Re: [爆卦] 衛報: 拒絕上海復星的BNT疫苗全是政治考量

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※ 引述《caeasonfb (eason)》之銘言:
: 衛報: 拒絕上海復星的BNT疫苗全是政治考量
: 《衛報》與《泰晤士報》、《每日電訊報》同為英國三個著名的高級報紙。
: ==================================================================
: 英文很爛,只翻重點
: (1)前美國國防部負責中台雙邊關係的官員湯普森說:
: 中國表示持有輝瑞BNT疫苗獨家地區代理權的上海復星醫藥願提供疫苗給台灣,卻被拒絕。
: 但因為中國疫苗在科學上及透明度都有疑慮,所以台灣若拒絕接受中國自己研發的疫苗: 非常明智也不意外。
: 可是如果復星醫藥提供的是BNT合格商品,台灣拒絕就完全只是政治考量。
: 因為輝瑞跟BNT為了巨大利益,必須確保復星的產品是同級品。
: 所以我不認為這樣的疫苗會有疑慮,也沒有拒絕的理由。
: (2)他又說: 對民進黨而言,若接受中國疫苗就像政治上的死亡之吻,
: 等同投降或承認北京的霸權。
: (3)一位在台大的外籍學者也說: 民進黨為了選舉利益,就是不願拿中國的疫苗。
: 重點原文:
: (1)China said Fosun – the Shanghai-based manufacturer with exclusive regional: production rights for Pfizer/BioNTech – had offered to supply Taiwan, but
: Taiwan had refused.
: Thompson said there were scientific and transparency concerns about China's: vaccines, which made it unsurprising and potentially sensible for Taiwan to: reject an offer of Chinese-developed vaccines.
: But if the Fosun offer is legitimate, refusing it is "entirely political".
: Pfizer and BioNTech have a huge incentive to ensure that the Fosun product is: equivalent, so I would think there is no concern,” he said
: “There's no reason not to take it.”
: (2)If Taiwan accepted Chinese vaccines it would be the political
: “kiss of death for the DPP [Taiwan's ruling party]”, Thompson said.
: (3)But Lev Nachman, a visiting scholar at the National Taiwan University, said: it still seemed “in the DPP's electoral interest not to get any China
: vaccines”


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