[問卦] 英文要怎麼用英文跟龐皮歐解釋跳電?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 英文要怎麼用英文跟龐皮歐解釋跳電?作者
時間推噓48 推:50 噓:2 →:43


"What happened?"




※ PTT 留言評論
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newqazwsx 03/03 10:07笑死 塔綠班快出來洗地啊

TokiwaKurumi 03/03 10:07out of mana

krit1009 03/03 10:07

aure0914 03/03 10:07blackout

lolic 03/03 10:07you water ton

STi2011 03/03 10:07呆灣 can 齁鋪

jinnia38929 03/03 10:0788

iamstrong706 03/03 10:08英零電

edmondgkk123 03/03 10:08lack of love

moonwen 03/03 10:08BOBO

tkyourma 03/03 10:08I'm loving it lah gan

demangel 03/03 10:08I jump you jump

Jungggg 03/03 10:08Don’t turn up the light, thank u

TomFord5566 03/03 10:08it’s china’s fail :(

andel121 03/03 10:08希望他下榻的地方不會停電!

johnhmj 03/03 10:08Our love isn't enough

vowpool 03/03 10:08端出生日蛋糕給來賓一個驚喜阿

PONANZA 03/03 10:08Don't Look outside

douge 03/03 10:08Russia did it

fmp1234 03/03 10:08提烏克蘭哀悼,全台降載半天。

kasim15 03/03 10:08no love no life

smallwenwen 03/03 10:08you have no Taiwan value

machiusheng 03/03 10:08lack of fxxk

firetim 03/03 10:08總統府不會沒電,阿龐不會知道

pippen2002 03/03 10:08 抄?

Loda29 03/03 10:08Happy birthday to you. 蛋糕緩緩推出

flux 03/03 10:084%kehan shit's fault

DAEVA 03/03 10:09use love make eletric

dafeichai 03/03 10:09Don't worry , it means we need more

PHXD 03/03 10:09千萬別抬頭 嘻嘻

morgen 03/03 10:09jump dian

dafeichai 03/03 10:09 love from USA!

DASHOCK 03/03 10:09哩公蝦?

LoCKeR941010 03/03 10:09笑死

cli6012 03/03 10:09skipping pikachu

frank01 03/03 10:09Love = Electricity in Taiwan

wheat1130 03/03 10:10no love ,no electric power

annie06045 03/03 10:10他聯考英文只有40分 只會背稿不會閒聊

Strasburg 03/03 10:10Pray for 烏克蘭

b0204888100 03/03 10:10Taiwan NO.1

oldtype 03/03 10:10You’re the china people

RicFlair 03/03 10:10花秀哀度

pponywong 03/03 10:10The country is playing a big chess.

Vincent8026 03/03 10:10We are making power using love

BaRanKa 03/03 10:11法克 USA

hw1 03/03 10:11No Taiwan value

prereality 03/03 10:11謝謝你喜歡台灣

Loda29 03/03 10:11we are under attack

ayukiu 03/03 10:12笑死 用停電歡迎你來台灣

fnol 03/03 10:12瓦卡摸豆,阿利阿豆

NeoLife 03/03 10:124% sucks

Ashuya 03/03 10:15OT OT

NormalRay 03/03 10:15loveless issue

baobaoyui 03/03 10:15I am loving!

bunbunbun 03/03 10:15Help us

baobaoyui 03/03 10:16I am loving in!

bking 03/03 10:18let's jumping.....^^

linhsiuwei 03/03 10:18no power

jason770515 03/03 10:19how do you turn this on

superpaden 03/03 10:21lack of love

ab4daa 03/03 10:21Taiwan can help

※ 編輯: Holymaker ( 臺灣), 03/03/2022 10:21:46

noname912301 03/03 10:21她會講英文喔?

Rita0205 03/03 10:22笑死

perry201046 03/03 10:24where is the love??

tupacshkur 03/03 10:25Power outage

gourmand 03/03 10:25it's your illusion, there's no blacko

gourmand 03/03 10:25ut

Vassili242 03/03 10:26China bad, very bad

eeccms 03/03 10:28

kanokazurin 03/03 10:29Are you a china sider?

ada741116 03/03 10:29green power

tntbear 03/03 10:29out of electricity because we lack of

tntbear 03/03 10:29 love and TAIWAN value.

kimura0701 03/03 10:31China is doing something bad

ohya3838 03/03 10:35plz fuck me hard

s78543 03/03 10:37how do you turn this on

advk 03/03 10:38Dont look up

philyellow 03/03 10:39surprise

solidworker 03/03 10:39生日蛋糕有夠好笑

tonyycool 03/03 10:41Make love for electricity generatio

tonyycool 03/03 10:41n

smallsalix 03/03 10:42Don't look up.

JackTheRippe 03/03 10:43In 1.5 PhD!!!

JackTheRippe 03/03 10:44*I'm

kria5304 03/03 10:46eco friendly strategy

xhung 03/03 10:49it's KP's fault

zukidelko 03/03 10:51Taiwan value

gowellplayer 03/03 10:57PU要太不滿 thanks

hiaries 03/03 11:01Taiwan can help

superya 03/03 11:03饋線跳脫

gm3252 03/03 11:13喊他柵欄壞了

swordsoul 03/03 11:16taiwan value not enough

barry1027gg 03/03 13:13窩不知道

otter 03/03 15:19China is attacking

sbflight 03/03 15:26No DPP, no democracy