[問卦] 推薦歌曲 我聽了喜歡就發紅包

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 推薦歌曲 我聽了喜歡就發紅包作者
時間推噓推:167 噓:10 →:65









除RAP外 小妹就是不喜歡現在流行的RAP


建議別選太熱門的 小妹spotify歌單有3000首歌

作者 babylon2 () 看板 LoL 標題 [問題] 請問EZ的招式 時間 Thu Nov 10 18:56:47 2011 #1EkwtnD4

howar31 :樓下,我的頭像屌嗎?11/10 19:29
cbull :像11/10 19:29


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

almanac 02/01 00:18積雨雲

cuteSquirrel 02/01 00:18Just look up

GGrunrundela 02/01 00:19something just like this

這首不錯 100P已給

kisaku1980 02/01 00:19atonement 原聲帶

ah937609 02/01 00:19蘇打綠 小情歌

GGrunrundela 02/01 00:20一生推這首 去夜店只要這首出來08

GGrunrundela 02/01 00:20絕對嗨爆☺

NaouZ 02/01 00:20Taylor Swift - Mr. Perfectly Fine

SEVENxELEVEN 02/01 00:21樓下聽什麼歌龜頭高潮

GGrunrundela 02/01 00:22樓上的叫春

inmo5566 02/01 00:23寂寞來了怎麼辦

※ 編輯: a1005100 ( 臺灣), 02/01/2022 00:24:42

ghostdx 02/01 00:24九九-假如我是你

這誰啊 聲音不錯 100p已給

OPPAISuki 02/01 00:25

Unixsan12318 02/01 00:25曾惜-講真的


GGrunrundela 02/01 00:26幹真的假的 品味真好 愛你♥

howard24 02/01 00:26everglow don't speak

Oceanpeter 02/01 00:27H 3 F - Just Sayin'

andy00719 02/01 00:27FIR 亞特蘭提斯

utdsml 02/01 00:27

CowBaoGan 02/01 00:28

Scathach 02/01 00:29五百 挪威的森林

crimson11 02/01 00:30

sai0613 02/01 00:31台語歌 憂愁 每次心情不好都聽這首,但越

vetvet 02/01 00:31welcome home son

sai0613 02/01 00:31聽心情越不好,你還是不要聽好了

※ 編輯: a1005100 ( 臺灣), 02/01/2022 00:33:09

author 02/01 00:33胡66 - 都怪我; 溫奕心 - 一路生花;

author 02/01 00:34艾辰 - 錯位時空 ; 段奧娟 - 一封詩箋

抖音仔? 一路昇花不錯 100P

airck 02/01 00:34王寶釧苦守寒窯十八年

btootv 02/01 00:35火車快飛

laladiladi 02/01 00:35每當唱這首歌的時候

zakijudelo 02/01 00:36

trance1204 02/01 00:36阿涵-感謝你曾來過

LoveInSongs 02/01 00:37 風車

※ 編輯: a1005100 ( 臺灣), 02/01/2022 00:37:49

roytiu 02/01 00:39花たん-天樂

turorach 02/01 00:39Nitpicking - IU, Dear My Friend, 姜

turorach 02/01 00:39

allan1686611 02/01 00:39the way that I love you

這個團體我只知道let her go 沒聽過這首 給100P

kbten 02/01 00:40

bobvy 02/01 00:40TxCDBuIgai8QV?si=bQIaxuwlQLa-DigTAjJ-fA&

bobvy 02/01 00:40utm_source=copy-link

喔喔對耶 竟然還有MUSE樂團我都忘了 以前很紅 supermassive black hole很有特色

howard24 02/01 00:40蕭煌奇 逆風飛翔

Imgoodjob 02/01 00:42房東的貓-雲煙成雨

ftc1214 02/01 00:43翁靖堯-face it

je789520 02/01 00:44貓叫春

ryan0222 02/01 00:44

Uranus20 02/01 00:44嘉賓

sky781125 02/01 00:44abcdefu-GAYLE

太髒了這首歌 不過好聽

bobvy 02/01 00:45

bluemale 02/01 00:46唐貓 晴天雨天

Uranus20 02/01 00:46キセキ這首也可

peter1999125 02/01 00:46Down to Earth-Justin Bieber

nice666666 02/01 00:46KIRINJI-エイリアンズ

tryit076187 02/01 00:46鄭興 feat.棉花糖-不怪他

tryit076187 02/01 00:47

ariellllllll 02/01 00:49李千娜-查某囡仔、combustible、Fem

ariellllllll 02/01 00:49me like u、Frente!-Bizarre love t

ariellllllll 02/01 00:49riangle

howard24 02/01 00:50Maroon5-Memories

no2kitten 02/01 00:50keshi summer

ryan0222 02/01 00:51

howard24 02/01 00:51Shallow

NunuMaster 02/01 00:52我就是這樣 劉力揚

AtenWang 02/01 00:53Hair tie

NunuMaster 02/01 00:54你的樣子 林志炫

hototogisu 02/01 00:54

Jiangs 02/01 00:56顏人中-遇到

d0922030 02/01 00:57sanji juunihun

Kamelie 02/01 00:58Misia - Everything

stone35281 02/01 00:58白頻率-如果你能到我的雨裡面

stone35281 02/01 00:58南瓜妮歌迷俱樂部-山坡上的薩滿

cvngoo 02/01 00:59 愛爾娃

xxx5566xxx 02/01 00:59驪歌

Bosantissue 02/01 01:01p!sco 光圈

reckson1017 02/01 01:02dancing monkey

Observation 02/01 01:02阿丹玩球球 chill Adam - 散步

howard24 02/01 01:02髭男 宿命

GtskinR 02/01 01:03YoNpLoGb7sQEe7b?si=pnz8b-kUQ2KWcLifSEV

qazqaz0506 02/01 01:03步行者 夜光信號

GtskinR 02/01 01:03_Ow

newcases 02/01 01:0310年

manaitu5566 02/01 01:03over my dead body

human92929 02/01 01:07打倒三明治-母湯

Observation 02/01 01:07凹與山 Our Shame - 理查

human92929 02/01 01:07

curl307 02/01 01:09張震嶽-抱著你

hillchen 02/01 01:10林小柯-翻篇 苡慧-病因

jazz210277 02/01 01:10Is it just me?

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:10

hillchen 02/01 01:10Adora ft.Eunha - MAKE U DANCE

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:11

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:12

a1684114 02/01 01:12

a1684114 02/01 01:12MGK的歌都推薦

SUZUKI5566 02/01 01:12IU-夜信

eyesnsd 02/01 01:13Blue Explosion - Bellbottoms

mapxu664 02/01 01:14Blue October - Hate me

kelly231 02/01 01:14

owenlo321 02/01 01:14再也沒有你

tzutzuyu 02/01 01:14vaundy

kelly231 02/01 01:15

kelly231 02/01 01:15

sHakZit75 02/01 01:18大正浪漫

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:18

se2422 02/01 01:19

trance1204 02/01 01:20阿曼的

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:22

wowwwow 02/01 01:24James Arthur - September

zx7957 02/01 01:24宇宙人 藍色的你

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:24

v20304 02/01 01:24下一站茶山劉-房東的貓

trance1204 02/01 01:24tiesto

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:26

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:28

BoiledBeef 02/01 01:30郭靜-leave

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:30

jeelninzye 02/01 01:32黃明志 你不認識我

maesww 02/01 01:33

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:34

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:35

s0920142 02/01 01:36G軟中選的不就熱門歌

MRHF 02/01 01:36

underurworld 02/01 01:37

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:37

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:40

eric205150 02/01 01:40louder than words-by Andrew Garf

eric205150 02/01 01:40ield

eric205150 02/01 01:40

eric205150 02/01 01:407fk9xZ9lQjzb6

eric205150 02/01 01:40F9ZKpmnC?si=5SdEl7PLQ1CfVdjNz44c

eric205150 02/01 01:40ew

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:41

ted8833000 02/01 01:42

p2p8ppp 02/01 01:42

tsanning 02/01 01:44

awx000 02/01 01:45“Freaks”, 聽了心情很愉快

tsanning 02/01 01:45

KuoBenson 02/01 01:46

tsanning 02/01 01:48

tsanning 02/01 01:50

tsanning 02/01 01:52

tsanning 02/01 01:56A ha的Take on me

maesww 02/01 01:57

tsanning 02/01 01:58Clean Bandit的Symphony

sugar129 02/01 02:00恆溫

Cchild 02/01 02:02

mmike5516 02/01 02:02樹上小鳥蹄

ZhouGongJin 02/01 02:04懐かしい未来 上白石萌萌

tsanning 02/01 02:05Robbie Williams 的Eternity/Free/Supr

tsanning 02/01 02:05eme/She’s the one

dopo 02/01 02:05快樂天堂

nissyyoyo 02/01 02:06millennium parade - 2992

tsanning 02/01 02:06Katy Perry的The one that got away

c8725252 02/01 02:08惡魔之子

lovejk 02/01 02:08Hyolyn&changmo-blue moon

tsanning 02/01 02:08TheScript The man who can’t bemoved

after1 02/01 02:095566-我難過

tsanning 02/01 02:09The Script 的Hall of fame

midnightrain 02/01 02:11True true

coral613 02/01 02:21好樂團x瑪啡因版本的「我們一樣可惜」

shinchong 02/01 02:21我很好騙

Ladyink 02/01 02:26“time in bottle” by yungblud

b06606005 02/01 02:27Sasha sloan 《dancing with your gho

b06606005 02/01 02:27st》

cazymm1994 02/01 02:27

b06606005 02/01 02:27《相反》

Ladyink 02/01 02:28軟軟兒那首也很好聽<3

jos6899 02/01 02:36鄭興 - 城南、台北下的雨

jos6899 02/01 02:37JADE - 玻璃屋

foryou168 02/01 02:38Infinity

foryou168 02/01 02:39

rengood 02/01 02:43張信哲 別怕我傷心

Joshchi 02/01 02:43張學友 每天多愛你一些

newyanew 02/01 02:44要愛愛

dl4ulxo 02/01 03:05Blueburn- Diane

vsoog 02/01 03:06Because I Don't Know How to Love-FTisla

vsoog 02/01 03:06nd

dl4ulxo 02/01 03:07Decajoin-大雨、KJ-wedding day

gaogao 02/01 03:16理想混蛋:滯留鋒。很適合雨天的時候聽

mike120682 02/01 03:35YOASOBI全部

c88tm 02/01 03:38Operation Blade

gotrend 02/01 03:40拋 柯泯薰

plnokm 02/01 03:47幾田りら-answer

luckydodo520 02/01 03:57傷心欲絕 下一步絕望

rqrqo 02/01 04:01情人咒

tsanning 02/01 04:16Keane Somewhere only we know

tsanning 02/01 04:19This is the last time

tsanning 02/01 04:26Coldplay trouble

jio5557647 02/01 04:28不思議

shau7276 02/01 04:39

mp5good 02/01 04:46

annalive 02/01 05:08OnlyOneOf - night flight

dabin232 02/01 05:22單依純 照片

dc01180301 02/01 06:10Trash 超級英雄的約定 終究還是因為愛

zold 02/01 06:38派對動物

ozon 02/01 07:22U

fatoes 02/01 07:35I hope that i don’t fall in love with

fatoes 02/01 07:35 you - Tom Waits

fatoes 02/01 07:39Angel eyes - The Jeff Healey band

fatoes 02/01 07:40Here without you - 3 doors down

pluto6958 02/01 07:40we dont talk about Bruno

ghosthunderd 02/01 07:50白飯啦

harry881210 02/01 08:09Tattooed Heart - Ariana Grande

ian7202133 02/01 08:35Elina-blue

tako292 02/01 08:44小安 憂愁

batista5566 02/01 08:49Jar of love - wanting

xd2005 02/01 09:19X-Japan - Endless Rain

stillstands 02/01 09:21

noname912301 02/01 09:45

QmQlll 02/01 10:07超跑情人夢

mynewid 02/01 10:15bad guy

drehen1201 02/01 10:44金包銀

zyng 02/01 10:47指尖笑-差一個字的朋友

suansuan5566 02/01 10:50Kings of Leon- The Bandit

karenyuko 02/01 10:53dirty paws 白日夢冒險王的歌

WMstudio 02/01 11:30Brian Culbertson - City Light

sicao 02/01 12:04離開我的依賴

CASPAR102241 02/01 12:29Gone-Rosé

sizuku 02/01 12:33Malyyang 珂拉琪

Kin3Flash 02/01 12:56Two Steps From Hell-Victory

fc3s4321 02/01 13:17倒退嚕

oasis404 02/01 13:19ヨルシカ-靴の花火

etudiant 02/01 13:25

etudiant 02/01 13:25

etudiant 02/01 13:25twice alcohol free和doughnuts

polaristear 02/01 15:29椅子樂團-夏日最美的三十張拍立得相

acebank 02/01 15:32〖給你看〗

innah 02/01 18:48我想和你一起

※ 編輯: a1005100 ( 臺灣), 02/01/2022 20:54:35 ※ 編輯: a1005100 ( 臺灣), 02/01/2022 20:56:18 ※ 編輯: a1005100 ( 臺灣), 02/01/2022 21:02:24 ※ 編輯: a1005100 ( 臺灣), 02/01/2022 21:23:05

greyrose7 02/01 23:16endless rain by x japan

deadramen 02/01 23:59好樂團,我把我的青春給你

deadramen 02/02 00:00美秀集團:電火王

deadramen 02/02 00:00陳昕玥,自焚

diki210472 02/02 07:34cake to bake

Forcast 02/02 08:10

Forcast 02/02 08:13

Forcast 02/02 08:18

Forcast 02/02 08:21

Forcast 02/02 08:23

Forcast 02/02 08:28

Forcast 02/02 12:20