[問卦] 莫須有的英文怎麼說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 莫須有的英文怎麼說?作者
時間推噓28 推:28 噓:0 →:21








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k385476916 12/26 11:52Mo she yo

pe0853706 12/26 11:52kp

dangercat5 12/26 11:52臣Facebook

preisner 12/26 11:52orange

noah23 12/26 11:52Mo Shu Yo

NDark 12/26 11:52it must be

KillQB 12/26 11:53COSTCO

alotofjeff 12/26 11:53bullshit

gulugulupp 12/26 11:53motherfucker DPP

hardway 12/26 11:53excel

breacal 12/26 11:53i love you

SDuncan 12/26 11:54excel 1500

garyway 12/26 11:54Upbay tanwu

wheat1130 12/26 11:54not must have

menShow 12/26 11:55ikea

skuderic 12/26 12:01excel (伊say無

linkinchez 12/26 12:02DDPed

spartaucs896 12/26 12:03undpper

paladin499 12/26 12:06Excel

BaGaJohn5566 12/26 12:06Ko wen cheh commit a crime

killme323 12/26 12:06dppExcel

hsu0612 12/26 12:11dpp's law

zscst 12/26 12:15Excel 信達雅兼具

mutwilly 12/26 12:18excel

mobyshin 12/26 12:19Lai cheater eats shit

fallinlove15 12/26 12:22excel

saes0001 12/26 12:25dpp can you can't

Enzofulgura 12/26 12:26KP

lskqre456 12/26 12:27DPP is The justices

Marky 12/26 12:29DPP say

MJdavid 12/26 12:30Excel 還押韻

doph 12/26 12:30認真回 more Excel

icefish 12/26 12:32Excel

akiottm 12/26 12:32Moss burger

Cwren 12/26 12:35英文1500

auxiliary11 12/26 12:37有打高端疫苗的真正台派一定可以

your0207 12/26 12:38N/A

sjr500 12/26 12:45innocent比較接近

turndrunk 12/26 12:46Excel啊

blueweak 12/26 12:47KP sucks

nostar 12/26 12:48我投 more excel 一票

cphe 12/26 12:49DPP said you’re guilty

as2s2ss2s 12/26 12:53Excel money

LightWorker 12/26 12:55groundless prosecution

a112268 12/26 13:06ikea

isefer 12/26 13:07more excel 好像真的不錯XD

neglect 12/26 13:29You need no evidence more than excel

UCCU9487 12/26 13:48me2

bestrace 12/26 14:39柯文哲