[情報] 12/02 the daily horoscope
Someone may be trying to persuade you away from a decision that you made in full confidence. But even though you began this feeling good about it, now thatsense of having no support may be eating away at your faith in your decision.Don't allow that to happen, Gemini. Go back and retrace the emotional steps that led you to where you wound up. Try to remember that you came to your decision through a logical process, and perhaps because you felt it in your gut that it was the right thing to do. Remind yourself of that and restore your senseof confidence.
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Ps1. 我12/11-13 要考地方政府特考,
感謝DailyJet 大大的幫忙,感謝您。
首PoYou are a very capable multi-tasker. You are extremely productive, and you can work very quickly. In fact, you are one of the best, Gemini. But when somethi ng is extra-important to you, you do work up a weird sense of nervousness. And because your own energy is already so intense, that added kick can make it se em like things are going haywire and out of control. The only way to handle th1
首PoThe advice that you seem to be hearing now may not be the advice you were hopi ng to hear. You were wishing for something more impressive or exciting, but it is turning out to be pretty simple and possibly somewhat disappointing. But i f taking this advice can help you solve a problem, Gemini, then you need to li sten. Your goal is to resolve a problem, and even if the resolution isn't the1
首PoIf you only had one challenge or problem to deal with today, dear Gemini, it w ouldn't be so bad. But it may seem as though you are overflowing with challeng es and problems, and you don't even know where to begin. But this is no differ ent from having only one thing to address. You first prioritize what there is to do, and then you do it! That may sound simple, and it truly is. What's the
01/01 the daily horoscopeTrust may be lacking in one of your more important relationships. It wasn't al ways that way. In fact, this may be a pretty recent development, but it has le ft you feeling a bit shaky. Not only are you feeling that maybe you can no lon ger count on someone you once counted on, but you might also be afraid that yo ur own judgment isn't all that great. Neither may be true, dear Gemini. Give t1
[情報] 05/26 the daily horoscopeYou may be on the verge of doing something for someone, perhaps out of a sense of obligation. Although you are usually very realistic about such things, Gem ini, and you may feel that there is no harm in bowing to pressure to do someth ing that is ultimately a good thing, if you don't truly feel it, then it might be noticed. And, if it is noticed, it might be resented if your heart isn't i1
[情報] 10/27 the daily horoscopeYou may be questioning a recent decision even though you felt certain of it at the time. So how can you get back that initial feeling of resolve and assuran ce that everything was going to be fine with the choice you made? You can stop dwelling on fearful thoughts of things not working out. You can stop question ing yourself. You can go back and do your best to recall the way you felt when1
[情報] 11/03 the daily horoscopeThe people around you may be urging you to speak up about something, Gemini. B ut you may not feel that the moment is right. Don't be pressured into saying s omething you either are not ready to say, or that you think might be unwise. S ince it is your voice that needs to be heard, it should be you who decides whe n and where, and if you want to say it at all. Not everyone can understand you1
[情報] 11/07 the daily horoscopeYou may be in the process of making a decision that you see as more than just financial. Yet you may be experiencing a conflict because someone else believe s it should be purely financial. You would prefer to blend in empathy and comp assion before coming to a decision, dear Gemini. Maybe you are being criticize d for that. The most honorable decisions are often subject to criticism, but i