[情報] 12/16 the daily horoscope
Sharing something special that you have created is a proud thing - not just for whatever material things it may bring into your life, but also because it means you have done something that no one else before you had done. You are unique, Gemini, and the universe that created you envelops you with love. If you could start to see yourself as loved in this way - simply by virtue of your extraordinary existence - you will start to see your value in the eyes of others. With an upcoming proposal and a certain goal or dream you are trying to promote, seeing yourself this way will be essential to convincing others that yourdream is real. You can if you try.
分享某件你創造特別的事物是一件驕傲的事情 - 不僅是帶給你物質生活上的影響,
如果你可以開始視你自己是被愛的這種方式 - 僅僅由於你非凡的存在 -
首PoHas some event or challenge in your life turned out better than you thought it would? If so, Gemini, you need to try to see this as a milestone. The way thi s can be an important moment for you is this: You need to recognize that thing s turned out better than you thought, give yourself credit for persevering, an d write this down in your memory as a moment when everything turned out all ri2
首PoIf you have to engage in a tense conversation at some point today, Gemini, mak e sure you lighten up before you enter the room. Tell yourself a joke. Think a bout a funny moment. Recognize that this doesn't have to be all that serious. If you embody that kind of attitude, then when you do enter the room, you will do so in a happier, warmer, and more approachable way. And that can make all1
首PoThere may be people surrounding you today who have a legitimate need for your time and attention. You want to do what you can, but you may wonder how you ca n do it all. Try dividing your time equally between those who need you, and ta ckle whatever problems you can in the time you have allotted. But there is one important thing you should not forget, dear Gemini - be sure to dedicate some
[情報] 02/20 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期四 2月 20 Gemini horoscope for 星期四 2月 20 You may have decided long ago that a certain pursuit simply was not possible - or maybe someone else decided that for you. Now that idea may be ingrained in your brain, and you may not even consider that it is actually possible. When3
[情報] 06/19 the daily horoscopeIf you could wish for one special blessing, Gemini, what would it be? You prob ably already have something in mind. It may be something you have thought abou t for a while but have been hesitant to reach for. Now, imagine you posed this question to someone who loves you - what special blessing would they wish for you? These things might be different, and that is definitely something you ne3
[情報] 11/09 the daily horoscopeAre you dreaming your own dream or someone else's dream? Is the fantasy you co vet one that is meaningful to you personally, Gemini, or is it something that you think - deep down - would impress someone else? If it is the former, then go for it with all of your heart. But if it is the latter, then you need to pa use and think a bit. Why do you want to impress someone else in favor of your3
[情報] 11/26 the daily horoscopeThere are certain big dreams and goals that you would like to accomplish "one day." And of course, Gemini, that one day always exists in the future. But lif e moves rapidly, and pretty soon there are so many days gone that could have b een used to further your goals and your dreams. There is one particular thing you wish to accomplish that you have been thinking about a lot lately. What ar2
[情報] 07/23 the daily horoscopeYou may be seeing a certain person as a nemesis, but that person really is com pletely harmless. You may think they are after the same thing as you are, dear Gemini, so you may be thinking of them as your competition. But you are compe ting only against yourself really and what's more, you are the only one standi ng in your way. Besides, your way of thinking is self-destructive and probably1
[情報] 04/06 the daily horoscopeA current pursuit of yours may be starting to feel a bit like a "wild goose ch ase," or a futile effort. What once seemed so promising might now seem just fo olish - but don't be so sure about that just yet, Gemini. You have come this f ar, and you have already invested yourself, at least to some degree. It can't hurt to keep trying for a little while longer. It is likely that you will soon1
[情報] 04/30 the daily horoscopeThings may not be going your way in an endeavor you have put a lot into, Gemin i. And even though this has seemed like an uphill battle all the way, that doe s not mean that it will always be that way. Perseverance is one of the biggest components of success, and if you keep trying, you may eventually get what yo u want. At this point, that may feel like a hard thing to do, but it is one of1
[情報] 05/11 the daily horoscopeAllow someone's youthful spirit to inspire you today, Gemini. You have come to look at a certain situation in your life from an old, outdated, or tired poin t of view. You have come to see something as impossible. But if you can glean inspiration from someone who sees the world through a child's eyes - whether t hat person is actually a child or not - you can age in reverse a little bit yo- Gemini horoscope for 星期日 2月 2 Gemini horoscope for 星期日 2月 2 Do yourself a favor today, Gemini, and listen to the ticking of a clock. Notic e that with each second, a moment is gone, and whatever you could have done wi th it is no longer possible. This is not meant to be grim; on the contrary, it
- Your emotions are leading you to a big decision, Gemini, but you really need t o follow your logic. Even though you are probably aware of this, you don't kno w how to do anything differently. You may feel as though you are tip-toeing th rough an emotional minefield, and if you start getting logical about it you wi ll cause explosions in your personal life. But remember that it is your person