Re: [新聞] tsmc 台積電鳳凰城工廠爆炸一人受傷送醫

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] tsmc 台積電鳳凰城工廠爆炸一人受傷送醫作者
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※ 引述《sacidoO》之銘言:
: 2.記者署名:
: By: staff
: Posted at 3:26 PM, May 15, 2024
: 3.完整新聞標題:
: LIVE: One injured after reports of explosion at TSMC factory in north Phoenix: 4.完整新聞內文:
: PHOENIX — At least one person has been injured after reports of an explosion at the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.
: On Wednesday afternoon, firefighters with the Phoenix, Glendale and Daisy Mountain fire departments responded to the business site near 43rd Avenue and Dove Valley Road in north Phoenix.
: 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)
: 6.備註:
: 不知道發生什麼事情 當地同事轉發的
: 好像台灣新聞沒在報
: ※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞(以天為單位),被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者水桶,請?
: ※ 備註請勿張貼三日內新聞(包含連結、標題等)
: -----
: Sent from JPTT on my iPhone


"Not surprised where on the street is there Safety. is a joke at that place.""不意外,那邊哪有安全可言。 (安全) 在那邊是個笑話" --> 可能暗諷沒有安全這個詞

"I worked there & always felt like something was bound to happen no matter
the “safety” course we had to take. To much was going on I was at a point
of telling my boss I feel unsafe there. Not to mention the radiation/chemicals,deadly hazards fuel & gas lines"

"Yeah i worked there a couple years they work you long hours because the
Taiwanese certain areas of the work finished and they don’t care about peoplebeing tired. These activities are mainly caused because of people being tiredand not doing things properly."

"Not surprised. Anyone who works there knows how dangerous and unsafe it is"


1. 等著看之後台積電如果安全檢查沒過,會被罰多少

2. 謝謝你們討厭台灣,側翼們,還不趕快過去出征,啊,側翼英文可能不夠好噗


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linfon00 05/16 08:59工地施工爆炸...跟台積電本身怎麼樣好

linfon00 05/16 09:00像不相關吧..工廠都還沒蓋好

fcuspy 05/16 09:00中國的會爆炸

vowpool 05/16 09:01台灣人的做法美國人做不來啦

vowpool 05/16 09:01一定一堆潛規則 自己當基層自己要顧好

A80211ab 05/16 09:01推文說是台灣監工逼人過勞的結果

Yep 會出這種事台灣方或台積電怎麼可能完全沒責任

※ 編輯: zed9104 ( 美國), 05/16/2024 09:04:06

zephyr105 05/16 09:03輻射?

features 05/16 09:10側翼不會出國遠征啦

sa511394 05/16 09:12台積沒責任我輸你= =

andy810306 05/16 09:13讚啦 希望把這廢物公司罰到倒閉

kausan 05/16 09:13重要嗎?

myyalga 05/16 09:14往上噴

GGINDOWBOW 05/16 09:15美帝找到方法可以讓台積獲利降低降低

GGINDOWBOW 05/16 09:15競爭力了 牙膏親兒子大利多 光打過勞

GGINDOWBOW 05/16 09:15和危險這點 後續說不定還要吃員工團體

GGINDOWBOW 05/16 09:15訴訟 台積危險

linfon00 05/16 09:22一下說美國工會很強大 美國工人很懶散

linfon00 05/16 09:22沒在管你台灣血汗...現在出事又變台灣

linfon00 05/16 09:22監工逼人過勞?難道是台灣帶過去的工人

linfon00 05/16 09:22

tenderwind 05/16 10:35完了又有一堆公安訓練要來了