Re: [新聞] 禁「LGBTQ與狗」、平胸必修國防課 台大經

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 禁「LGBTQ與狗」、平胸必修國防課 台大經作者
時間推噓10 推:11 噓:1 →:8

1. 非應屆生禁止進入系學會
2. LGBTQ 與狗不得在會中辦打傳說對決
3. 移除監視器、減少會辦抽菸取締次數
4. 原住民、僑生、體育生入學名額減少
5. A罩杯以下女生國防必修2學分
6. ㄐㄐ10公分以下要上家政課
7. 大四畢業母胎單身進行結紮手術
8. 和牛列為海底撈必點項目,未點者勒令退學
9. 女生微積分強制穿高中制服上課
10. 住宿者大二第一志願選城中
11. 迎新宿營男女混住
12. 欠錢不還超過一個月剁手指
13. 三一者強制退學
14. 加設刷卡權限,BMI 20以上禁止搭乘電梯
15. 舞會處男禁止報名,處女強制參加
16. 禁止系上同學與職業軍人交往

1. Non-graduating students are prohibited from joining departmental
2. LGBTQ individuals and dogs are not allowed to organize Legends of the
Storm tournaments within the association.
3. Remove surveillance cameras and reduce the number of smoking crackdowns
during meetings.
4. Reduce the admission quota for indigenous students, overseas Chinese
students, and student athletes.
5. Female students with cup sizes below A must take 2 credits of mandatory
national defense classes.
6. Students below 10 centimeters in height must take home economics classes.
7. Graduating seniors must undergo sterilization surgery if they remain
8. Kobe beef is designated as a must-order item at Hai Di Lao. Failure to
order will result in expulsion.
9. Female students are required to wear high school uniforms during calculus
10.Sophomore students living on campus must select city-central as their first choice for housing.
11.Orientation camps will have mixed-gender accommodations.
12.Failure to repay debts within one month will result in finger amputation.
13.Offenders of plagiarism will be expelled.
14.Implement card access controls; individuals with a BMI over 20 are
prohibited from using elevators.
15.Virgin males are prohibited from signing up for dances, while virgin
females are required to participate.
16.Students within the department are prohibited from engaging in
relationships with professional military personnel.

應該是 半開玩笑 半真希望這樣做


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MM1956 05/21 11:00看完..第一項OK..其他全是不OK

purue 05/21 11:01這感覺就在惡搞 然後被台灣人圍剿 塑造成

KangSuat 05/21 11:015 這種女人穿防彈背心才不會壓扁麵包啊

purue 05/21 11:01跟對岸脫口秀事件一樣

LYS5566 05/21 11:01不是啊 有投票權的認同就投他阿 其他沒投

LYS5566 05/21 11:02票權的無權置喙吧 少用道德制高點壓人

LYS5566 05/21 11:02因為不甘你的事

LikeaG6 05/21 11:10你是不是不懂冒犯的藝術?是不是玻璃心??

ruffryders 05/21 11:11超讚

cassetoi 05/21 11:12這種程度還敢怪人家CCR

newstyle 05/21 11:16明顯反串的政客,他當選會做相反的事吧

YRanger 05/21 11:22樓上 這樣就不能 Keep Promise

je789520 05/21 11:36要修家政課了

hiphopmei 05/21 11:39只有3有問題而已

vicdaniel 05/21 11:50不是什麼事情都可以同意好嗎?公民課

mokke 05/21 12:13整篇就明顯反串啊

mokke 05/21 12:1416條看完還覺得他不是反串的 我只能說..

DOOT 05/21 13:53Kuso 失敗當反串 好喔~

seal998 05/21 15:17第七點,這兩個要去結扎了,哈哈

sunluna 05/21 18:24結扎系會有補助嗎?