coming from your own insecurity and lack of confidence in your self - freezing you up. The question for you now, dear Gemini, is which kind o f doubt are you experiencing as you think about an endeavor that you are about1
[情報] 05/27 the daily horoscopeA very challenging situation in your life is beginning to wind down, Gemini. Y ou may not believe this, because this has gone on for so long you may have tho ught you would just have to live with it. It may have even got you believing t hat you were destined for conflict in your life, and to have to fight tooth an d nail for every good thing that you get. But a surprisingly easy transition i1
[情報] 07/27 the daily horoscopeA challenging situation that you are handling right now may be even more chall enging than it has to be. That could be because of a difficult personality tha t you must also deal with. But allowing that person to control what you do or how you do it is up to you exclusively, Gemini. You may feel obligated in some way to answer to this individual, or to at least hear them out, but the ultim1
[情報] 06/22 the daily horoscopeToday , Gemini, you have to figure out why you are going along with someone on something you don't truly feel good about. Could it be because you want to pl ease that person? Or maybe you want to remain likable or agreeable in that per son's eyes? There might even be a chance that you think you are making the cho ice that is best for you. But until you know for sure, you can't go in any dir- You have been trying hard to adapt to a new situation. You may be doing this, dear Gemini, either because you feel it will be good for you or because you be lieve it will be good for someone you care about. Yet, despite your best effor ts, you may not feel that you are adapting. It is still a struggle. It still j ust doesn't feel right to you. Maybe that's because it isn't right for you! Ta