[問卦] 多益1000鄉民們,這個英文作文難嗎
1. History has proved time and again that war can cause terrible disasters.
2. Avoiding conflicts and ensuring world peace should be the goal pursued by all human beings.
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哥 國考 英文 猜c 就考上了
很難 我沒在用 emoji的阿 :(
☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
again and again?
這個翻譯是對啦 不過就中文腦
[爆卦] 烏克蘭外交部長推特Putin has just launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Peaceful Ukrainian c ities are under strikes. This is a war of aggression. Ukraine will defend itse lf and will win. The world can and must stop Putin. The time to act is now. 懶人翻譯78
[外絮] Lowe找不到一個喜歡Gobert交易到灰狼的人Fadeaway world Kirk Goldsberry ESPN 分析師 Zach Lowe ESPN資深編輯 雙方對話76
[閒聊] Julian Wright 發文了Having been overseas almost 10 years, it is clear based on first-hand experien ce, fellow colleagues, and people I’ve spoken to about other industries, that a slavery system still exists. Although order and a hierarchical structure is necessary, ethical business should still be the goal as humans are interactin g with each other.14
[問卦] 開羅宣言的Pescadores是哪裡?It is their purpose that Japan shall be stripped of all the islands in the Pacific which she has seized or occupied since the beginning of the first World War in 1914, and that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and The Pescadores,7
[問題] 一直練翻譯是否有助於作文能力快速增長又有英文讀法的問題想問大家,還請多指教ㄌqq 英文底子不太好,最近寫作文給三四個不同老師批閱都是10-12分而已……尤其很多中式英文問題。 有看過一個說法是不停練翻譯可以改掉這個毛病,因為寫作文就是不停地在翻譯(?)可是我用這個方法練了一段時間似乎還是沒有什麼改善(′;ω;‵) 老師說的最好的方法不外乎是大量、長期讀英文小說,但迫於時間實在沒辦法這麼做……於是這幾天買了《劍橋活用英語文法》想踏實一點地把這個缺口補起來。 (+另外自己也有整理佳句來背6
[分享] 國營英文超常考-現在完成式現在完成式完整教學(含翻譯練習、選擇題練習) 和大家分享~ 是國營考試英文科的超級重點 也是英文裡超級常用的動詞時態之一 (考古題) 108經濟部聯招5
[情報] 12/19 Daily HoroscopeA short-term plan you have could bring you a big and exciting result. And even more interesting, Leo, is the fact that you can realize a dream rather quickl y and easily. Take some time today to work out a strategy for getting somethin g you want - perhaps a goal that has eluded you in the past. A down-to-earth a pproach that is backed up by research and consultation with someone who is in-
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