[問卦] 低調~台灣這則新聞有在國外傳很廣嗎?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 低調~台灣這則新聞有在國外傳很廣嗎?作者
(植物佛 第1代 開山怪)
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在找馬來西亞某個tiktok的新聞時 竟然發現一篇2006的超中古舊聞?

2006 年 2 月 5 日
Shaman and wife charged in yin-yang incest shocker

奇怪的事情當地神秘主義者強迫年幼的兒子與母親發生性關係以改善他的身體狀況,因此面臨最高 10 年的監禁
A local mystic faces up to 10 years in prison after forcing his young son to
have sex with his mother to help improve his physical condition

A shaman and his wife have been indicted after the shaman forced his son to
have sex with his wife, local media reported yesterday.

中文報紙《蘋果日報》稱,起訴書稱,這名巫師名叫陳,46 歲,去年 11 月強迫他的妻子和 17 歲的兒子在嘉義縣普祖市的家中發生性關係。
The shaman, identified as Chen, 46, forced his wife and 17-year-old son to
have sex at their home in Putzu City, Chiayi County, last November, accordingto the indictment, said the Chinese-language newspaper, the Apple Daily.

警方指控陳告訴兒子他很虛弱,並說要變得堅強,他必須與母親發生性關係以平衡陰陽。Police charge that Chen told his son that he was weak and said that to becomestrong, he had to have sex with his mother to balance his yin and yang.

Chen's wife was a willing participant in the incest, according to officials.
Chen's son refused, but complied after being beaten by his father.

The incest traumatized Chen's son. He skipped classes, slit his wrists and
sometimes shouted that he had seen ghosts.

A probe by school authorities led to the exposure of the incest and the
arrest of the student's father and mother.

父母雙方可能因虐待兒子和亂倫而面臨最高 10 年徒刑。
Both parents could face a maximum 10-year sentence for abusing their son and

In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang refer to opposing but complementary
forces that exist in all things, with yin associated with the feminine and
yang, the masculine. According to some beliefs, to maintain good health, men
and women should have regular sex to keep yin and yang balanced.

啃~ 我懷疑日本有些作品? 抄襲台灣版權?


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