[問卦] 「你們就繼續墮落吧」的英文怎麼說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「你們就繼續墮落吧」的英文怎麼說?作者
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※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

ZakkWylde 06/02 10:54真香

npc776 06/02 10:54ikea

cooldogy1973 06/02 10:559萬

PanaS0Nic 06/02 10:55阿湯哥:show me the money

Brioni 06/02 10:55DPPlization

cychine 06/02 10:55costco

fedona 06/02 10:55join DPP

zz71 06/02 10:55Keep Promise

vicious666 06/02 10:5590000

brad84622 06/02 10:56go fuck yourself

uohZemllac 06/02 10:56this is an apple

chouvincent 06/02 10:569萬 真香

ArSaBuLu 06/02 10:56881

SilentBob 06/02 10:56show me your hole

KSHLO 06/02 10:57拿了九萬還不是真香

AustinRivers 06/02 10:57show me your money

hallow 06/02 10:57Taiwan can help

KSHLO 06/02 10:57覺青就是這樣 自己上位也是當肥貓也是不管

KSHLO 06/02 10:58甚麼程序正義阿 當秘書長這幾年有幹甚麼

KSHLO 06/02 10:58大事嗎?

FrankCastle 06/02 10:59give me more money

zxcv820421 06/02 11:009萬

vowpool 06/02 11:00you guys, give me 90000

js52666 06/02 11:01Dpper

jidytri815 06/02 11:01我想~問題不在這邊啦

amare1015 06/02 11:01咩修幹某

Solti 06/02 11:01whatever

jidytri815 06/02 11:01(流放他!)

flicker36 06/02 11:01you keep download

kcclasaki 06/02 11:02I love DPP

Remix00 06/02 11:02I'm a joke

gvcdvd0937 06/02 11:03Ninety thousand

JAR 06/02 11:039萬真香

smmrivfp 06/02 11:04over my dead body

GKKR 06/02 11:0490000

kimura0701 06/02 11:04Let me in

Sonia1022 06/02 11:04give me the money and I will shu

Sonia1022 06/02 11:05t up

wolve 06/02 11:05tasty

mikiworldpea 06/02 11:06You DPP forever

garcia 06/02 11:06Hail DPP

lee988325 06/02 11:06show me the money

erilinda 06/02 11:06U loser

linlaosure 06/02 11:06You guys just do the right thing,do

linlaosure 06/02 11:06 thing right

ttlun 06/02 11:07dpp

coeXist 06/02 11:07I love DPP.

Nonegrame 06/02 11:07Show Me The Money

coeXist 06/02 11:07This is the party I support.

ccjj8 06/02 11:07tastes good

enjoyyou 06/02 11:07keep your eyes closed

deerdriver 06/02 11:08I love DPP

nina0577 06/02 11:08Keep walking

gay7788 06/02 11:09Join DPP

sping0907 06/02 11:10you better keep falling

hcwang1126 06/02 11:11Go DPP

tudo0430 06/02 11:11

Valevale 06/02 11:12my fee is way too good.

original10 06/02 11:12go fuck yourself

iWatch5566 06/02 11:13This is a pen

as8116536 06/02 11:13Show Me The Money

staristic 06/02 11:14I want to join you

sliver5525 06/02 11:1590.000 plz

bah 06/02 11:16bye bye i got 9w

BaRanKa 06/02 11:16you guts DPP fuck off

kamisanma 06/02 11:17我要發了

giggleboy 06/02 11:1890000/month OK

Neverfor 06/02 11:18Dpp give me 90k

mikechang829 06/02 11:18$90,000 so goooooooooood

gabimilktea 06/02 11:19MDFK

loveadu 06/02 11:20繼續性騷?

buddyricky 06/02 11:2190k/month

c7683fh6 06/02 11:22I love 90k salary

a3312393 06/02 11:22dpp

lulocke 06/02 11:22give me 90,000 per month see see

woei8904 06/02 11:22You all going down!

palkuangdau 06/02 11:22You guys just go to hell. Unless

fir191938 06/02 11:2390k NTD$ smell good

palkuangdau 06/02 11:23show me the money!

karasuxx 06/02 11:23go fuck yourself

g9xuggf 06/02 11:23dpp , 817 , 90000 ,

douge 06/02 11:23may you rot in the hell

aweincku 06/02 11:24give me 90k.I will shut up.

ptychodera 06/02 11:24I wanna join you

lulocke 06/02 11:24slap my face with 90,000

hiaries 06/02 11:269w/month

sheepfeather 06/02 11:27give me money

moy5566 06/02 11:28u keep doro

cookie115 06/02 11:28奈踢搔森

ppon 06/02 11:29I have a lot of money, you poor guy.

GenjiEd 06/02 11:309W

cat5672 06/02 11:31conceded to the will of the Party

kairiyu 06/02 11:31lin fay fain

wjonz0102 06/02 11:31真香

PTHMAN 06/02 11:31DPPerlize

bcza245682 06/02 11:339萬狗勾 出賣尊嚴的噁心垃圾

colenken 06/02 11:33九萬真香

sanxiao 06/02 11:36You bitch guys keep no 90K

molsmopuim 06/02 11:37dpp, show me the money.

f435470 06/02 11:3790000 is good !

BingLing 06/02 11:38Give me money

bigyusi 06/02 11:38我最喜歡slap my face with 90,000

philip81501 06/02 11:40墮落=蔡

Evoque 06/02 11:42Show me the mooooooneeeeyyy

lovelock110 06/02 11:4290000

asgardgogo 06/02 11:43smell good

tengfan 06/02 11:49女生在TMDKMT要好保護自己避免申訴無門

xfaw4d35t 06/02 11:51greed is good

Mrchungken 06/02 11:52I love DPP

star1023 06/02 11:52DDP so good

tsai529 06/02 11:52just keep dpping

Sapporo5566 06/02 11:53Robin_hood

smile1670 06/02 11:55join DPP

askimore 06/02 11:55I have 90000

dream0131 06/02 11:56翻譯:給我9萬,我可以出賣靈魂

deann 06/02 11:57I need money

tim32142000 06/02 11:57Money, please.

JIANer 06/02 11:589W

bigyusi 06/02 11:58笑死 女生在dpp只會被壓性騷案9個月吃案

bigyusi 06/02 11:58 真的最保障女權 一定要加入dpp

physicsbest 06/02 11:58I want to join you

meryl0601 06/02 11:5990K DPP so GOOD

lauxc 06/02 12:01smells good

allahuakbar 06/02 12:02is it good to drink?

gunfighter 06/02 12:02DPP so good

k078787878 06/02 12:03Join us

taszemian 06/02 12:03dpp

GW1014 06/02 12:04DPP

i73073 06/02 12:06九萬

kissung 06/02 12:06Now I am dpper / for 9w one month

kakalayeah 06/02 12:0690000 I do!

yumemi01 06/02 12:07JoWan ZhenShan

u88558 06/02 12:07哈哈

bingreen 06/02 12:10dpp is shit

riddler 06/02 12:12蔡老菸嬌喘:輝哥棒棒

eeccms 06/02 12:16Fuck me fuck me

AirO0264400 06/02 12:189W jeng shang

fathot 06/02 12:20DPPer

XseraphimX 06/02 12:20真香

WeiMinChen 06/02 12:20I got money.

yoyo900906 06/02 12:22Dpper

Cersei 06/02 12:22Let me fall

carter8866 06/02 12:2390000

dong80 06/02 12:23after 2024,it's not my business

hrak49 06/02 12:249 song

pttenjk 06/02 12:24green is good(x) greed is good(o)

cosmos506 06/02 12:2590 thousands, plz

cosmos506 06/02 12:26忘記加dollars

lliuooia 06/02 12:309萬真香

aasssdddd 06/02 12:32Walk! Dont run!

DRAGON0324 06/02 12:39how do you turn this on

pantakill 06/02 12:4490K per month smells good

Cactusman 06/02 12:46領九萬然後到底做了什麼沒人知道

play714 06/02 12:48"Continue to degenerate, then."

Onionsoda 06/02 12:49DPP is my father

Ahhhhaaaa 06/02 12:57i like 90k

gg0815 06/02 12:58一代米扛幾樓

kyle5241 06/02 13:05keep voting dpp

maverik 06/02 13:07Money smells good

sparta40 06/02 13:08ninety thousands

coldeath 06/02 13:11nine one

wrbdnombd 06/02 13:15still go fuck yourself

hung0925 06/02 13:27I love DPP

milkteafood 06/02 13:37Give me 90 thousands

chulen 06/02 13:38DPP is daddy

ko363630 06/02 13:55Don't look up!!

eric61446 06/02 14:06九萬

moth543 06/02 14:11U jump I jump

Lomax 06/02 14:24英文要看讀稿機才會說

wsp151515 06/02 14:36you keep go down

dusty20695 06/02 14:40

dusty20695 06/02 14:4190k n i'll suck your dick

horace0323 06/02 14:42NINTY THOUSAND HAS BEEN PAID.

yd7148 06/02 14:42Lin joe wannnn?!

melao 06/02 14:46ee

ks22523 06/02 14:509W

lavender1227 06/02 14:579萬

lmf626 06/02 15:039萬

nfsps 06/02 15:25i will follow you

mv8250 06/02 15:45真香

LSDsochill 06/02 16:21give me more mony, i will suck your

LSDsochill 06/02 16:21 dick

Lu515b 06/02 16:299萬

lineage1126 06/02 17:19只有自己吃虧才在喊正義,拿到權力

imtlow 06/02 17:19give me 90k

lineage1126 06/02 17:19後只剩利益

erock 06/02 17:33他當時可能心想 嘿嘿 之後就換我了

ganzhe1219 06/02 20:26DDP

ganzhe1219 06/02 20:27Support n believe in DPP

UOG7 06/02 21:44Give me money quickly!

JBLs 06/02 22:36Join DPP

s60017 06/03 01:13

moon1221 06/03 01:32why don't you ask chatGPT