[情報] 11/09 the daily horoscope
Are you dreaming your own dream or someone else's dream? Is the fantasy you covet one that is meaningful to you personally, Gemini, or is it something thatyou think - deep down - would impress someone else? If it is the former, thengo for it with all of your heart. But if it is the latter, then you need to pause and think a bit. Why do you want to impress someone else in favor of yourown passions? If you can figure that out, you can overcome it and move on to what really moves you personally.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT 留言評論
首PoIf someone regularly reads science fiction novels, they must suspend their sen se of disbelief. They must choose to believe that the fantasy world they are e ntering can be true, or the book wouldn't be enjoyable. But there is something to be said for suspending your disbelief in other areas of life at certain ti mes. For example, if you have a wild idea that no one believes in but you, Gem2
首PoIt may feel as though there is a lot of friction surrounding you right now. Yo u can feel the crazy energy, and it may be causing you to feel nervous, which may lead to fears of something going wrong. But that wild energy you are feeli ng - it is something good. It's the universe stirring things up so that someth ing can be put into place. There are changes that have to happen, and when a p2
首PoSomeone keeps digging at you with remarks that they know will bug you. Maybe t hey are showing jealousy of you in a passive/aggressive way. It is clear that they are instigating, Gemini, and hoping to irritate you or entice you into an argument. They are finding ways to ignite your good temperament. But you do n ot have to bite, even though it's tempting. If you did, you would give that ag
[情報] 01/27 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 27 2022 你最近可能花了很多時間和精力在糾正別人的錯誤, 這可能來自於你錯誤的信念, 即別人的錯誤或過錯要由你負責, 但其實不是。3
[情報] 12/09 the daily horoscopeIs your confidence lagging a bit, Gemini? Are you starting to wonder if you ca n pull off something you promised you would do? If so, it might be because you made a big show of being capable and responsible, and now you have to live up to it. But for you, that won't be a problem. You really are capable and respo nsible, and you really can do what you promised you would do. The only thing s2
[情報] 11/24 the daily horoscopeLife is too short not to... You go ahead and fill in the blank, Gemini. To be happy? To believe in yourself? To reach for your dreams? Whatever way you choo se to end that sentence, Gemini, is the right way. If you have been thinking a lot about something you want to do but have kept putting it off, you should s eize the moment as soon as you can. Life is short, relatively speaking, and it1
[情報] 05/26 the daily horoscopeYou may be on the verge of doing something for someone, perhaps out of a sense of obligation. Although you are usually very realistic about such things, Gem ini, and you may feel that there is no harm in bowing to pressure to do someth ing that is ultimately a good thing, if you don't truly feel it, then it might be noticed. And, if it is noticed, it might be resented if your heart isn't i1
[情報] 12/02 the daily horoscopeThe advice that you seem to be hearing now may not be the advice you were hopi ng to hear. You were wishing for something more impressive or exciting, but it is turning out to be pretty simple and possibly somewhat disappointing. But i f taking this advice can help you solve a problem, Gemini, then you need to li sten. Your goal is to resolve a problem, and even if the resolution isn't the