[問卦] 台灣尻洗名人堂應該怎麼排名??
1. LBJ
2. 陳揮文
3. 陳檸觀
4. 臣拾糞
5. 馬玉文
6. 臣癡漢
※ PTT 留言評論
[外絮] LBJ:歷史得分排行榜第二但我不是得分手LBJ:歷史得分排行榜第二但我不是得分手 LeBron James is without a doubt a legend for the game of basketball. He is widel y viewed as the best small forward ever, and he has won multiple championships a nd MVP awards. Even in year 19, LeBron James has been phenomenal. Currently, he is putting up 29.8 PPG, 8.2 RPG, and 6.2 APG.爆
[外絮] 球評:LBJ將以比MJ更多的得分及比魔術強球評:LBJ將以比MJ更多的得分及比魔術強森更多的助攻結束生涯,但GOAT仍是MJ LeBron James managed to cross Karl Malone for 2nd in the all-time scoring list e arlier this week, yet another impressive achievement for the King. He is now onl y behind Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as the NBA's all-time leading scorer in the regular season and has shown no signs of slowing down despite being past the expected p56
[情報] LBJ 生涯助攻數超越大O 排名升至史上第7位消息來源: Congrats to @KingJames on passing Hall of Famer Oscar Robertson for the 7th-most assists in NBA history. #NBAAllStar LeBron James 今天繳出35分9籃板7助攻62
[情報] Klay Thompson生涯三分超越LBJ 排史上第7消息來源: Iconic from beyond the arc. Klay Thompson moves past LeBron James for 7th on the NBA's all-time threes list.56
[花邊] LBJ 生涯三分進球數超越VC 升至史上第七Congrats to @KingJames of the @Lakers for moving to 7th on the all-time 3-pointers made list! LeBron James 今天繳出17分7籃板9助攻,包含投進三記三分球 也讓他的生涯三分進球數正式超越 Vince Carter54
[情報] LeBron James 生涯三分進球數超越JR Smith消息來源: Congrats to @KingJames of the @Lakers for moving up to 13th on the all-time THREES MADE list! LeBron James 今天比賽進帳21分7籃板7助攻,幫助湖人隊成功擊敗塞爾提克隊37
[情報] Chris Paul 生涯抄截數升至史上第五位消息來源: Congrats to @CP3 of the @Suns for moving up to 5th on the all-time STEALS list! Chris Paul 再度創下個人里程碑 生涯累計抄截次數在今天正式超越名人堂球星 Maurice Cheeks38
[情報] James Harden 生涯助攻數升至史上第16名消息來源: Congrats to @JHarden13 of the @LAClippers for moving to 16th all-time in assists! James Harden 今天上場43分鐘,繳出16分4籃板13助攻的雙十數據35
[情報] LeBron James 生涯三分進球超越 Nowitzki消息來源: Congrats to @KingJames of the @Lakers for moving up to 12th on the all-time THREES MADE list! #KiaTipOff21 LeBron James 今天在新球季開幕戰繳出34分11籃板5助攻的好表現15
[情報] James Harden 生涯助攻數升至史上第15名消息來源: Congrats to @JHarden13 of the @LAClippers for moving to 15th all-time in assists! James Harden 今天繳出19分8籃板5助攻
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