Re: [問卦] 我說能不能開放民間或民間企業自購口服藥

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※ 引述《hn84679402 (marsfire)》之銘言:
: 有鑑於最近疫情嚴峻
: 也看不太出來2年了 超前部署了什麼
: 那能不能開放民眾或民間企業自己買口服藥
: 最基本的生存權利都不給好意思稱民主國家?

台灣年輕人基本打過2-3針,重症或死亡機率很小,引用美國Yale,COVID-19 檢測結果呈陽性,並且患嚴重 COVID-19 的風險很高

The FDA authorized Paxlovid for people ages 12 and older who weigh at least
88 pounds. But in order to qualify for a prescription, you must also have hada positive COVID-19 test result and be at high risk for developing severe

That means you must either have certain underlying conditions (including
cancer, diabetes, obesity, or others) or be an older adult (more than 81% of
COVID-19 deaths occur in people over age 65). The more underlying medical
conditions a person has, the higher their risk for developing a severe case
of COVID-19, according to the CDC.

FDA 授權 Paxlovid 用於 12 歲及以上體重至少 88 磅的人(40公斤)。但為了有資格獲得處方,您還必須有COVID-19 檢測結果呈陽性,並且患嚴重 COVID-19 的風險很高。

這意味著您必須要么患有某些潛在疾病(包括癌症、糖尿病、肥胖症或其他疾病),要么是老年人(超過 81% 的 COVID-19 死亡發生在 65 歲以上的人群中)。根據疾病預防控制中心的說法,一個人的基礎疾病越多,他們患上嚴重的 COVID-19 病例的風險就越高。

What are the side effects from Paxlovid?
or patients with severe kidney disease—or who are on dialysis—or those with
severe liver disease, Paxlovid is not recommended


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※ 編輯: stockwiner ( 美國), 04/23/2022 12:36:52 ※ 編輯: stockwiner ( 美國), 04/23/2022 12:37:21

yesonline 04/23 12:38劑量有調整了

pippen2002 04/23 12:39謊?

iamcnc 04/26 10:47講得不錯 六都最胖 全糖古都要不要多給些

iamcnc 04/26 10:47 雖然可能也是洗腎之都 但醫生會辨別