[情報] 06/13 the daily horoscope
There are apps available that can translate one language into another so thatpeople who don't speak the same language can communicate. Although it probably helps quite a bit, machine translation is far from perfect, and there are certain things that don't have precisely the same meaning that they do in another language. Sometimes you have to know someone really well to understand what they are trying to express to you - even when you speak the same language. If you are experiencing a communication gap now, persevere. Learning more about someone can help bridge that gap.
有時候你必須知道瞭解某個人在試圖表達什麼 -
首PoRepeating an affirmation over and over is a good start for manifesting somethi ng you want. But there is much more to it than that, dear Gemini. You may not understand why a certain dream of yours has not yet materialized, despite your strong belief that it can. You may be going through the motions to make it ha ppen, but do you really believe that it will? Or is there a sense of desperati1
首PoYou may be thinking that there is no reason on earth why you should apply for an opportunity that is available to you. Perhaps you are telling yourself that there is someone else being considered for this chance, and they are far more qualified, talented, and intriguing, or you can fill in the blank yourself, d ear Gemini. Don't sell yourself short. If you feel drawn to an offer or a chan1
首PoSomeone may soon make a spectacular presentation to you, dear Gemini, in an ef fort to get you involved in something or to invest in something. It might seem quite fantastic, and you may be very intrigued. Beware, however, because it c ould turn out to be mostly smoke and mirrors with very little of a stable foun dation. You are enough of a dreamer to want to buy into this, but you are also
Re: [寶寶] 錯失小孩的雙語良機我們住在美國 爸爸在小孩出生前完全不會中文 小孩三歲四個月 中文英文都不比同齡單語小孩差 但目前強勢語言是中文 :P 從小孩出生前 我就把選嬰兒床嬰兒車安全座椅這種雜事交給爸爸 專心致志研究雙語家庭教育 想來分享一下我們家的經驗和網路上其他很多神奇家庭的經驗8
[問卦] 為什麼中國人那麼強調方言概念漢語系裡面有很多語言 例如官話 閩南語 粵語 吳語等等 這些語言之間的差異已經大到可以形成不同language了 但是中國人卻堅持這些不是獨立的language只是漢語的方言 硬是把language降級成dialect層次5
[問卦] 外勞的語言能力是不是最頂的我阿公的印尼外籍看護 剛來的時候 跟她溝通 都靠比手畫腳跟谷哥翻譯 這次聖誕禮物 我送她一台翻譯機 結果她說用不到了 現在台語跟中文講的不錯 雖然口音還是很重 但至少基本生活都可以了 連我阿公有點老人癡呆 講的話都聽得懂 有時候我真的聽不懂我阿公到底在說啥 也才來一個月耶 中文不是最難學的語言之一嗎5
[情報] 7/7 Dialy HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 7 2021 Someone you are dealing with now in creating an arrangement or making a contract may seem to be speaking a foreign language. But if you don't understand the lingo, Capricorn, it is important that you are upfront about it. If you go along pretending in an effort to appear invincible, you will be3
[心得] 《語言本能》為什麼語言是本能?部落格好讀版: 書名:語言本能:人類語言進化的奧秘 (簡體版) 原文書名: The Language Instinct: How the mind creats language 作者: 史蒂芬.平克, Steven Pinker2
[問題] 尋Language Corner請問嘉義有任何類似Language Corner能偶爾練練英文口語的地方 亦或是如語言交換的地方 回來嘉義生活久了沒講英文 久久講一次覺得變生疏了 謝謝各位!1
[情報] 10/02 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期五 10月 2 Gemini horoscope for 星期五 10月 2 Someone has dropped the ball in an ongoing ordeal. You were reliant on that ba ll being set in a certain place, so to speak, and now there is a gap that you don't know how to fill. But you don't necessarily have to fill that gap with s1
[情報] 2023/03/26 Daily Horoscope巨蟹座3月26日星座運勢 如果有人用你不懂的語言跟你講話,你必須找一些方法來表達你無法理解。 但是事實上他們試圖與你溝通已經是一個好的跡象 - 代表他們願意與你交流。 有人在你的人生中無法理解你,但這並不是因為他們沒有嘗試,月之子。 今天如果有人似乎無法與你建立聯繫而讓你感到沮喪或生氣,請謹記這一點。- You need to concentrate on good communication today, Leo. And mostly, you need to think about how you communicate and how you express yourself. You have to be willing to be open and to speak your own truth, honestly, fully, and direct ly. If you don't, what you have to say will not be said or understood. It's im portant for you to be understood, so this is a chance worth taking. Open up, a