Re: [爆卦] AZ BNT moderna都是做完三期才緊急授權!

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這是美國FDA針對COVID-19疫苗, 緊急使用授權(EUA)的取得標準說明

What safety and effectiveness data are required to be submitted
to FDA for an EUA request for a vaccine intended to prevent COVID-19?

COVID-19 vaccines are undergoing a rigorous development process
that includes tens of thousands of study participants to generate
the needed non-clinical, clinical, and manufacturing data. FDA
will undertake a comprehensive evaluation of this information
submitted by a vaccine manufacturer.

For an EUA to be issued for a vaccine, for which there is adequate
manufacturing information to ensure quality and consistency, FDA
must determine that the known and potential benefits outweigh the
known and potential risks of the vaccine. An EUA request for a
COVID-19 vaccine can be submitted to FDA based on a final analysis
of a phase 3 clinical efficacy trial or an interim analysis of
such trial, i.e., an analysis performed before the planned end of
the trial once the data have met the pre-specified success criteria
for the study’s primary efficacy endpoint.

From a safety perspective, FDA expects an EUA submission will include
all safety data accumulated from phase 1 and 2 studies conducted with
the vaccine, with an expectation that phase 3 data will include a
median follow-up of at least 2-months (meaning that at least half of
vaccine recipients in phase 3 clinical trials have at least 2 months
of follow-up) after completion of the full vaccination regimen. In
addition, FDA expects that an EUA request will include a phase 3
safety database of well over 3,000 vaccine recipients, representing
a high proportion of participants enrolled in the phase 3 study, who
have been followed for serious adverse events and adverse events of
special interest for at least one month after completion of the full
vaccination regimen.

Part of FDA’s evaluation of an EUA request for a COVID-19 vaccine
includes evaluation of the chemistry, manufacturing, and controls
information for the vaccine. Sufficient data should be submitted to
ensure the quality and consistency of the vaccine product. FDA will
use all available tools and information, including records reviews,
site visits, and previous compliance history, to assess compliance
with current good manufacturing practices.

簡單說, FDA只有在疫苗已知及潛在益處大於疫苗已知及潛在風險的情況下才會
授與疫苗EUA, 而授予的標準:

在有效性方面, 必須在三期療效分析的期中或最終報告, 達到預先設定的主要療

安全性的部分, 必須完成一二期的所有安全性數據, 以及三期最少兩個月的追蹤




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zergaiur 05/29 22:14很好奇幹嘛不直接買現成

locdan 05/29 22:15相信黨

zergaiur 05/29 22:15美國是第二個中招的,那時候很急情有可原

zergaiur 05/29 22:15現在都有現成了,直接買現成回來不是更好

Tiphareth 05/29 22:16簡單來說就是有通過有條件的三期

不是, 現在所有疫苗都還沒完成三期 只是FDA訂了緊急授權使用(EUA)的標準, 完成標準就可以用EUA上市 完成三期之後才會有正式的藥證 目前FDA的標準就是最少在三期有效性分析期中解盲達到成功指標 並在三期作完最少兩個月的安全性追蹤

amilkamilk 05/29 22:16@zergaiur $$$,佈局好國產了

Orianna 05/29 22:16吐了 再等2個月 台灣還要死多少人

s860134 05/29 22:16啊就 愛台灣阿 國產萬萬歲

※ 編輯: IBIZA ( 臺灣), 05/29/2021 22:18:55

s860134 05/29 22:17你不支持國慘 你阿共?

biorgan 05/29 22:17這個政府跟側翼是看不到的

Tiphareth 05/29 22:17反正二期完成就給人施打是錯的

pandp 05/29 22:17所以一堆混蛋狂吹二期通過上市,沒良心

jeteess 05/29 22:17高端不拉高,要怎麼倒給散戶割韭菜?

kinomon 05/29 22:17推 所以至少要再等三期試驗的兩個月

Homeparty 05/29 22:17三期最少兩個月的追蹤

aftermathx 05/29 22:17面對RNA病毒長期來看自主生產疫苗當然

suntex01 05/29 22:18其實有一點大家都沒提到的是OWS是二三

suntex01 05/29 22:18期幾乎是同步做。

wayne62 05/29 22:18#1WiaX4lS 輝瑞是合併第2與第3期試驗

cpz 05/29 22:18現在算快6月,再2個月,也要9月惹,人都死多

cpz 05/29 22:18少了

aftermathx 05/29 22:19是更好 但遠水救不了近火 DPP最近真的

aftermathx 05/29 22:19胡搞蝦搞

duriamon 05/29 22:19輝瑞早就做完臨床三期啦!還把結果發表

duriamon 05/29 22:20在NEJM,綠共再繼續懶教比雞腿啊?

duriamon 05/29 22:20

duriamon 05/29 22:21人家輝瑞做了快四萬多人,國產二期疫苗

duriamon 05/29 22:21洗洗睡吧!

GiiWaWa 05/29 22:21還有那時候川普給FDA的政治施壓

PPPGGG 05/29 22:23= =如果再延兩個月........10月瞜?

duriamon 05/29 22:24輝瑞臨床三期剛做完,以色列馬上要求要

duriamon 05/29 22:24打,現在已經打了快380萬人了好嗎?綠共

duriamon 05/29 22:24真的是笑死!

icou 05/29 22:25對啊 白紙黑字說得清清楚楚了 范先生?

icou 05/29 22:26對於5/12還在「招募二期試驗者」的高端,要

Galm 05/29 22:26繼續造謠啊 礙台蟑

icou 05/29 22:26符合FDA標準的話要到幾月? 我都不敢算了XD

tina1007 05/29 22:27輝瑞早就做完三期了吧

wcheng19 05/29 22:29重點國際有藥,為什麼台灣可以緊急授權

duriamon 05/29 22:29

xhung 05/29 22:30有現成可買 台灣硬要賭二期實驗品...

duriamon 05/29 22:30去年法12月底的NEJM,綠共再繼續唬爛啊

duriamon 05/29 22:30?認吱作戰?

s214742 05/29 22:30當初你川不就是吃了fda的閉門羹 才沒辦法

s214742 05/29 22:30讓全美打 然後輸了

rcak801 05/29 22:31不只你 前面一堆人講過了 但沒用

rcak801 05/29 22:31反正他們會繼續造謠

doremi7079 05/29 22:31高調推

ABA0525 05/29 22:34我們連2期都沒完成,才1.5期就要硬幹

allenhome23 05/29 22:35三期才能拿藥證只做二期是拿黨證嗎

tsao1211 05/29 22:36當時沒藥緊急授權有道理,現在有藥是緊

tsao1211 05/29 22:36急在那?

Tass 05/29 22:39沒有人會理你這篇的

mf505 05/29 22:40又是一個都沒說謊的局面,確實其他疫苗沒完

mf505 05/29 22:40成三期,但並不是跳過三期。

william7713 05/29 22:41台灣也沒有要跳過啊 只是要全民公測

william7713 05/29 22:41我OK 你先測? 我才不想打只有二期的

duriamon 05/29 22:42全民公廁就是跳過啦!懶叫比雞腿?呵呵

duriamon 05/29 22:42

cosmite 05/29 22:44二期都沒完成就想硬幹?

billybbb 05/29 22:48綠色不會看啦

ksjr 05/29 22:49去年歐美都是三期期中之後才開打

gekkou 05/29 22:54別擔心。很多綠粉搶著打 你想打國產還不一

gekkou 05/29 22:54定打的到

vic210 05/29 22:59

rjjq0305 05/29 23:01幫高調

littlelinsyu 05/29 23:03三期進入之後、達標再2個月觀察

littlelinsyu 05/29 23:03至少也是12月才有得打

Tuhao5566 05/29 23:04推 所以再怎麼樣要兩個月後

kumalan0 05/29 23:05所以說衛福部的國產疫苗佈局安全把關就

kumalan0 05/29 23:05是笑死人!

nakayamayyt 05/29 23:06輝瑞做完二期就開打 現在總統是川普

wiseco 05/29 23:085/25有新版的 但一樣是三期全打完後2個月

kissung 05/29 23:29

strayer014 05/30 00:00推這篇 這篇才該爆

globekiller 05/30 00:01台灣就準備2000萬人做三期的意思

oberon1013 05/30 00:08

eterbless 05/30 00:09記得還要三萬人以上

ULSHAN 05/30 00:11身家都壓下去了

seel 05/30 00:33

miracle1215 05/30 00:51

joemi78 05/30 02:10想想台灣真的可憐

husky2 05/30 02:12

bigeddy 05/30 17:03

outzumin 05/31 12:14什麼垃圾期刊 IF:75 Science/Nature:42