Re: [新聞] 路透社:贈台250M劑莫德納為回應台積要

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 路透社:贈台250M劑莫德納為回應台積要作者
時間推噓11 推:12 噓:1 →:16

原本被你騙了,仔細看這篇6/29的報導才發現內文有寫: Taiwan said two weeks ago it will allow officials from Taiwan's Foxconn and TSMC to negotiate on its behalf for COVID-19 vaccines.

翻譯是:台灣(政府)兩個禮拜前(六月中)說它允許富士康、台積電高層職員代表台灣交涉covid-19 疫苗。

怎麼經你略譯,這段報導不見了? 我厭惡當官的說謊亂搞,也討厭人為反制,無腦傳假訊息瞎搞。

※ 引述《a1237759 (歡迎搭訕..)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: 路透社
: 2.記者署名:
: Simon Cameron-Moore
: 3.完整新聞標題:
: U.S. Commerce chief says Taiwan's TSMC asked for help getting COVID vaccines: 4.完整新聞內文:
: WASHINGTON, June 29 (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on Monda: y said she had spoken with the chief executive of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufac: y said she had spoken with the chief executive of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufac: turing Co Ltd (2330.TW) (TSMC) and that he had asked for help getting access t: o COVID-19 vaccines.
: Raimondo told Reuters in an interview "he asked for help in that regard, he ha: s spoken to high level officials in the White House. We have responded and we: definitely want to be a good partner and I do think it's helping."
: Taiwan said two weeks ago it will allow officials from Taiwan's Foxconn and TS: MC to negotiate on its behalf for COVID-19 vaccines.
: Mid-June the United States shipped 2.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to Taiwa: n, more than tripling Washington's previous allocation of shots for the island.
: TSMC said in a statement to Reuters that they believed "getting vaccines for T: aiwan would help to protect the communities and ensure normal operations."
: Taiwan has been trying to speed up the arrival of the millions of vaccines it: has on order as it deals with a rise in domestic cases, although infections re: main comparatively low.
: The request from TSMC, the world's biggest manufacturer of semiconductors on c: ontract, coincides with a global chip shortage that has slowed production of m: anufacturers around the world, including in the U.S. auto industry where it is: forecast the crisis will hit the production of 3.9 million vehicles. Raimondo: has a key role in resolving the crisis for U.S. companies.
: Although there has been no major impact so far on chip production in Taiwan si: nce domestic cases began rising in the middle of May, some U.S. auto executive: s have told Reuters privately earlier this month they were concerned COVID-19: in Taiwan could impact the flow of semiconductors to U.S. factories.
: 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: 6.備註:
: 內文大概寫台積電要求疫苗輸台,
: 用以保護經濟活動正常運作,
: 隻字未提台灣政府,
: 看來當初的確是用疫苗還晶片,
: 蕭美琴怎麼在國際場合斡旋疫苗、不被中共擋關,
: 一樣不出所料,是民進黨一貫收割的戲碼
: 如同此次郭台銘催貨BNT

: -----
: Sent from JPTT on my iPhone

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joumay 08/28 21:56內文明明2.5M 怎麼標題飆到100倍 有趣咧

rainkate 08/28 21:564%仔故意的

F93935 08/28 21:57白憐教意外嗎

giancarlo82 08/28 21:594%的解讀思路都不太一樣啦

dbdudsorj 08/28 22:00沒用的 這個板已經被4%控制了

alamabarry 08/28 22:001樓在搞笑嗎

ten9di9 08/28 22:01原po說莫德納你扯bnt

alamabarry 08/28 22:01真的標題亂寫QQ

suPerFlyK 08/28 22:02不重要了 讓我們繼續炒房吧

togmogo 08/28 22:03蚵憐仔看不懂英文 只要會吼叫洗版就行了

togmogo 08/28 22:04

hsiang1049 08/28 22:07250M 沐浴乳?

sec987654 08/28 22:08惡意啊

chanceiam 08/28 22:12所以民進黨當時沒下單?交給郭董台積

chanceiam 08/28 22:12處理?

ams9 08/28 22:13 那段所附新聞

ams9 08/28 22:14June 18, 2021 Taiwan to allow Foxconn's

ams9 08/28 22:14Gou, TSMC to negotiate for vaccines

ams9 08/28 22:16噓文所說的 內文有提到 "Taiwan's own deal

ams9 08/28 22:16with BioNTech fell through this year,

ams9 08/28 22:17with the government blaming it on pressur

ams9 08/28 22:17from Beijing"

newstyle 08/28 22:17因為台積電或富士康影響力大啊...

ams9 08/28 22:18"China has denied the accusation,..."

sariel0322 08/28 22:18雖然原文刪文,猜你這篇被低調

ams9 08/28 22:29原文沒刪吧 #1XAXULSg

ams9 08/28 22:31那篇推文也有人提 比這篇早約一小時 但..

sfwejfish 08/29 11:52可黏哪 另一篇討論爆這篇門可羅雀

qazwsx1225 08/29 14:05文哲做聰明 最受虐 懂屁?