[問卦] 「你很積極」的英文怎麼講?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「你很積極」的英文怎麼講?作者
時間推噓33 推:36 噓:3 →:17


就 You 嘛,也有人簡寫成 U



※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

zephyr105 09/04 19:58U GG

kuma525566 09/04 19:58You hen GG

Ron51320 09/04 19:58UHGG

obov5116 09/04 19:58You are gg

PIECE0939 09/04 19:58U r GG

King5566 09/04 19:58you are gg

derrick1220 09/04 19:59You’re a Gay

dayend 09/04 19:59有外文版 英文版可以讓你問^^

LawLawDer 09/04 19:59U go to jail

tw77769 09/04 19:59URvery怕社鐵夫

tsukasa107 09/04 19:59U so GG

mmmmmmmmmmmm 09/04 19:59U very chicken

derrick1220 09/04 19:59KP is Great

liugs963 09/04 20:00YOU KP

derrick1220 09/04 20:00DPP Kiss My Ass

jackycheny 09/04 20:00憨鳥:DPP is God

pallmall8888 09/04 20:00Fk me

hipab 09/04 20:00you're so gg

Metaverse 09/04 20:00aggresive 為什麼理工男英文都這麼差

Metaverse 09/04 20:00

GLUESTICK 09/04 20:01You gay

askaiverson 09/04 20:01proactive

OrangePest 09/04 20:02U r dick

foreverofat 09/04 20:03You are tsmc

molopo 09/04 20:05go die

MarcPolo 09/04 20:05You are GG

casco5566 09/04 20:06Positive

shun1008 09/04 20:06Cheater wants u in

zzff92 09/04 20:06You are gigi. 你是梁詠琪

thomaspig 09/04 20:08GG

imsaint 09/04 20:09sekkyoku

hsuanYue 09/04 20:10li Han gg

operation 09/04 20:11U GG

ilovettb 09/04 20:11YOU VERY GG

PChone 09/04 20:13you have no gg

loveponpon 09/04 20:13 U good good

noah23 09/04 20:15positive

doluir 09/04 20:17Aggressive

zenan321 09/04 20:17You are so GG

zenan321 09/04 20:18我看日本人比較愛用positive

mastoid 09/04 20:20y not dpp

km612tw 09/04 20:22You are already dead

zakijudelo 09/04 20:27you are GG

f99999993 09/04 20:29You are雞雞

lemondrink 09/04 20:39you're not DPPer

Kaspersky 09/04 20:41Aggressive用在這是指人很激進的意思

holybless 09/04 20:50jizz in your pant

macauboy 09/04 20:58U GG GG

buslover 09/04 21:03U r so GG CC

pp3435 09/04 21:31you are very romantic.

a0921387223 09/04 21:49Jizz in my pants

littlelaba 09/05 00:24Proactive

e04tony 09/05 00:59認真回 proactive

LightWorker 09/05 12:06You are aggressive.

northwater 09/05 12:50u hav an aggressive dick

Stupidog5566 09/05 16:01you cock