[問卦] 急!台灣的「人情味」英文該怎麼翻譯

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 急!台灣的「人情味」英文該怎麼翻譯作者
時間推噓53 推:59 噓:6 →:22


違停一下 警察很有人情味都不會開單




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s820912gmail04/10 14:05tw anal creampie

countrysong04/10 14:05friendly

nikewang04/10 14:06Easy

moai51304/10 14:07ikea

abadjoke04/10 14:07Easy

aeterno04/10 14:07tolerant

starfishfish04/10 14:08Easily

born102304/10 14:08伊幾

pisser04/10 14:08taiwanrse girls

moai51304/10 14:09May show gun more

FrankCastle04/10 14:09EZ

jimmy88504/10 14:09friendly,如果單指台女是easy

flicker3604/10 14:11poor

dannpptt04/10 14:12people flavor

z2wen04/10 14:12dpp your friend

Besorgen04/10 14:14easygoing, for men to touch, feel and taste

Daface04/10 14:15how do you turn this on

mintale486704/10 14:15Arbitrary

marktak04/10 14:15Tainaner

f1769081504/10 14:15countryside

mynewid04/10 14:15pussy easy

chses91037204/10 14:16Dpp value

k2957115904/10 14:16台男就是 geeky

marktak04/10 14:16kindness拉幹

dororo104/10 14:1688

woulin04/10 14:17nice

s923403204/10 14:18humane

fly020404/10 14:18hypocrite

lanx10504/10 14:18DDP

alex0008904/10 14:19People flavor

shadowdio04/10 14:20MSG

EarlyInMay04/10 14:20warm

bar100504/10 14:20維大力

zukidelko04/10 14:21Taiwan can help

JUSTMYSUN04/10 14:22human smell

koushimei04/10 14:23ce

koushimei04/10 14:23ccr

mk552004/10 14:24TPHY

evan66604/10 14:24hospitality

tupacshkur04/10 14:24hospitality

Daniel071204/10 14:24温かい

eterbless04/10 14:27easy

PLGaara04/10 14:28human taste

AlHorford1504/10 14:28Creampie

lkkgotyy04/10 14:28問英文

i785104/10 14:31naive,諷刺的說

noname7853104/10 14:34easy

seal99804/10 14:36bullshit

kevin820304/10 14:36Kindness

plutox04/10 14:42dick smell

gn0169366404/10 14:44mean

bfsh04/10 14:49caring?

tim3214200004/10 14:51the most beautiful view

linceass04/10 14:52Kaohsiung

keieykdx04/10 14:52warm

blackkeys04/10 14:55green

selvester04/10 14:58竟然要到39樓…

pleasewait04/10 15:00tai nan is 自卑

KJC100404/10 15:07hospitality 不過你舉的例子應該翻成piece of shit

appleball20004/10 15:11加班no money

peterpeterpe04/10 15:11Compassionate

access300004/10 15:18human emotion flavor

adiharu04/10 15:31mind others business

superob04/10 15:32EZ

andy05509704/10 15:33EZ

aurorahuangh04/10 15:37hospitality

VICTORYVIPER04/10 15:39May show gun more

kitten12304/10 15:55warm 暖

noname91230104/10 16:20I hear you

rickphyman4204/10 16:26People emotion flavor

jeffrey092904/10 16:32Too boring

gusser04/10 16:35die here

genheit04/10 16:43hospitality 或 Costco

waynelaio04/10 16:48warm

CIDgreen04/10 16:59Cu Li Zn

pubao04/10 16:59Sperm

jokc783904/10 17:00Without law

access300004/10 17:14Eat to much and no work

atticsalt04/10 17:38vote ddp

maxmedia04/10 18:04easy

jfriendtw04/10 18:10dpp love your money

diablohinet04/10 18:25EASY

insidelonely04/10 18:44Taiwan can help

ptychodera04/10 19:14Selfish

sirius519004/10 20:09soft

susy88kent04/10 23:12bureaucracy

dodoro104/11 01:10ez