[問卦] 要怪就怪病毒,英文該怎麼說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 要怪就怪病毒,英文該怎麼說?作者
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derrick1220 04/29 15:22Clock shut the fuck up

gay7788 04/29 15:22怪我囉

theeht 04/29 15:22GOD DAMN BINDU

rayrayok 04/29 15:22來晨晨 要怪就怪病毒的英文怎麼說

syntax123 04/29 15:22I am TPE major

milesyuwei 04/29 15:23要謝就謝天

sbflight 04/29 15:23Long Live DPP

Gief 04/29 15:23whose car

syntax123 04/29 15:23*mayor

gy206578 04/29 15:23none of my business

starsky0107 04/29 15:24Virus bad bad

Tenging 04/29 15:24我負責 千錯萬錯我沒錯

disyou 04/29 15:24It's all China's fault

b2305911 04/29 15:26yao guai Joe guai bin du

junkiewang 04/29 15:27the clock is broken

joywo 04/29 15:28DPP rules

selvester 04/29 15:28blame to the virus

hosen 04/29 15:31SOB,son of bitch

Vassili242 04/29 15:32not my business

changjc 04/29 15:33Yiau guai giu guai bing dx.

airplanes 04/29 15:34Don't blame me, blame coronavirus.

zaqimon 04/29 15:34God bless you

alex00089 04/29 15:36want strange only strange virus

rismy1213 04/29 15:37it is two oclock now

mayday24 04/29 15:37Go fuck yourself

twoboy 04/29 15:38It’s all ur fault

tim32142000 04/29 15:40英文說 自立自強

kevin86tp 04/29 15:44I just wanna be Taipei major

nixon 04/29 15:49Viruses fault

Tendo 04/29 15:50blame it on canada

DORAQMON 04/29 15:51clock is shit

AT201010 04/29 15:53妖怪咧妖怪咧妖怪妖怪妖奇奇

lakershank 04/29 15:56Monster virus

newti 04/29 15:58Blame it to the virus blame it to the fa

newti 04/29 15:58lling sky

nybac 04/29 16:10green can, virus can, you can’t

nineway 04/29 16:10Clock does not work.

daniel815021 04/29 16:11not my business

ttt010233 04/29 16:36這我知道 都是they的錯

fsih 04/29 16:45shut up ur x mouth

am163178 04/29 16:46God damn China

easonli000 04/29 16:50blame china

pipitruck 04/29 17:35John Snow you know nothing

GGinler 04/29 17:49clock fuck yourself

FreeCharm 04/29 18:03to be or not to be

awe332 04/29 18:03dpp can,you can't

tengl 04/29 18:16英文說 我聽到了 不要懷疑政府改革的決

tengl 04/29 18:16

chenu 04/29 19:08Thank you,DPP.

ruthertw 04/29 21:20fucking Wu Han virus!

p40403 05/02 00:21English can,you can't